Mothers and Daughters in the world of animals (8 photos)
This Pictures of the animal will tell you about the customs prevailing in the different families
The average temperature at the North Pole - not the most suitable to grow small, even fur, kids. Moms white-bear drags the den, where they can easily be grown offspring. Mother gives birth between November and February are almost always two cubs, vskarmlivaya their milk. By the end of feeding they get out of the den, and the mother feeds them ... well, for example meat seals.
Fur seal with cub. Grow cub on the ice, where there are predators, not easy. Mothers nurse their newborn babies 48% m milk, remaining without food for 12 days. During this time the baby pick up about 2, 5 pounds, and my mother lost weight 4.
Moms koalas, having given birth to a baby, sit on eucalyptus diet. After all, at the top of the trees to live with the baby much safer. Scarce koala born long quarter of an inch bald, blind and deaf. About 6 months is a little pathetic creature living in my mother's bag and powered milk. Growing up, a child climbs on the back of the neck and the mother, as usual, hung legs. Even at 6 months.
Meerkats live in families of about 20 animals, where "at the helm" is one pair, rozhayuschayu 2-5 pups 4 times a year in a year. Older relatives taking care of young people. So live.
The queen bee does not live like a king. Pairing with 12-15 "husbands" a day in the spring, she lays 2,000 eggs a day. And so all my life.
Orangutans rebuilding their homes from leaves and sticks every day. Usual orangutan mother changes a house about 30 000 times for life.
In the largest of land mammals and even the longest pregnancy. Already 22 months without cause naughty elephant requires strawberries the night herring and smears jam. Elephants usually give birth to one calf that feeds on mother's milk for four - six years. It would seem that such care - the key to healthy offspring. But, alas, not all elephants live to adolescence.
Emperor penguins are monogamous. The female produces one egg and leaves him in the care of her father, while she performs makes the 119-kilometer journey to the sea, as they say, hunting. After hunting prodigal mother back into the slot and let go on the hunt her partner. What a cheerful penguin life!

The average temperature at the North Pole - not the most suitable to grow small, even fur, kids. Moms white-bear drags the den, where they can easily be grown offspring. Mother gives birth between November and February are almost always two cubs, vskarmlivaya their milk. By the end of feeding they get out of the den, and the mother feeds them ... well, for example meat seals.

Fur seal with cub. Grow cub on the ice, where there are predators, not easy. Mothers nurse their newborn babies 48% m milk, remaining without food for 12 days. During this time the baby pick up about 2, 5 pounds, and my mother lost weight 4.

Moms koalas, having given birth to a baby, sit on eucalyptus diet. After all, at the top of the trees to live with the baby much safer. Scarce koala born long quarter of an inch bald, blind and deaf. About 6 months is a little pathetic creature living in my mother's bag and powered milk. Growing up, a child climbs on the back of the neck and the mother, as usual, hung legs. Even at 6 months.

Meerkats live in families of about 20 animals, where "at the helm" is one pair, rozhayuschayu 2-5 pups 4 times a year in a year. Older relatives taking care of young people. So live.

The queen bee does not live like a king. Pairing with 12-15 "husbands" a day in the spring, she lays 2,000 eggs a day. And so all my life.

Orangutans rebuilding their homes from leaves and sticks every day. Usual orangutan mother changes a house about 30 000 times for life.

In the largest of land mammals and even the longest pregnancy. Already 22 months without cause naughty elephant requires strawberries the night herring and smears jam. Elephants usually give birth to one calf that feeds on mother's milk for four - six years. It would seem that such care - the key to healthy offspring. But, alas, not all elephants live to adolescence.

Emperor penguins are monogamous. The female produces one egg and leaves him in the care of her father, while she performs makes the 119-kilometer journey to the sea, as they say, hunting. After hunting prodigal mother back into the slot and let go on the hunt her partner. What a cheerful penguin life!