As with impunity to crush the rights?
To do this, first of all need the right parents, officials said. For example the head of the electoral commission to be his daughter.
Here's this nice woman. Meet.
Shavenkova Lyudmila Ivanovna, the chairman of the Election Commission of the Irkutsk region.
Born in 1954. Education - Higher (legal). Appointed to the commission by the Governor of the Irkutsk Region on the proposal of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Experience in the electoral system: since 1995 - member of the committee voting, from 1995 to 2007 - Secretary of the Election Commission of the Irkutsk region, from 2007 to 2008 - Deputy Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Irkutsk region, in 2008 - Deputy Chairman of the Provisional Election Commission for election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region of the first convocation.
Here voditelnitsa-daughter:
Shavenkova Anna A. (pictured left), 28 years, WFP consultant apparatus faction "United Russia" the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region.
As she skated?
Recall that the December 2, 2009 Anna Shavenkova flew at high speed on the sidewalk near the selection committee BUGEP on Lenin Street, and literally smeared on the front porch of two women: 34-year-old Elena and 27-year-old Julia Pyatkova. Details of the accident recorded camera surveillance BSUEL. In a widely dispersed over the Internet video shows how Anna Shavenkova, leaving the car, did not pay any attention to the victims and began to inspect the damage carefully his car.
As a result of the accident Elena Pyatkova died in hospital. Her sister Julia Pyatkova was seriously damaged musculoskeletal system and remained disabled for life ...
Actually video:
And then the most humane court in the world began to establish vinovatyh.Snachala course tested for alcohol. Just not a nice voditelnitsy natural and affected.
It is interesting that the investigation did not puzzled with such banal procedure, a blood test driver for signs of alcohol. Although such a procedure is mandatory. Instead, the presence of alcohol have been carefully researched affected women.
Then it is logical to conclude that time she watched the incident, the culprit she be well, can not. It will be a witness. Guilty probably going to appoint a car.
The investigation of the sensational Irkutsk accident last year completed a very predictable.
His culprit, Anna Shavenkova at full speed two girls huddling in the heart of Irkutsk, was suddenly not the culprit of the incident, and his witness.
Do not hire. Rose too much noise. And all told, will not go away from the harsh retribution.
And what on earth have clung to the poor girl? She had repented.
Shavenkova also said in court that he repents and is very sympathetic to the family Pyatkova. However, family members of the victim did not believe her. They said the journalist of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", which for half a year before the trial Shavenkova not attempt to apologize to them.
And the constant nagging to her driving style.
last Shavenkova has repeatedly held liable for violation of traffic rules (including travel on the sidewalk).
While she rides a somewhat peculiar.
June 10, 2008 Shavenkova not give way, ignoring the requirements of the road sign. February 27, 2009 has exceeded the speed in residential areas, that is, very quickly went from house to house, where pedestrians are not as careful as to the roadway.
And on May 17 she again received sanction from the traffic police. Again, because the yards moved at high speed. When Shavenkova ran over two women on the sidewalk, even its fine was not paid.
Payment really amazes severity
August 17 Irkutsk Kirovsky District Court delivered its verdict in the case of an accident, in which one woman died and another became disabled. The culprit of the accident is recognized as the head of the regional electoral commission daughter Ludmila Shavenkova Anna Shavenkova. From punishing the defendant actually released - she was given three years in a penal colony with a suspended sentence until 2024, when her child turns 14 years old.
The verdict is even softer than it seems inexperienced person. From the 82 th article of the Criminal Code ("Postponement of punishment") that the convicted person has a better chance for the delay time to prove their "correction", and to abolish prison. This type of punishment is reminiscent of a suspended sentence - probation appointed only not arbitrary, and taking into account the child's age.
It was also kind of a court to close their eyes to the fact that the defendant is not a single mother - her child is the father, as well as senior babushka.Eto Bakhmina Well you do not have any. In 2006, she was sentenced to 6 and 5 years in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion. Bakhmina have at the time of sentencing had two minor children, but a stay of execution of punishment was not given to her. Only in 2009, a lawyer, had time in prison to have another child, was released on parole. Justice triumphed again in the most sovereign of all democracies.
Here's this nice woman. Meet.

Shavenkova Lyudmila Ivanovna, the chairman of the Election Commission of the Irkutsk region.
Born in 1954. Education - Higher (legal). Appointed to the commission by the Governor of the Irkutsk Region on the proposal of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation. Experience in the electoral system: since 1995 - member of the committee voting, from 1995 to 2007 - Secretary of the Election Commission of the Irkutsk region, from 2007 to 2008 - Deputy Chairman of the Electoral Commission of the Irkutsk region, in 2008 - Deputy Chairman of the Provisional Election Commission for election of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region of the first convocation.
Here voditelnitsa-daughter:

Shavenkova Anna A. (pictured left), 28 years, WFP consultant apparatus faction "United Russia" the Legislative Assembly of the Irkutsk region.
As she skated?
Recall that the December 2, 2009 Anna Shavenkova flew at high speed on the sidewalk near the selection committee BUGEP on Lenin Street, and literally smeared on the front porch of two women: 34-year-old Elena and 27-year-old Julia Pyatkova. Details of the accident recorded camera surveillance BSUEL. In a widely dispersed over the Internet video shows how Anna Shavenkova, leaving the car, did not pay any attention to the victims and began to inspect the damage carefully his car.
As a result of the accident Elena Pyatkova died in hospital. Her sister Julia Pyatkova was seriously damaged musculoskeletal system and remained disabled for life ...
Actually video:
And then the most humane court in the world began to establish vinovatyh.Snachala course tested for alcohol. Just not a nice voditelnitsy natural and affected.
It is interesting that the investigation did not puzzled with such banal procedure, a blood test driver for signs of alcohol. Although such a procedure is mandatory. Instead, the presence of alcohol have been carefully researched affected women.
Then it is logical to conclude that time she watched the incident, the culprit she be well, can not. It will be a witness. Guilty probably going to appoint a car.
The investigation of the sensational Irkutsk accident last year completed a very predictable.
His culprit, Anna Shavenkova at full speed two girls huddling in the heart of Irkutsk, was suddenly not the culprit of the incident, and his witness.
Do not hire. Rose too much noise. And all told, will not go away from the harsh retribution.
And what on earth have clung to the poor girl? She had repented.
Shavenkova also said in court that he repents and is very sympathetic to the family Pyatkova. However, family members of the victim did not believe her. They said the journalist of the newspaper "Komsomolskaya Pravda", which for half a year before the trial Shavenkova not attempt to apologize to them.
And the constant nagging to her driving style.
last Shavenkova has repeatedly held liable for violation of traffic rules (including travel on the sidewalk).
While she rides a somewhat peculiar.
June 10, 2008 Shavenkova not give way, ignoring the requirements of the road sign. February 27, 2009 has exceeded the speed in residential areas, that is, very quickly went from house to house, where pedestrians are not as careful as to the roadway.
And on May 17 she again received sanction from the traffic police. Again, because the yards moved at high speed. When Shavenkova ran over two women on the sidewalk, even its fine was not paid.
Payment really amazes severity
August 17 Irkutsk Kirovsky District Court delivered its verdict in the case of an accident, in which one woman died and another became disabled. The culprit of the accident is recognized as the head of the regional electoral commission daughter Ludmila Shavenkova Anna Shavenkova. From punishing the defendant actually released - she was given three years in a penal colony with a suspended sentence until 2024, when her child turns 14 years old.
The verdict is even softer than it seems inexperienced person. From the 82 th article of the Criminal Code ("Postponement of punishment") that the convicted person has a better chance for the delay time to prove their "correction", and to abolish prison. This type of punishment is reminiscent of a suspended sentence - probation appointed only not arbitrary, and taking into account the child's age.
It was also kind of a court to close their eyes to the fact that the defendant is not a single mother - her child is the father, as well as senior babushka.Eto Bakhmina Well you do not have any. In 2006, she was sentenced to 6 and 5 years in prison for embezzlement and tax evasion. Bakhmina have at the time of sentencing had two minor children, but a stay of execution of punishment was not given to her. Only in 2009, a lawyer, had time in prison to have another child, was released on parole. Justice triumphed again in the most sovereign of all democracies.