Food (Part 1)
Knowledgeable people say that the taste is similar to an apple beetles, wasps - the pine nuts, caterpillars - for fried bacon. At the hearing quite edible. However, there are things that it is better not to eat.
The biggest dish in the world is roasted camel. He stuffed sheep, which in turn stuffed with chicken, which stuffed with fish, and it is stuffed with eggs. Such a simple enough dish cooked on a Bedouin wedding. I'm shocked.
The oldest soup, which is confirmed by archaeological research, was welded from hippopotamus. This was about 6000 years BC.
Worcestershire sauce
This same dressing is believed made from dissolved fish. This popular condiment in England is made from dissolved anchovies (anchovy). To this end, fish macerated in vinegar to a state of complete dissolution - are also present in the sauce leftover bones, scales and other parts of the fish.
Ice cream on a stick
Recently, in addition to traditional ice cream we have the opportunity to taste the fruit ice lolly, which tastes like a frozen juice. The inventor of this product - Frank Epperson, who in 1905 mixed powdered soda, water and juice, forgetting this mixture on the street. That night in San Francisco, it was freezing, and waking up the next day, "inventor" found that the mixture is hardened with a stick in it, forming a tasty treat. After 18 years, he has patented the product, calling it a Popsicle.
Dynamite peanut
Peanut butter is a raw material for the production of glycerol from which in turn is made nitroglycerin, dynamite, one of the components. However, it should be said that the nitroglycerin can be obtained using other raw materials - peanuts only one option.
Coconut water
It is believed that the coconut water (not milk) can in extreme cases be used as a substitute for human blood plasma, and this is true. This fluid (not coconut milk, which is released from the coconut pulp, namely a transparent liquid in the fruits) is sterile and has the perfect level of pH. This fluid is used as a source of plant nutrients to the fetus.
Oil tea
Oil tea, or Po Cha - the traditional drink in Tibet, which is made from salt, tea and oils derived from milk of yaks. Ordinary Tibetans drink a day 50-60 cups of this tea! Some gourmets add a little flour into the drink as we add sugar.
Hot chocolate
The ancient Maya made the most hot chocolate - they added to it pepper and maize. The remains found by archaeologists in the drink cups showed that it was in the 5th century AD. It happened as follows. The fruits of cocoa crush to a paste, then mixed with water, hot pepper, corn and other spices.
Apple, potatoes, onions
If you cover up your nose, you can not distinguish the taste of apples, potatoes or onions. Scientists have experimented in support of this. Group of volunteers tightly closed their eyes, blocked nose and allowed to try one of these fruits. In most cases, people could not understand what he eats. It's incredible, but this experience shows that the nose plays an important role in shaping the taste of food. Since apple, potatoes and onions are about the same consistency, so the brain can not distinguish between them. You can try to do this experiment at home, but I warn you - as soon as you open your nose, you immediately realize that ate
Banana trees are not actually trees and giant grass. The large trunk is the so-called herbal psevdostvolom, which grows a bunch of yellow, green or red bananas. After this psevdostvol dies, and in its place grows a new one. Catch the difference - he was a regular at the trees, the grass at the "disposable." Small bunches of bananas that are sold we are not clusters - this is their small fragments, and the mass of clusters can reach up to 50 kilograms. Bananas we eat special - they are specially bred to have been inside the seeds are not, so you will not be able to grow bananas from purchased. The fruits of wild bananas contain a lot of big stones.
Ketchup east
It turns out that all famous ketchup really is of Chinese origin! Two words from the Chinese province Fudzhan (Fujian) used to describe fish pickle and tomato sauce, and they are very similar in pronunciation of the word "ketchup". These words ke-DAC (ke-tsap) and ECC Chiapa (kio-chiap). West later ketchup was made from fish and spices, or fungi. In fact, mushroom ketchup is still possible to buy in the UK and it is considered a natural source of sodium glutamate - the only known substance that stimulates the taste.
Drink 7-up, invented in 1920, contained in the structure of lithium - one of the drugs commonly prescribed now from manic-depressive psychosis. Initially 7-up was released as a remedy for a hangover due to the content of lithium citrate. He was released shortly after the panic on Wall Stree (the Great Depression), and was called at the time «Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda» (Li-lemon soda). The name was soon changed, but Li was a member of the beverage to the 50s of the last century. Interesting myths exist about the name of the drink. Some argue that in the original recipe was 7 components, others remember the atomic weight of lithium, which is equal to seven.
Fish cream
In Japan, it sold ice cream flavored octopus, buffalo tongue, cactus, chicken wings and crab.
Again Japan. To beef was tender, they kill animals at night, in a dream. Before that, they watered beer and massaged three times a day.
Legend has it that the French Roquefort cheese came by accident, when a shepherd threw his breakfast in the cave, which took place chasing a pretty girl. A few months later, he accidentally discovered abandoned cheese, which by that time was covered with mold, but it was turned out delicious.
During the Second World War, Germany, as the Soviet Union, has experienced a shortage of food, which is why the dogs were used for food, horses and exotic animals from zoos.
In Madagascar, make stew out of a zebra with tomato
In Fiji, make a special dish. To do this, do not feed the pig a week, then allowed to eat beef, and a few hours later killed. Once recovered from the stomach half-digested food that is prepared and eaten. Bue ...
Restaurant in Pennsylvania offers wishing hamburger weighing 4 kilograms. So far, no one ate it completely ...
In Sweden, make dumplings made from flour, reindeer blood and salt.
During the Renaissance it was safer to drink beer than water: fermentation destroys bacteria that cause cholera and dysentery.
In the XVI century in China, the most common way of settling accounts with life was to eat a pound of salt.
Dry wine is called dry because it completely ("dry") fermented sugar.
Charles de Gaulle once said about France: "How can you govern a country in which 246 kinds of cheese?»

The biggest dish in the world is roasted camel. He stuffed sheep, which in turn stuffed with chicken, which stuffed with fish, and it is stuffed with eggs. Such a simple enough dish cooked on a Bedouin wedding. I'm shocked.

The oldest soup, which is confirmed by archaeological research, was welded from hippopotamus. This was about 6000 years BC.

Worcestershire sauce
This same dressing is believed made from dissolved fish. This popular condiment in England is made from dissolved anchovies (anchovy). To this end, fish macerated in vinegar to a state of complete dissolution - are also present in the sauce leftover bones, scales and other parts of the fish.

Ice cream on a stick
Recently, in addition to traditional ice cream we have the opportunity to taste the fruit ice lolly, which tastes like a frozen juice. The inventor of this product - Frank Epperson, who in 1905 mixed powdered soda, water and juice, forgetting this mixture on the street. That night in San Francisco, it was freezing, and waking up the next day, "inventor" found that the mixture is hardened with a stick in it, forming a tasty treat. After 18 years, he has patented the product, calling it a Popsicle.

Dynamite peanut
Peanut butter is a raw material for the production of glycerol from which in turn is made nitroglycerin, dynamite, one of the components. However, it should be said that the nitroglycerin can be obtained using other raw materials - peanuts only one option.

Coconut water
It is believed that the coconut water (not milk) can in extreme cases be used as a substitute for human blood plasma, and this is true. This fluid (not coconut milk, which is released from the coconut pulp, namely a transparent liquid in the fruits) is sterile and has the perfect level of pH. This fluid is used as a source of plant nutrients to the fetus.

Oil tea
Oil tea, or Po Cha - the traditional drink in Tibet, which is made from salt, tea and oils derived from milk of yaks. Ordinary Tibetans drink a day 50-60 cups of this tea! Some gourmets add a little flour into the drink as we add sugar.

Hot chocolate
The ancient Maya made the most hot chocolate - they added to it pepper and maize. The remains found by archaeologists in the drink cups showed that it was in the 5th century AD. It happened as follows. The fruits of cocoa crush to a paste, then mixed with water, hot pepper, corn and other spices.

Apple, potatoes, onions
If you cover up your nose, you can not distinguish the taste of apples, potatoes or onions. Scientists have experimented in support of this. Group of volunteers tightly closed their eyes, blocked nose and allowed to try one of these fruits. In most cases, people could not understand what he eats. It's incredible, but this experience shows that the nose plays an important role in shaping the taste of food. Since apple, potatoes and onions are about the same consistency, so the brain can not distinguish between them. You can try to do this experiment at home, but I warn you - as soon as you open your nose, you immediately realize that ate

Banana trees are not actually trees and giant grass. The large trunk is the so-called herbal psevdostvolom, which grows a bunch of yellow, green or red bananas. After this psevdostvol dies, and in its place grows a new one. Catch the difference - he was a regular at the trees, the grass at the "disposable." Small bunches of bananas that are sold we are not clusters - this is their small fragments, and the mass of clusters can reach up to 50 kilograms. Bananas we eat special - they are specially bred to have been inside the seeds are not, so you will not be able to grow bananas from purchased. The fruits of wild bananas contain a lot of big stones.

Ketchup east
It turns out that all famous ketchup really is of Chinese origin! Two words from the Chinese province Fudzhan (Fujian) used to describe fish pickle and tomato sauce, and they are very similar in pronunciation of the word "ketchup". These words ke-DAC (ke-tsap) and ECC Chiapa (kio-chiap). West later ketchup was made from fish and spices, or fungi. In fact, mushroom ketchup is still possible to buy in the UK and it is considered a natural source of sodium glutamate - the only known substance that stimulates the taste.

Drink 7-up, invented in 1920, contained in the structure of lithium - one of the drugs commonly prescribed now from manic-depressive psychosis. Initially 7-up was released as a remedy for a hangover due to the content of lithium citrate. He was released shortly after the panic on Wall Stree (the Great Depression), and was called at the time «Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda» (Li-lemon soda). The name was soon changed, but Li was a member of the beverage to the 50s of the last century. Interesting myths exist about the name of the drink. Some argue that in the original recipe was 7 components, others remember the atomic weight of lithium, which is equal to seven.

Fish cream
In Japan, it sold ice cream flavored octopus, buffalo tongue, cactus, chicken wings and crab.

Again Japan. To beef was tender, they kill animals at night, in a dream. Before that, they watered beer and massaged three times a day.

Legend has it that the French Roquefort cheese came by accident, when a shepherd threw his breakfast in the cave, which took place chasing a pretty girl. A few months later, he accidentally discovered abandoned cheese, which by that time was covered with mold, but it was turned out delicious.

During the Second World War, Germany, as the Soviet Union, has experienced a shortage of food, which is why the dogs were used for food, horses and exotic animals from zoos.

In Madagascar, make stew out of a zebra with tomato

In Fiji, make a special dish. To do this, do not feed the pig a week, then allowed to eat beef, and a few hours later killed. Once recovered from the stomach half-digested food that is prepared and eaten. Bue ...

Restaurant in Pennsylvania offers wishing hamburger weighing 4 kilograms. So far, no one ate it completely ...

In Sweden, make dumplings made from flour, reindeer blood and salt.

During the Renaissance it was safer to drink beer than water: fermentation destroys bacteria that cause cholera and dysentery.

In the XVI century in China, the most common way of settling accounts with life was to eat a pound of salt.

Dry wine is called dry because it completely ("dry") fermented sugar.

Charles de Gaulle once said about France: "How can you govern a country in which 246 kinds of cheese?»