10 interesting facts about the human body.
1. Human life is only possible when the body temperature within 32-43 degrees Celsius. By the way, is not very correct expression, "You're a fool, and your ears are cold," at least not correctly from a scientific point of view absolutely all people's ears temperature below body temperature by 1, 5-2 degrees.
2. Within one day human stands about 1 liter of saliva, 3 L of gastric juice, pancreatic juice 2L, 3, 5 liters of intestinal juice, 1 liter of bile. By the way, when Europe introduced the euro coins have been carefully tested for safety. They even dissolved in gastric juice. The approved version of the coin was completely insoluble in it (in the Munich Children's Hospital, experiments were conducted with the new euro coins. 80 per cent of foreign objects, swallowing children - coins).
3. Loneliness hardest transferred between 20 and 22 hours.
4. The growth of hair and nails most intensively occurs between 16 and 18 hours.
5. The taste, hearing and smell the most sharpened between 17 and 19 hours.
6. Fineness taste perception depends on the temperature of the food. Major concerns are perceived taste of the food at a temperature of 24 degrees Celsius.
7. The liver breaks down alcohol is most effective between 18 and 20 hours. Furov Nationalism in Central Africa is also pretty liver values, because it is believed that the seat of the soul is precisely the liver. Therefore, eating the liver of an animal, a person can expand his soul. But women are not allowed to eat the liver, because it is believed that they have no soul.
8. Loss of moisture at a rate of 6-8% of body weight is a person semiconscious state, 10% - hallucinations and impaired swallowing reflex. Losing 12% of the fluid entails a cardiac arrest.
9. Hair eyebrows, eyelashes, and axillary hair live 3-4 months, 4-6 years of scalp hair. About Tibetan lamas doctor legends: only one who has successfully dissected with a scalpel along a human hair, could become an assistant surgeon, but to become himself a surgeon had to cut the hair again.
10. According to research by the French neurologists have a crying man involved 43 facial muscles, while laughing all at 17. Thus, it is energetically favorable to laugh than cry.