Musical GIFki
Instructions for use:
1) Wait until the download all SIFCO
2) Turn on the music player
3) Watch and get positive emotions
GIFki Dance music (18 pieces)
Classifieds good mood
Good mood impairs memory
10 tips for a good mood
How to live the day in a good mood
The menu for a good mood
10 tips for a good mood:
Good mood is guaranteed!
20 fun postcards for a good mood. Positive charge for the whole day!
Fact of the day: a good mood impairs memory
GIFki Dance music (18 pieces)
Classifieds good mood
Good mood impairs memory
10 tips for a good mood
How to live the day in a good mood
The menu for a good mood
10 tips for a good mood:
Good mood is guaranteed!
20 fun postcards for a good mood. Positive charge for the whole day!
Fact of the day: a good mood impairs memory
The inhabitants of the Mariana Trench
E3 2011