What's inside the glacier? There - Fiction.
Six years ago, Eric Guth saw a small hole on the edge of the Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, Alaska. Something made him look inside. "I thought that I was just a little explored but, before I could recover, I was inside the 50-timetrovoy cave and looked at the most beautiful and otherworldly look.
I was like Superman's lair, and iridescent blue lured me deeper and deeper, "said Eric.
Now he works for a company whose specialization - cruises and expeditions to the most remote corners of the planet. Do I need to explain that interest in these parts of the Erika in the first place?
Photographic Eric Guth decided to show the world what is really inside.
It turned out very even not bad. Shocking ...
Really like the Ice Kingdom - everything seems so stiff (in terms of time), and at the same time majestic.
Even in the photographs I felt how these ancient glaciers.
Water flows froze. As if the river flowed, and in a moment frozen. Interestingly, when this happened, and what should be the temperature?