10 creative and unusual T-shirts

Today we can not imagine our life without shirts, but the word "shirt" did not even exist in an English dictionary until the 1920s. It was only in the 1960s, it has become trendy and in vogue.
As it may be hard to believe, but until the 1950s, T-shirts were considered underwear as Marlon Brando, John Wayne, James Dean shocked everyone wearing this "underwear" on television.
And now, after more than 50 years, there are thousands of really good, and sometimes crazy projects of T-shirts. Some of the best are on this list!
T & quot; «Resident Evil»

Shirt "Blinds»

Shirt "Bikini»

Shirt "Regulations»

Shirt "Personal Trainer»

T-shirt for kids "Chalkboard»

Shirt «Zoo Safari»

T-Shirt "2010 FIFA World Cup»

Shirt "The best gamepad»

Shirt "Illusion FedEx»
(FedEx Corporation - an American company providing postal, courier and other logistics services all over the world)