Brown recluse spider
Today I want to show you the shocking consequences of the bite of brown recluse spider ... It's just hard ...
The first thing I discovered - a leg of something incomprehensible, once awakened by the feeling that I was someone bitten
Most likely a brown recluse spider crawled into bed and when I turned, he bit my leg at that moment, when I crushed. Here it is ...
Day 1. Like anything, but it's in the photo. It felt a pain similar to what I have inside poured boiling water. I decided not to lie and act
A little later ... I felt like toxin spreads under the skin, the muscles in this place I hardly controlled and the bite itched terribly.
I went to the doctor. He prescribed medication recommended compresses and ointments and everything like that. That's what came to that moment when I was at the doctor.
Day 2 I woke up with a spot like this. The pain was 7 on a 10-point scale.
Gradually things started to inflate. Patches? Yes xs why I'm stuck ...
It has been 5 days ... the bubble burst, and I went to the doctor
A day passed, and all the new ... bruises? It is not bruised and dead tissue
A bit more. We see death, but better
It has been another day. The pain was less, but the spot has increased. More and more tissue dies.
The next day the pain was gone, but the leg was like a zombie leg ... The doctor said that everything will take place gradually, but the wound must constantly process and most importantly avoid getting infections ...
The first thing I discovered - a leg of something incomprehensible, once awakened by the feeling that I was someone bitten
Most likely a brown recluse spider crawled into bed and when I turned, he bit my leg at that moment, when I crushed. Here it is ...
Day 1. Like anything, but it's in the photo. It felt a pain similar to what I have inside poured boiling water. I decided not to lie and act
A little later ... I felt like toxin spreads under the skin, the muscles in this place I hardly controlled and the bite itched terribly.
I went to the doctor. He prescribed medication recommended compresses and ointments and everything like that. That's what came to that moment when I was at the doctor.
Day 2 I woke up with a spot like this. The pain was 7 on a 10-point scale.
Gradually things started to inflate. Patches? Yes xs why I'm stuck ...
It has been 5 days ... the bubble burst, and I went to the doctor
A day passed, and all the new ... bruises? It is not bruised and dead tissue
A bit more. We see death, but better
It has been another day. The pain was less, but the spot has increased. More and more tissue dies.
The next day the pain was gone, but the leg was like a zombie leg ... The doctor said that everything will take place gradually, but the wound must constantly process and most importantly avoid getting infections ...