About weapons
Mongol warriors wore armor, called "huyag." In times of war Russia and the Golden Horde word penetrated the Russian language, but in refined form - eastern armor Brigantine type became known as "kuyak»
Office fun with a USB-stick
Travel to Zakazvkaze - 2013
30 coolest MMORPG of all time
Stealth aircraft, which could change the outcome of the war (9 photos)
Russians should know about Ukraine
Old joke, but funny!
Roman professor Ivan Denikin
Yuri Nikulin
A trip to the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
Vađđamaa (Vod) - the last moments of history.
Office fun with a USB-stick
Travel to Zakazvkaze - 2013
30 coolest MMORPG of all time
Stealth aircraft, which could change the outcome of the war (9 photos)
Russians should know about Ukraine
Old joke, but funny!
Roman professor Ivan Denikin
Yuri Nikulin
A trip to the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
Vađđamaa (Vod) - the last moments of history.
Rabbits born near Fukushima ...
Summer in different countries