How things work in the "kitchen euromaidan"
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Let's see how and where they cook the food for the protesters and participants euromaidan in the city center. It is this "kitchen euromaidan" everyone demolished products, where they are sorted and prepare them hot meals.
Outsiders can not go here - sanitary zone. Here, day and night working girls, women - all volunteers. They handed out special clothes and rubber gloves. Hair selected. Gender wash often.
Opposition kitchen staffs provide basic things - water, bread, utensils. Grocery euromaidan replenish stocks largely indifferent Ukrainians - they form a daily menu of protesters. From hot dishes - sausages, potatoes, porridge, cereals. But the main provision - a sandwich. These girls do constantly.
Love Stepanovna 25 years worked in the sanitary and epidemiological stations to "Ukrzaliznytsia". Now she is retired. The kitchen euromaidan it daily - checks all products on the shelf life and quality. Responsible for cleanliness and compliance with health standards.
"Sometimes people bring something that can not be prepared in such conditions. We do not miss the liverwurst, liver pate, no mushrooms. There are dried fish - it is impossible. All meals if they cook at home, we check them carefully and do not always serve the people, because they are perishable. Stuffed cabbage, for example, is first subjected to a further heat treatment. We care about how to prevent any poisoning, "- says Love Stepanovna.
Stocks of food at first sight striking. They actively replenished, however, as quickly and diverge.
The boys wear heavy saucepan.
The boys also beat nuts, for example.
In the window of issue - turn. This is also the volunteers. Their work - make the girls cooked food and drinks on trays outside to distribution points at the Independence Square, as well as to refer to more distant "revolutionary dislocations" - for example, under the administration of President. Rotation is continuous.
Girl with loudspeaker leads the process and reports the latest news from the street. "People are much more", "On the stage - Tyagnibok", "For the administration do not make great sandwiches - they say that satisfied».
Girls cut sandwiches, fruit and constantly singing Ukrainian folk songs. The process stops only for a moment - the kitchen fulfills Ukrainian anthem. Then - the prayer. And back to work.

Let's see how and where they cook the food for the protesters and participants euromaidan in the city center. It is this "kitchen euromaidan" everyone demolished products, where they are sorted and prepare them hot meals.
Outsiders can not go here - sanitary zone. Here, day and night working girls, women - all volunteers. They handed out special clothes and rubber gloves. Hair selected. Gender wash often.

Opposition kitchen staffs provide basic things - water, bread, utensils. Grocery euromaidan replenish stocks largely indifferent Ukrainians - they form a daily menu of protesters. From hot dishes - sausages, potatoes, porridge, cereals. But the main provision - a sandwich. These girls do constantly.

Love Stepanovna 25 years worked in the sanitary and epidemiological stations to "Ukrzaliznytsia". Now she is retired. The kitchen euromaidan it daily - checks all products on the shelf life and quality. Responsible for cleanliness and compliance with health standards.

"Sometimes people bring something that can not be prepared in such conditions. We do not miss the liverwurst, liver pate, no mushrooms. There are dried fish - it is impossible. All meals if they cook at home, we check them carefully and do not always serve the people, because they are perishable. Stuffed cabbage, for example, is first subjected to a further heat treatment. We care about how to prevent any poisoning, "- says Love Stepanovna.

Stocks of food at first sight striking. They actively replenished, however, as quickly and diverge.

The boys wear heavy saucepan.

The boys also beat nuts, for example.

In the window of issue - turn. This is also the volunteers. Their work - make the girls cooked food and drinks on trays outside to distribution points at the Independence Square, as well as to refer to more distant "revolutionary dislocations" - for example, under the administration of President. Rotation is continuous.

Girl with loudspeaker leads the process and reports the latest news from the street. "People are much more", "On the stage - Tyagnibok", "For the administration do not make great sandwiches - they say that satisfied».

Girls cut sandwiches, fruit and constantly singing Ukrainian folk songs. The process stops only for a moment - the kitchen fulfills Ukrainian anthem. Then - the prayer. And back to work.
