Fire ring
In Germany, released the ring with built-in weapons. The kit included 7 bullets. The cost of such toys is 2500-4500 dollars. Girls who wear such a ring, can feel safe.
FAQ on obtaining the right to arms
Which finger to wear ring? The symbolism of the rings - the value and meaning
Domestic firearms. Opinion Riot.
The war in Bosnia: the story of a participant
Domestic weapon: a personal opinion.
Why citizens traumatic weapon (11 photos)
Useful ring
Take the gun, why citizens in trauma?
Air Rifles
Weapons of the future - as it can be?
What you need to know about wedding rings
The sounds that kill
Here's how rings affect our fate: Alena Kurilova conscientiously answers questions
Why fighting robots?
Weapons in Russia. Laws and lawlessness
The Magic of the Rings: How to wear the ring to good use.
Everything you wanted to know about lobbying arms, but were afraid to ask
Japan. Weapons past.
Notable weapons in history (11 photos)
How to prepare special services
Educational program for self-defense.
Ukrainians allowed to arm themselves?
StraykBoll (StrikeBall, AirSoft)
To the barrier, sir!
FAQ on obtaining the right to arms
Which finger to wear ring? The symbolism of the rings - the value and meaning
Domestic firearms. Opinion Riot.
The war in Bosnia: the story of a participant
Domestic weapon: a personal opinion.
Why citizens traumatic weapon (11 photos)
Useful ring
Take the gun, why citizens in trauma?
Air Rifles
Weapons of the future - as it can be?
What you need to know about wedding rings
The sounds that kill
Here's how rings affect our fate: Alena Kurilova conscientiously answers questions
Why fighting robots?
Weapons in Russia. Laws and lawlessness
The Magic of the Rings: How to wear the ring to good use.
Everything you wanted to know about lobbying arms, but were afraid to ask
Japan. Weapons past.
Notable weapons in history (11 photos)
How to prepare special services
Educational program for self-defense.
Ukrainians allowed to arm themselves?
StraykBoll (StrikeBall, AirSoft)
To the barrier, sir!
Sandwich for real men
The couple discovered a treasure for 10 million dollars