Apple filed a new lawsuit against Samsung for $ 2 billion

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Apple again sued Samsung for “systematic copying of features of its devices”
1. Apple has again sued Samsung for “systematic copying of features of its devices.” Samsung responded by saying they have been “innovators in mobile devices since they’ve been in the industry,” and Apple has been copying many of the technologies for iPhones and iPads. And it was Samsung that made the breakthrough in ultra-thin and very lightweight mobile devices.
2. This time, they charge $40 for each device sold that replicates these features.
3. This time, Samsung wants to bring in Google experts to prove that the South Koreans did not copy anything, but developed everything themselves.
4. Apple plans to spend $6 million to earn $2 billion.
5. Apple claims infringement of 5 patents, Samsung – in response – claims infringement of 2 patents by Americans.
Apple believes that the stolen tap-from-search technology, slide to unlock (I will not translate it, because I know what it is).
6. Samsung claims wireless data technology was stolen.
7. Since the court is very close to Apple's headquarters, there's a problem with judging. Last time, several jurors were implicated in ties to Apple.
We're stocking up on popcorn.
Sources: gazeta.ru, Guardian
Source: habrahabr.ru/post/217647/