Treasure Island
Dear ftykateli!
I decided then to develop the section entitled "ftykat home theaters»
The essence of the theme that I will periodically abused buns (which I do) and ftykat sovetskie in cartoons, and then express to you their essence.
Actually with buns all started ...
Treasure Island
That's just not necessary here to complain about the fact that they are old. And in this category the multi doing nothing. This is a classic, it is incorruptible, eternal embodied in this cartoon. Those who disagree with me, run to shit in kamenty and complain to YaPadministratsiyu. The other stick and given to the memories ...
Essno that cartoon I saw for the first time as a child and he was interested in me, just as a cartoon. Then I became an adult, slowly drawn into the smoking of cannabis and the cartoon began to take on a different meaning, my friends and I were separated him on the phrase, for us it has become a cult! We are going to now, smoking and together watched Treasure Island, still laugh. There were other cartoons, but this favorite, and looked more frequently than others.
So, I will not retell the content, you have seen it, if not see, then ran to look. Ftykat home theater in general. Just focus on your favorite moments, or rather on the characters ...
Jim Hawkins (Jimi) - very, very good boy, listens to his mother every morning and doing exercises. Character soft. Not married. Shit, this is a super-hero, super bastard most sharisty child of all that I saw on the screen. We all ussyvalis, looking like he was constantly adjusts glasses, the voice of his: "Excuse me, sir ..." - it's just fucked up. Immediately recall Livesey: "Oh, Jimmy, my boy. Ha-ha-ha! ". Damn, Dr. Livesey - the idol of young people, the standard of enthusiasm, the best example to follow. "Gentlemen, I have a wonderful plan!", A phrase at all times, and then he laughs after this phrase. And finally kaaak he laughs. Gyyyyy. And even if this would not be a multi finally did cool, but it would have been Dr. Livesey - I have watched this cartoon.
Captain Smollett is fucked up! "I'm a jackass, just like you, sir. If they cheated me, me - Captain Smollett !!! I will fight for two, for three there for ten ... no nineteen !!! "Such phrases are killed immediately on the spot, plus a memorable diction and now a masterpiece in the person of Captain Smollett.
And of course, the one-legged Silver, he also Leg. The dubbing Dzhegarhanyana. Super, just super. These should be real Bandos - legged, parrot and with such golosochkom: "An hour later, the survivors would envy the dead ... hee heh heh ..." and dissolves in the air ... Skull Fuck this fucking.
In general, you drive in and look at superblokbastera sometimes cute cartoon family, well before this can be kurnut sympathetic. While in the smoke-filled kinoyaschike fun too good filmets see better good comedy ... But anyone that. A "Treasure Island" is for all and for all.
- Where's the map?
- This is my card !!!
- Where the cards ?!
- No, no, I will not give my ... ... gyyyyy
Well ... wait kamentov, opinions about need this heading or she finally fuck no need never ......
I decided then to develop the section entitled "ftykat home theaters»
The essence of the theme that I will periodically abused buns (which I do) and ftykat sovetskie in cartoons, and then express to you their essence.
Actually with buns all started ...
Treasure Island
That's just not necessary here to complain about the fact that they are old. And in this category the multi doing nothing. This is a classic, it is incorruptible, eternal embodied in this cartoon. Those who disagree with me, run to shit in kamenty and complain to YaPadministratsiyu. The other stick and given to the memories ...
Essno that cartoon I saw for the first time as a child and he was interested in me, just as a cartoon. Then I became an adult, slowly drawn into the smoking of cannabis and the cartoon began to take on a different meaning, my friends and I were separated him on the phrase, for us it has become a cult! We are going to now, smoking and together watched Treasure Island, still laugh. There were other cartoons, but this favorite, and looked more frequently than others.
So, I will not retell the content, you have seen it, if not see, then ran to look. Ftykat home theater in general. Just focus on your favorite moments, or rather on the characters ...
Jim Hawkins (Jimi) - very, very good boy, listens to his mother every morning and doing exercises. Character soft. Not married. Shit, this is a super-hero, super bastard most sharisty child of all that I saw on the screen. We all ussyvalis, looking like he was constantly adjusts glasses, the voice of his: "Excuse me, sir ..." - it's just fucked up. Immediately recall Livesey: "Oh, Jimmy, my boy. Ha-ha-ha! ". Damn, Dr. Livesey - the idol of young people, the standard of enthusiasm, the best example to follow. "Gentlemen, I have a wonderful plan!", A phrase at all times, and then he laughs after this phrase. And finally kaaak he laughs. Gyyyyy. And even if this would not be a multi finally did cool, but it would have been Dr. Livesey - I have watched this cartoon.
Captain Smollett is fucked up! "I'm a jackass, just like you, sir. If they cheated me, me - Captain Smollett !!! I will fight for two, for three there for ten ... no nineteen !!! "Such phrases are killed immediately on the spot, plus a memorable diction and now a masterpiece in the person of Captain Smollett.
And of course, the one-legged Silver, he also Leg. The dubbing Dzhegarhanyana. Super, just super. These should be real Bandos - legged, parrot and with such golosochkom: "An hour later, the survivors would envy the dead ... hee heh heh ..." and dissolves in the air ... Skull Fuck this fucking.
In general, you drive in and look at superblokbastera sometimes cute cartoon family, well before this can be kurnut sympathetic. While in the smoke-filled kinoyaschike fun too good filmets see better good comedy ... But anyone that. A "Treasure Island" is for all and for all.
- Where's the map?
- This is my card !!!
- Where the cards ?!
- No, no, I will not give my ... ... gyyyyy
Well ... wait kamentov, opinions about need this heading or she finally fuck no need never ......
