Favorite phrases of parents in pictures
The most famous phrases that parents use at the time of child-rearing.
via source
50 phrases that are sure to need to talk to your children!
Five phrases you need to say like a prayer to strengthen a relationship
Phrases You Should Not Say Childfree
Phrases that betray a person who lived in the USSR, the modern generation does not understand this.
My husband’s father built a large house with two entrances for his children, and recently my family and I moved there, but it turned out not to be so fabulous.
10 interesting facts about pets
Favorite phrases of Soviet cartoons
6 well-known phrases that I would not want to talk to your children.
15 amazing facts about the feasts - people who never sleep and have no concept of time
60 important phrases that every child needs to hear
50 phrases that are sure to need to talk to your children!
Five phrases you need to say like a prayer to strengthen a relationship
Phrases You Should Not Say Childfree
Phrases that betray a person who lived in the USSR, the modern generation does not understand this.
My husband’s father built a large house with two entrances for his children, and recently my family and I moved there, but it turned out not to be so fabulous.
10 interesting facts about pets
Favorite phrases of Soviet cartoons
6 well-known phrases that I would not want to talk to your children.
15 amazing facts about the feasts - people who never sleep and have no concept of time
60 important phrases that every child needs to hear
The car overturned on the fire protection UAZ
Quotes that could have belonged to famous characters