Deductive weekdays.

- Boring. - Summarized Holmes, looking at Mrs. Hudson. - Joyless, even I would say. Serious crimes are not committed ...
With Baker Street a shot rang out and a prolonged scream. "They killed !!!" - wailed passersby. Holmes opened the window and shouted to passers-by:
- Stop yelling! Killer - kebmen. Cab number 244. He was limping slightly on his left leg and he is not the scar left cheek. His wife - Mary, a poor woman. Words can not say at home. Here. Put all this information and you'll find the killer. That's all I wanted to say! Yes! I am a genius!
- See? - Holmes closed the window - nothing extraordinary. There is no charge for the brain.
- Holmes !!! - Watson was amazed - How did you ... How did you know that it kebmen?
- A. - waved Holmes - Maybe he did not, of course. Just exactly this kebmen Naham me yesterday. And he's got a gun. I have seen. I promised him in trouble - now he will get them.
- And about his wife? About his wife how did you know? - Watson did not want to believe in miracles no deductive method.
- Watson, you are not far impassable. - Holmes sighed - In a novel you read about kebmene, whose wife's name was not Mary? Who told you that kebmeny marry women with a different name?
- I just did not think about it. - Watson admitted
- That's because you're not a brilliant detective. - Holmes said, and opened the window again. - What can you say about that vooon dzhetlmene?
- Well, what can we say ..- stiffened Watson - Gentleman average income, by type of employee. Height, weight ... Maybe Married ...
- Judging by the wedding ring? - Sarcastically said Holmes
- Amateur! - Scornfully Watson - Judging by the drooping shoulders and dull face. You as a bachelor, I did not understand. Well, for example, has to say about it. Boots himself washes himself.
- So there! - Surprised Holmes - Where such a conclusion?
- Comes careful not to get dirty, and out of his pocket a dirty rag sticking out. For shoes.
- Well, just ... Rag ...- Holmes was annoyed not to notice such simple things - Maybe it's handkerchief, not cloth at all. Now autumn. Many of the nose runs.
- This, according to the purity of the handkerchief - oil flowing from his nose. - Watson quipped. - Shoes wash cloth ... which is used as a handkerchief ... Rag carries with him, even in good old England decided to put in front of the trough with water and rags. So where it operates - what?
- What? - Holmes did not have time for the train of thought Watson
- Rags tyryat !!! - Watson said triumphantly. - A hand wash with dirty shoes Albion: first cold, and secondly - unhygienic. A man carries a cloth, then he has not lost his sense of dignity. So who is he?
- Gentleman? - Clearly protupila Holmes
- It is in this institution is not the ordinary employees, but not the most important.
- Why is not he in charge? - Holmes did not understand
- Because the main subordinates shoes cleaned. Especially zealous - lick.
- And why not private?
- Soldier can not wash or hand wash. Do not fall apart. - Said Watson - Here. Well, then, put together all the facts - who is this man?
- And who? - Surrendered Holmes
- Attache foreign embassy! - Triumphantly said Watson
- Immediately explain! - Asked Holmes.
- No Englishman would not tyrit cloth. So is it where foreigners work. Embassy! Here. But it is not the ambassador. Because it is not important. Attache. But it is not a military attache. Because, not boots. And what of the Embassy ... We know ...
Watson leaned out the window and shouted:
- Mister. Hey mister! Good afternoon! Where are you from?! How do you our England? How prudent of you to wear a rag in your pocket!
From the street came the drunken swearing and shouting:
- I'm from London, you moron !!! ...
Holmes laughed fun watching how Watson take off on behalf of the dirty rag:
- This Frenchman, Watson! You've heard how charmingly he grassiruet the word moron? Hahaha. Do not you know the old man Mitchell released yesterday from the psychiatric hospital?