Picture from Poland Bracka
Caption - Ice cream seller submits
Caption - Dear customers, floating belly up cupids are not dead, they are resting
Caption - I check that I can
Caption - Union Street
Caption - Manure vanilla
Caption - Buy and collecting points for their schools - PLN 1 - 1 point
The inscription - Merry Christmas to you wants sudebey bailiff ...
Caption - Paid toilets- big pile - 2 zł., Small pile of - 1, 5 zlotys., Pee - 1 PLN. The campaign - after 4 cocktails and drinks - and a small pile of writing free of charge
without translation
without translation
without translation
Caption - Dear customers, floating belly up cupids are not dead, they are resting
Caption - I check that I can
Caption - Union Street
Caption - Manure vanilla
Caption - Buy and collecting points for their schools - PLN 1 - 1 point
The inscription - Merry Christmas to you wants sudebey bailiff ...
Caption - Paid toilets- big pile - 2 zł., Small pile of - 1, 5 zlotys., Pee - 1 PLN. The campaign - after 4 cocktails and drinks - and a small pile of writing free of charge
without translation
without translation
without translation