Sbornik zadach protivoalkogolnago soderzhaniya
Today we will look excellent book - re-1914 TO released "Red Sailor" edition of just 500 copies (presented HH with edifying purposes). I must say that although the book is thin and it is easy to be otskanit and put though all, I will not do that, and current entertainment purposes lay a small part. Otherwise, some disgusting instead be education.
So, your attention is!
via users.livejournal.com/_o_tets_l
To ensure that you have felt a little more and noble purpose of this booklet, give a small piece from the preface:
Here! Here are some unjustly forgotten item should be revived in our schools! And grow up like me. Brought up in the proverbs.
Now, actually, about the tasks.
The book contains 156 problems with answers, illustrations and bibliography. Tasks are separated, both in terms of complexity (in addition, multiplication, fractions, and so on.), And the direction of - statistics, home and so on.
Of these, I cite here seven - the most typical. Thus, the problem first - on a national scale:
Our Fatherland unto spent $ 1910 on his defense ot nepriyatelya millionov 598 rubles, vnutrenniy poryadok - 160 millionov, to help zemledѣliyu - 86 millionov on national obrazovanie - 80 millionov on sud - 76 millionov. And on drink naseleniem unto tom year millionov 78 rubles more than the entire amount perechislennyh raskhodov. How much on drink?
There is especially nothing to comment. But in the next task refers to the harmful effects of alcohol on the partnership:
Iz 2229 alkogolikov, lѣchivshihsya unto Peterburgѣ ot drinking, only 597 were drinking vodka beneath vliyaniem grief semeynyh nepriyatnostey and dushevnyh potryaseniy and vsѣ others were tempted to drink his comrades. Skolkih tempted comrades?
That bastard! Even considered not desirable. They took and, you know, the temptation. I remember when we laid much of the collar in the first year, my mother believed that I solder friends and mom friends were convinced that their children solder I personally. It was actually and who anyone tempted to drink, I do not remember. I think it was mutual. And vzaimovlivanie. However, I digress themselves, and now deal with and solve. The next task of the unity of the proletariat:
Each amerikanskiy rabochiy zarabatyvaet unto god 1370 rubles, and propivaet iz kazhdyh 10 rubles 16 kopecks earnings .; russkiy same rabochiy poluchaet unto god 499 rubles. propivaet and 12 kopecks. iz kazhdago ruble. Compare the amount propivaemyya tѣm and drugim Who propivaet more and how?
But after the revolution, and such problems occur, yes, sir. Why write so frankly, how many times in different salary from the Russian American worker? There are already other calculations are - that if used to receive, as the US - so it's how much you can guzzle when drinking the same percentage? And do not tell me that these problems have not read the parents of these children. I do not believe.
And here's the problem statistically. Pro Europe.
Bb 1913 in Russia 2,000,000,000 butylok drunk vodka. If ih distribute to 4 bottles each of the people in Europe, it will still nerozdannymi 314,304,000 butylok. What is the naselenie Europe?
Right heart ekaet - every inhabitant of Europe - 4 bottles distribute. Do not wait! In general, if the so-estimate Europe ma-ah-Lenka.
Meanly are alcoholic partnership we have already found. But the theme of the guests who brought a present owner yadu not yet disclosed.
Boss cope housewarming guests brought unto podarok 1 bottle of brandy and 2 bottles of wine sladkago. Knowing that the poison of alcohol unto konyakѣ contains 9/15, and sweet unto vinѣ 6/40, opredѣlite as poison presented guest host?
Next time I'll order and "Do not forget the poison of alcohol. Zakus with me! »
And this is the geography and astronomy. Plus work with large numbers.
Bb proshlom (1913), the naselenie Rossiya drank (approximately) butylok vodka. 13,334 bottles ustavlennyya vryad one after the other, unto zanimayut razstoyanie 1 mile away. How verst zaymut vsѣ vypityya bottle if ih stared takim same obrazom? How much is intelligible rasstoyanie over the Earth's equator, the length is equal to 37.500 kotorago verst? How much is intelligible razstoyanie longer razstoyaniya budet ot the earth to the moon, which is equal to 350,000 verst?
And you say - the Americans, Armstrong, the moon. Yes, it is almost at hand. And the equator is not so great. That would be really wrap it so ... From space, probably would have looked beautiful ...
Well, finally, the sad task:
I have had unto Rabochiy Saturday ot host zarabotok 6 days razschetu 1 p. 25 in. Per day but for sverhurochnyya work 8 chasov 50 kopecks. for chas. By dorogѣ home gdѣ Rabochy waiting for his wife and two dѣtey comrades persuaded him to go unto the pub to drink a bottle of beer. Bb beer they drank a dozen beers vtroem 12 k. A bottle and smoked 50 units. papiros 6 to. desyatok, but gave sex for tea to 15. Opyanѣvshi, went unto TRAKTIR, gdѣ drank vodka, beer, paid vsѣ vmѣstѣ 4 p. 35 a. Rabochiy drunk stal play billiardѣ proigral and 3 p. 40 in. Losing not pay zahotѣl, naskandalnichal, unto drakѣ razbil mirror, what had to pay another 5 p. By dorogѣ drunk upal not zamѣtil, kak iz pocket and rolled out a silver ruble lost. How deneg iz earnings prines drunken rabochiy his home semѣ?
Well, I have this working comfort, Zoshchenko sentence. "But, brother, vsprysnul! Got something to remember ... »
So, your attention is!
via users.livejournal.com/_o_tets_l

To ensure that you have felt a little more and noble purpose of this booklet, give a small piece from the preface:

Here! Here are some unjustly forgotten item should be revived in our schools! And grow up like me. Brought up in the proverbs.
Now, actually, about the tasks.
The book contains 156 problems with answers, illustrations and bibliography. Tasks are separated, both in terms of complexity (in addition, multiplication, fractions, and so on.), And the direction of - statistics, home and so on.
Of these, I cite here seven - the most typical. Thus, the problem first - on a national scale:
Our Fatherland unto spent $ 1910 on his defense ot nepriyatelya millionov 598 rubles, vnutrenniy poryadok - 160 millionov, to help zemledѣliyu - 86 millionov on national obrazovanie - 80 millionov on sud - 76 millionov. And on drink naseleniem unto tom year millionov 78 rubles more than the entire amount perechislennyh raskhodov. How much on drink?
There is especially nothing to comment. But in the next task refers to the harmful effects of alcohol on the partnership:
Iz 2229 alkogolikov, lѣchivshihsya unto Peterburgѣ ot drinking, only 597 were drinking vodka beneath vliyaniem grief semeynyh nepriyatnostey and dushevnyh potryaseniy and vsѣ others were tempted to drink his comrades. Skolkih tempted comrades?
That bastard! Even considered not desirable. They took and, you know, the temptation. I remember when we laid much of the collar in the first year, my mother believed that I solder friends and mom friends were convinced that their children solder I personally. It was actually and who anyone tempted to drink, I do not remember. I think it was mutual. And vzaimovlivanie. However, I digress themselves, and now deal with and solve. The next task of the unity of the proletariat:
Each amerikanskiy rabochiy zarabatyvaet unto god 1370 rubles, and propivaet iz kazhdyh 10 rubles 16 kopecks earnings .; russkiy same rabochiy poluchaet unto god 499 rubles. propivaet and 12 kopecks. iz kazhdago ruble. Compare the amount propivaemyya tѣm and drugim Who propivaet more and how?
But after the revolution, and such problems occur, yes, sir. Why write so frankly, how many times in different salary from the Russian American worker? There are already other calculations are - that if used to receive, as the US - so it's how much you can guzzle when drinking the same percentage? And do not tell me that these problems have not read the parents of these children. I do not believe.
And here's the problem statistically. Pro Europe.
Bb 1913 in Russia 2,000,000,000 butylok drunk vodka. If ih distribute to 4 bottles each of the people in Europe, it will still nerozdannymi 314,304,000 butylok. What is the naselenie Europe?
Right heart ekaet - every inhabitant of Europe - 4 bottles distribute. Do not wait! In general, if the so-estimate Europe ma-ah-Lenka.
Meanly are alcoholic partnership we have already found. But the theme of the guests who brought a present owner yadu not yet disclosed.
Boss cope housewarming guests brought unto podarok 1 bottle of brandy and 2 bottles of wine sladkago. Knowing that the poison of alcohol unto konyakѣ contains 9/15, and sweet unto vinѣ 6/40, opredѣlite as poison presented guest host?
Next time I'll order and "Do not forget the poison of alcohol. Zakus with me! »
And this is the geography and astronomy. Plus work with large numbers.
Bb proshlom (1913), the naselenie Rossiya drank (approximately) butylok vodka. 13,334 bottles ustavlennyya vryad one after the other, unto zanimayut razstoyanie 1 mile away. How verst zaymut vsѣ vypityya bottle if ih stared takim same obrazom? How much is intelligible rasstoyanie over the Earth's equator, the length is equal to 37.500 kotorago verst? How much is intelligible razstoyanie longer razstoyaniya budet ot the earth to the moon, which is equal to 350,000 verst?
And you say - the Americans, Armstrong, the moon. Yes, it is almost at hand. And the equator is not so great. That would be really wrap it so ... From space, probably would have looked beautiful ...
Well, finally, the sad task:
I have had unto Rabochiy Saturday ot host zarabotok 6 days razschetu 1 p. 25 in. Per day but for sverhurochnyya work 8 chasov 50 kopecks. for chas. By dorogѣ home gdѣ Rabochy waiting for his wife and two dѣtey comrades persuaded him to go unto the pub to drink a bottle of beer. Bb beer they drank a dozen beers vtroem 12 k. A bottle and smoked 50 units. papiros 6 to. desyatok, but gave sex for tea to 15. Opyanѣvshi, went unto TRAKTIR, gdѣ drank vodka, beer, paid vsѣ vmѣstѣ 4 p. 35 a. Rabochiy drunk stal play billiardѣ proigral and 3 p. 40 in. Losing not pay zahotѣl, naskandalnichal, unto drakѣ razbil mirror, what had to pay another 5 p. By dorogѣ drunk upal not zamѣtil, kak iz pocket and rolled out a silver ruble lost. How deneg iz earnings prines drunken rabochiy his home semѣ?
Well, I have this working comfort, Zoshchenko sentence. "But, brother, vsprysnul! Got something to remember ... »