Yuri Kotler - Psychic year
The bomb this week!
Yuri Kotler - Hereditary advertising magician! Here is what he wrote in his LiveJournal:
"Coming advertising apocalypse!
A little more, and the advertising industry bogged down in collapse. Dome perception falls and people become impervious to the pulse of advertising. Soon most companies expect the ruin and bankruptcy.
Advertisers! I am able to help you!
I Hereditary advertising magician Yuri G. Kotler will deliver the karmic challenges brands (foreign influence, the evil eye and spoilage by competitors curse startup program unbribable, bad luck, consumer fears karmic connections) and more. Diagnose and healing (including remotely). Powerful protection.
Activities Kotlerova profane devoid of self-promotion and inflation trends intimidating aura of unprecedented grandeur. The magic of modern times can be available to everyone. »
See more that it offers, I just cried all!
01 - GAIN conventional advertising
Parallel to the main campaign Kotler holds a magical technique "Golden rain". Advertising effectiveness is increased by 300%.
Kotler corrects the image of the well-known designer, and even the whole super-Internet portal ...
Privorot Investor
Kotler points psihofonemy energy for use in the title of the new brands.
Removing the crown unbribable
Kotler increases product sales stock technology Voodoo.
Agency assistance in the occult advertising technologies, hex on creativity.
Session awakening
UNUSUAL marketing ploy
Ideas for BTL-actions.
via kotlerov.livejournal.com/1957.html
Yuri Kotler - Hereditary advertising magician! Here is what he wrote in his LiveJournal:
"Coming advertising apocalypse!
A little more, and the advertising industry bogged down in collapse. Dome perception falls and people become impervious to the pulse of advertising. Soon most companies expect the ruin and bankruptcy.
Advertisers! I am able to help you!
I Hereditary advertising magician Yuri G. Kotler will deliver the karmic challenges brands (foreign influence, the evil eye and spoilage by competitors curse startup program unbribable, bad luck, consumer fears karmic connections) and more. Diagnose and healing (including remotely). Powerful protection.
Activities Kotlerova profane devoid of self-promotion and inflation trends intimidating aura of unprecedented grandeur. The magic of modern times can be available to everyone. »
See more that it offers, I just cried all!

01 - GAIN conventional advertising
Parallel to the main campaign Kotler holds a magical technique "Golden rain". Advertising effectiveness is increased by 300%.


Kotler corrects the image of the well-known designer, and even the whole super-Internet portal ...

Privorot Investor

Kotler points psihofonemy energy for use in the title of the new brands.

Removing the crown unbribable
Kotler increases product sales stock technology Voodoo.

Agency assistance in the occult advertising technologies, hex on creativity.


Session awakening

UNUSUAL marketing ploy
Ideas for BTL-actions.
via kotlerov.livejournal.com/1957.html
