Kids in the cell, or a chicken? (5 photos)
Washington held another protest organization for the protection of animal rights PETA. Participants of the action «Chicks suffer for eggs» donned the yellow bikini, symbolizing chickens and placed in small cages at the hotel where the meeting took place yesterday, the company's United Eggs Producers. In general, the cases that are left, that of the hens think.
"Hens should have enough room to stretch their wings, they do not have to huddle in small cramped cages," is the main message of PETA organization at this time.
Company United Egg Producers («United suppliers of eggs"), which represents the bulk of US poultry farms, uses on his farm battery system for laying hens. At the same time the birds are in such conditions that virtually can not move, not to mention the satisfaction of other natural needs: walk, sit on a perch, dust bathe. Last year, the EU adopted a law, which abolished the traditional battery system by 2012.

"Hens should have enough room to stretch their wings, they do not have to huddle in small cramped cages," is the main message of PETA organization at this time.

Company United Egg Producers («United suppliers of eggs"), which represents the bulk of US poultry farms, uses on his farm battery system for laying hens. At the same time the birds are in such conditions that virtually can not move, not to mention the satisfaction of other natural needs: walk, sit on a perch, dust bathe. Last year, the EU adopted a law, which abolished the traditional battery system by 2012.


