A touching story of survival
One bank employees working on the third floor have noticed that on the visor out of a building built her nest duck.
11 ph for Urban History
As time went on, duck living in the new place did not grieve. One day, employees of the bank noticed that there were eggs in the nest. Then she finally did a dozen wonderful ducklings hatched.
Time again went ducklings podrostaet
And it's time to leave their homes, the time sent in a long and difficult path to the big water Spokane River. And the way was really difficult and dangerous. The kids not being able to fly were to come down from the canopy to the ground, then cross a few blocks toward the river, had plenty of obstacles in front of pedestrians, cars, bicycles, stairs, crossings, etc..
Call of the Wild beat all fears and ducklings entrained mother began to jump down to the pavement.
And it is not known to occur with a large family if it did not come to the aid of people. His name is Joel, he hastened to take an empty box, and it neatly folded all children. Then slowly he began to move toward the river, so that the duck did not lose sight of him.
At the river Joel dropped a box on the ground and rushed to her mother ducklings. At full strength the family came down to the water.
Duck made a circle and turned to Joel prokryakala. I think it was something like: "You see. We did it. Thanks for the help. »
11 ph for Urban History

As time went on, duck living in the new place did not grieve. One day, employees of the bank noticed that there were eggs in the nest. Then she finally did a dozen wonderful ducklings hatched.

Time again went ducklings podrostaet

And it's time to leave their homes, the time sent in a long and difficult path to the big water Spokane River. And the way was really difficult and dangerous. The kids not being able to fly were to come down from the canopy to the ground, then cross a few blocks toward the river, had plenty of obstacles in front of pedestrians, cars, bicycles, stairs, crossings, etc..

Call of the Wild beat all fears and ducklings entrained mother began to jump down to the pavement.




And it is not known to occur with a large family if it did not come to the aid of people. His name is Joel, he hastened to take an empty box, and it neatly folded all children. Then slowly he began to move toward the river, so that the duck did not lose sight of him.

At the river Joel dropped a box on the ground and rushed to her mother ducklings. At full strength the family came down to the water.

Duck made a circle and turned to Joel prokryakala. I think it was something like: "You see. We did it. Thanks for the help. »
