25 best photos from Wikipedia
After careful selection and a long process of voting, finally became the winners of the contest of photos of community members who voted Wikimedia Commons.
1. Luke VIAT "Château de Belœil."
2. Luke VIAT "Cathedral of Saint-Aubin."
3. Stefan Krause "Desktop picture".
4. Serge Kochi "Young elephant seal."
5. User Alchemist-hp «Synthetic bismuth crystal."
6. Jon Peltier "Start shuttle Atlantis».
7. Thomas Kastelatso "Fragment of a mummy."
8. John. John. Harrison "Meat viviparous fly."
9. "Australian pelicans" owned Noodle snacks.
10. Jeremy Reading "Japanese Maple"
11. Didier Deskyune "Tomb Tesco."
12. NASA's "Panorama of the Moon with the participation of the Apollo-17."
13. Yuri Beletsky "Paranal Observatory. Chile".
14. User -donald- «Liechtenstein castle in Germany."
15. User Leo za1 «Young leopard."
16. User ST «agamas male."
17. User Mbz1 «Bridge Golden Gate».
18. Dmitry Motti "Vuoksa lake on the border of Russia and Finland."
19. Michael Otto "Lonely House".
20. Ramirez "The old bridge over the Neretva."
21. Carey James Balboa "red-eyed tree frog."
22. Pierre-Emmanuel BOUAT "Sadhu in Varanasi."
23. User john «Sarychev Peak volcano. Kuriles. "
24. Luke Galutstsi "Bend of the Colorado River."
25. Joe Kane "The plane the V-22 Osprey on the rise».
Source: bigpicture.ru

1. Luke VIAT "Château de Belœil."

2. Luke VIAT "Cathedral of Saint-Aubin."

3. Stefan Krause "Desktop picture".

4. Serge Kochi "Young elephant seal."

5. User Alchemist-hp «Synthetic bismuth crystal."

6. Jon Peltier "Start shuttle Atlantis».

7. Thomas Kastelatso "Fragment of a mummy."

8. John. John. Harrison "Meat viviparous fly."

9. "Australian pelicans" owned Noodle snacks.

10. Jeremy Reading "Japanese Maple"

11. Didier Deskyune "Tomb Tesco."

12. NASA's "Panorama of the Moon with the participation of the Apollo-17."

13. Yuri Beletsky "Paranal Observatory. Chile".

14. User -donald- «Liechtenstein castle in Germany."

15. User Leo za1 «Young leopard."

16. User ST «agamas male."

17. User Mbz1 «Bridge Golden Gate».

18. Dmitry Motti "Vuoksa lake on the border of Russia and Finland."

19. Michael Otto "Lonely House".

20. Ramirez "The old bridge over the Neretva."

21. Carey James Balboa "red-eyed tree frog."

22. Pierre-Emmanuel BOUAT "Sadhu in Varanasi."

23. User john «Sarychev Peak volcano. Kuriles. "

24. Luke Galutstsi "Bend of the Colorado River."

25. Joe Kane "The plane the V-22 Osprey on the rise».
Source: bigpicture.ru