The original type of tuning
Tuning is different. He has a style. And often with the construction of machines for the drag - and street - racing has nothing to do. This is widely known abroad and very little is known in our country.
Resto-Cal (RestoCal)
This style goes back to the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century. It all started in the southern states of America, particularly in California. While among the owners of Volkswagens with air-cooled engines, of which the US was a huge set, it was very popular to stylize their cars under the fireballs Championship NHRA. What they did, in passing and trying to improve dynamic performance. This style is known as Cal-look: narrow front tires, large rear wheels, bumpers otsutvie and other odds and ends, powerful engines, crazy colors. But there was another side, which few people said at the time. While some have built their cars, others were lowriders. The original exterior and interior, low suspension - the lower the better, many accessories of the period. Things like humidifiers outside - air conditioning (Swamp coolers), lining, closes the arch, the fans on the dashboard and a variety of other types of machines were equipped with the Impala. But the two movements can not exist in the same time and at the same time not to contact. It is not surprising that someone from lourayd party drew attention to the VWs with their classic lines of the body. And he began to carry forward the tradition lourayd motion for new cars. But people involved in this, especially not to dwell on what they are doing. The guys from Cal-look party considers such low-budget projects, and not worthy of respect. Although it depends on them you could hear stories about the low "early" machines, with the rear windows, air vents (popouts), on polished alloy wheels, ride along with the lowriders in East Los Angeles. And supporters of "low" style is not called Cal-look Cal-look'om, they called it "style of white guys." At that time, he won the popularity contest cal-look: get-together in the big money. It was one of the reasons for which he received recognition. Those who built the cars in the style of lowriders, did not want to have a get-together with this anything to do, so there are many stories of open confrontation. Conventional wisdom about the criminal Resto-cal parties, which made it, to some extent, underground. You have to understand the diversity of contemporary society of Los Angeles, in order to understand the complexity of the relationship between the different groups. And the car plays an important role: they were a means of identification. And resto-cal get-together proved to be something like a ghetto. But over time, he gained the same recognition, along with phenomena such as rap music, graffiti and other attributes of urban life.
The oldest resto-cal club can assume Original German Folks Klub abbreviated OG GFK (og, in this case the common abbreviation for the original). This year it celebrated its 25th anniversary. The club has branches in the US and abroad: California, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and the United Kingdom and Japan. Machines members the best resto-Cal from all the resto-Cal machines. This club is pretty closed organiza- - new members take very rarely and only for his great contribution. The significance of this club can be judged by the phrase often mentioned that history GFK is largely the history of Resto-Cal. Number of members in the different countries is close to dozens of people, many of whom have multiple cars. Often held general meeting, the club is a regular at all the big retro event in the United States and Europe.
How should look like a car that is rightly called the representative of this direction?
To begin with it should be with the air vent Volkswagen: Beetle, Type 3 or other models based on the beetle. Just to name them correctly Resto-Cal. Everything else, stylized this direction may be referred to simply as resto - style and retro - custom or straight - custom. The most important point - external. Initially, the car had to have a completely normal body, interior, ride a factory pressed discs (solids) with caps, the standard engine - for earlier models of the early 50s is the engine capacity of 1,000 cubic meters. cm., and a capacity of 25 to 35 power, depending on the model year of the car. At the same time have extremely low suspension and, if possible, a range of accessories from a variety of catalogs PV. But any activity not in place, and over time the style has changed a bit, there are new elements. One of the most important - it narrowed the front frame, which allowed understate the machine even more. Spied on her all at the same riders - cal-looker'ov. Then they began to appear different alloy wheels. Many offered as an option in the catalogs of the 50s - 60s. But considered a classic wheels Fuchs, used in many models of Porsche. Almost all machines club GFK can see these wheels. They exist in several forms: a fully polished or chromed, and detailed call it that - polished spokes and rim combined with black interior. Also in the course of the many other wheels: Raders, Gasburners, EMPI 5 Spokes, American Eagle. Should start experimenting with rubber - the most narrow front, behind, on the contrary, broad. For the front axle the most popular sizes are considered to tire width from 125 to 145 mm (125R15, 135R15, 145 / 65R15), to the rear of 165 / 65R15 and 205 / 70R15. One of the features of appearance is a huge negative camber rear wheels due to the construction of suspension beetle. An integral part of the look are a variety of accessories. Roof racks and engine compartment lid, "skirt", covering the rear arches, metal boxes, beverage coolers, picnic sets, various accessories for interior, fog lights, old skis and more.
Another feature of the style is the attention to detail. It uses the same principles as for the restoration avtomobley. Machine opredlenie of release should completely sootvetsvovat it: be painted the color that was in the catalogs of the year, to have the body panels of the model year, have the correct logos, bumpers and more. If you look into the engine compartment or under the bottom Resto-cal machine, you can find a very detailed details engine and suspension. That too is an important element of style. Lots of polished, chromed and lacquered parts. Moreover, it is not necessary to make it look like a "factory" is more important to be beautiful. But stylish and not cross the border reason. Also, as a technical stuffing, recently popular to make big and powerful motors. Especially in the United States. The increase from the standard 1000 - 1200 cubic meters. cm. to 1500 - 2500 cubic meters. cm., racing shafts, upgraded intake and exhaust. The only thing that has not yet been seen on the resto cars - a turbine. Many cars can be seen in the front disc brakes instead of the original drum. But the changes are "removable" in nature, ie, if necessary, all may be returned to the factory settings. This applies to engines - usually original unit neatly stored in the garage.
In the style there are no clear laws that have some direction, some framework in which you can do with a sufficient degree of freedom. And these principles are not so difficult to work well on any of retro cars.
Style rat-look (from the rat - rat) represents a large part of resto movement. But in this case it is not the Rat bow that is familiar and known to everyone - black matte paint and plush rat on the dashboard - and right from the point of view of resto movement. The basic principles are the same: the original exterior, interior and everything else. Only if in the case of resto car looks like new, with polished chrome and shiny paint, the Rat onions car has a body as it has become over the years since its birth. It does not matter in which he is able to: whether the car was in the garage for a long time and just dusted, or lay in the backyard of some rusty farm and order. But the unquestioned rule is the full restoration of all the technical stuffing. Mounting the bottom of the engine - literally everything is brought to the condition of the car is completely restored. The body, too, is subject to repair, but only where this will not be seen - in the wheel arches, inside the cabin, and other such places. Salon usually just washed and left as is. With the engine situation is more complicated. On the one hand, he apparently can fit a body - to be rusty and dusty, on the other, can be cleaned to a shine. But be sure to fully renovated working condition.
Quite popular is the stylized Rat onions. When the body after a complete renovation deliberately sostarivayut: or what - or abrasive materials and chemicals, or by a special painting.
Wheels, accessories and everything else is similar to the style Resto-Cal.
Another area very close to the spirit of Rat onions. So his name is obliged direction of one person - Pachikov Derrick (Derrick Pachico, also formerly known as DopeBeatDerrick). Coming as it is to meet with friends at his Karman Ghia, he heard them: "Dude, it's a real hood ride!". Since then, a similar style and was called. For a long time he had a forum, but it has recently ceased to exist. The movement is not dead, but continues to develop successfully. Initially it is all connected with the same Volkswagen, but it has long gone beyond the strict framework. The main idea is that you ride on the machine that you like. You're not interested in the opinions of people are not interested in membership.
Outwardly, everything is almost exactly repeating the style of Rat onions. But with a number of differences. The machine is either completely in the condition in which it was acquired, or artificially brought to the "ugly" condition. There is a dent on the body - do not worry, there is a pass-through corrosion in the body - so be it. Many hudrayd machines do not have windows, painted the ground or have partially purified to the metal body, is not uncommon presence of body panels of different cars, painted in different colors. Wheels, roof racks, coolers and other accessories are of the form meets both the car - the same rust, bent, cobweb. In fact, the source hudrayd things can be any landfill. The wheels will never shine on the machine or resto Rat bow styles. I found on the outskirts of corroded Raders - at such and drive. Like the car itself - you can drag from the landfill, and to revive thoroughly underestimating the emerging on the road. Of course, technically still is not all bad: brakes, steering and other critical parts are in proper form.
Hudrayd most common in the United States. With their liberal rules eskpluatatsii vehicles and the practical lack of mandatory vehicle inspection can be a lot of things that will not work in Europe.
As you can see, many styles were somehow obtained borrowing elements in the other car "culture". Therefore resto project can be built on almost any retro car. The same applies hudraydu and Rat onions. In our country, these areas hardly developed. Even people who would not know about them so much. Not to mention the internet sites or activities. And if European or American movement on a rusty beetle is not something out of the ordinary, in our society, the status of these areas have not yet found a large number of followers.

Resto-Cal (RestoCal)
This style goes back to the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century. It all started in the southern states of America, particularly in California. While among the owners of Volkswagens with air-cooled engines, of which the US was a huge set, it was very popular to stylize their cars under the fireballs Championship NHRA. What they did, in passing and trying to improve dynamic performance. This style is known as Cal-look: narrow front tires, large rear wheels, bumpers otsutvie and other odds and ends, powerful engines, crazy colors. But there was another side, which few people said at the time. While some have built their cars, others were lowriders. The original exterior and interior, low suspension - the lower the better, many accessories of the period. Things like humidifiers outside - air conditioning (Swamp coolers), lining, closes the arch, the fans on the dashboard and a variety of other types of machines were equipped with the Impala. But the two movements can not exist in the same time and at the same time not to contact. It is not surprising that someone from lourayd party drew attention to the VWs with their classic lines of the body. And he began to carry forward the tradition lourayd motion for new cars. But people involved in this, especially not to dwell on what they are doing. The guys from Cal-look party considers such low-budget projects, and not worthy of respect. Although it depends on them you could hear stories about the low "early" machines, with the rear windows, air vents (popouts), on polished alloy wheels, ride along with the lowriders in East Los Angeles. And supporters of "low" style is not called Cal-look Cal-look'om, they called it "style of white guys." At that time, he won the popularity contest cal-look: get-together in the big money. It was one of the reasons for which he received recognition. Those who built the cars in the style of lowriders, did not want to have a get-together with this anything to do, so there are many stories of open confrontation. Conventional wisdom about the criminal Resto-cal parties, which made it, to some extent, underground. You have to understand the diversity of contemporary society of Los Angeles, in order to understand the complexity of the relationship between the different groups. And the car plays an important role: they were a means of identification. And resto-cal get-together proved to be something like a ghetto. But over time, he gained the same recognition, along with phenomena such as rap music, graffiti and other attributes of urban life.

The oldest resto-cal club can assume Original German Folks Klub abbreviated OG GFK (og, in this case the common abbreviation for the original). This year it celebrated its 25th anniversary. The club has branches in the US and abroad: California, Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona and the United Kingdom and Japan. Machines members the best resto-Cal from all the resto-Cal machines. This club is pretty closed organiza- - new members take very rarely and only for his great contribution. The significance of this club can be judged by the phrase often mentioned that history GFK is largely the history of Resto-Cal. Number of members in the different countries is close to dozens of people, many of whom have multiple cars. Often held general meeting, the club is a regular at all the big retro event in the United States and Europe.

How should look like a car that is rightly called the representative of this direction?
To begin with it should be with the air vent Volkswagen: Beetle, Type 3 or other models based on the beetle. Just to name them correctly Resto-Cal. Everything else, stylized this direction may be referred to simply as resto - style and retro - custom or straight - custom. The most important point - external. Initially, the car had to have a completely normal body, interior, ride a factory pressed discs (solids) with caps, the standard engine - for earlier models of the early 50s is the engine capacity of 1,000 cubic meters. cm., and a capacity of 25 to 35 power, depending on the model year of the car. At the same time have extremely low suspension and, if possible, a range of accessories from a variety of catalogs PV. But any activity not in place, and over time the style has changed a bit, there are new elements. One of the most important - it narrowed the front frame, which allowed understate the machine even more. Spied on her all at the same riders - cal-looker'ov. Then they began to appear different alloy wheels. Many offered as an option in the catalogs of the 50s - 60s. But considered a classic wheels Fuchs, used in many models of Porsche. Almost all machines club GFK can see these wheels. They exist in several forms: a fully polished or chromed, and detailed call it that - polished spokes and rim combined with black interior. Also in the course of the many other wheels: Raders, Gasburners, EMPI 5 Spokes, American Eagle. Should start experimenting with rubber - the most narrow front, behind, on the contrary, broad. For the front axle the most popular sizes are considered to tire width from 125 to 145 mm (125R15, 135R15, 145 / 65R15), to the rear of 165 / 65R15 and 205 / 70R15. One of the features of appearance is a huge negative camber rear wheels due to the construction of suspension beetle. An integral part of the look are a variety of accessories. Roof racks and engine compartment lid, "skirt", covering the rear arches, metal boxes, beverage coolers, picnic sets, various accessories for interior, fog lights, old skis and more.

Another feature of the style is the attention to detail. It uses the same principles as for the restoration avtomobley. Machine opredlenie of release should completely sootvetsvovat it: be painted the color that was in the catalogs of the year, to have the body panels of the model year, have the correct logos, bumpers and more. If you look into the engine compartment or under the bottom Resto-cal machine, you can find a very detailed details engine and suspension. That too is an important element of style. Lots of polished, chromed and lacquered parts. Moreover, it is not necessary to make it look like a "factory" is more important to be beautiful. But stylish and not cross the border reason. Also, as a technical stuffing, recently popular to make big and powerful motors. Especially in the United States. The increase from the standard 1000 - 1200 cubic meters. cm. to 1500 - 2500 cubic meters. cm., racing shafts, upgraded intake and exhaust. The only thing that has not yet been seen on the resto cars - a turbine. Many cars can be seen in the front disc brakes instead of the original drum. But the changes are "removable" in nature, ie, if necessary, all may be returned to the factory settings. This applies to engines - usually original unit neatly stored in the garage.
In the style there are no clear laws that have some direction, some framework in which you can do with a sufficient degree of freedom. And these principles are not so difficult to work well on any of retro cars.

Style rat-look (from the rat - rat) represents a large part of resto movement. But in this case it is not the Rat bow that is familiar and known to everyone - black matte paint and plush rat on the dashboard - and right from the point of view of resto movement. The basic principles are the same: the original exterior, interior and everything else. Only if in the case of resto car looks like new, with polished chrome and shiny paint, the Rat onions car has a body as it has become over the years since its birth. It does not matter in which he is able to: whether the car was in the garage for a long time and just dusted, or lay in the backyard of some rusty farm and order. But the unquestioned rule is the full restoration of all the technical stuffing. Mounting the bottom of the engine - literally everything is brought to the condition of the car is completely restored. The body, too, is subject to repair, but only where this will not be seen - in the wheel arches, inside the cabin, and other such places. Salon usually just washed and left as is. With the engine situation is more complicated. On the one hand, he apparently can fit a body - to be rusty and dusty, on the other, can be cleaned to a shine. But be sure to fully renovated working condition.
Quite popular is the stylized Rat onions. When the body after a complete renovation deliberately sostarivayut: or what - or abrasive materials and chemicals, or by a special painting.
Wheels, accessories and everything else is similar to the style Resto-Cal.

Another area very close to the spirit of Rat onions. So his name is obliged direction of one person - Pachikov Derrick (Derrick Pachico, also formerly known as DopeBeatDerrick). Coming as it is to meet with friends at his Karman Ghia, he heard them: "Dude, it's a real hood ride!". Since then, a similar style and was called. For a long time he had a forum, but it has recently ceased to exist. The movement is not dead, but continues to develop successfully. Initially it is all connected with the same Volkswagen, but it has long gone beyond the strict framework. The main idea is that you ride on the machine that you like. You're not interested in the opinions of people are not interested in membership.
Outwardly, everything is almost exactly repeating the style of Rat onions. But with a number of differences. The machine is either completely in the condition in which it was acquired, or artificially brought to the "ugly" condition. There is a dent on the body - do not worry, there is a pass-through corrosion in the body - so be it. Many hudrayd machines do not have windows, painted the ground or have partially purified to the metal body, is not uncommon presence of body panels of different cars, painted in different colors. Wheels, roof racks, coolers and other accessories are of the form meets both the car - the same rust, bent, cobweb. In fact, the source hudrayd things can be any landfill. The wheels will never shine on the machine or resto Rat bow styles. I found on the outskirts of corroded Raders - at such and drive. Like the car itself - you can drag from the landfill, and to revive thoroughly underestimating the emerging on the road. Of course, technically still is not all bad: brakes, steering and other critical parts are in proper form.
Hudrayd most common in the United States. With their liberal rules eskpluatatsii vehicles and the practical lack of mandatory vehicle inspection can be a lot of things that will not work in Europe.








As you can see, many styles were somehow obtained borrowing elements in the other car "culture". Therefore resto project can be built on almost any retro car. The same applies hudraydu and Rat onions. In our country, these areas hardly developed. Even people who would not know about them so much. Not to mention the internet sites or activities. And if European or American movement on a rusty beetle is not something out of the ordinary, in our society, the status of these areas have not yet found a large number of followers.
