Hospital - demolition!
Valorous capitalist ministers under the guise of his boss, Governor of Kaliningrad Mr. Boos made from Kaliningrad medical unit number 1 (Hospitals fishermen) God knows what. Normal functioning, fully equipped hospital is simply thrown to the looting:
2 photos via superzloi
Until recently, I was treated and examined it for free and it is very high quality. (says the author)
And now there is such a fucking going on here:
People say that the casket is opened simply - Bolnichka is in a very "tasty" area on the very "tasty" earth.
During such chaos and poklanyatsya dick to people with money who built this hospital, the initiators of the closing NFM №1 should be punished. And cruel. Rightly outraged everything - from green cadets, future sailors and to veterans of war and the fishing industry. But officials fuck people.
And a few photons from the same
2 photos via superzloi
Until recently, I was treated and examined it for free and it is very high quality. (says the author)
And now there is such a fucking going on here:
People say that the casket is opened simply - Bolnichka is in a very "tasty" area on the very "tasty" earth.
During such chaos and poklanyatsya dick to people with money who built this hospital, the initiators of the closing NFM №1 should be punished. And cruel. Rightly outraged everything - from green cadets, future sailors and to veterans of war and the fishing industry. But officials fuck people.
And a few photons from the same