Charging device
Once again, I looked at the basket, which had to buy on the occasion.
Shit, it's necessary to all manufacturers of electronic devices to be manufactured because of its individuality. A consumer has to zaparivatsya this nevebennym tangle of wires and chargers to these chargers. Damn, why not do the standard, uniform chargers and adapters for them? And each time, this increases the mountain. Because each produces its charger. A mountain is growing and growing. But you can use instead of alternating all this garbage to leave postoyanku 2-3. And no confusion, no environmental pollution after disposal of all this fucking !!!
Shit, it's necessary to all manufacturers of electronic devices to be manufactured because of its individuality. A consumer has to zaparivatsya this nevebennym tangle of wires and chargers to these chargers. Damn, why not do the standard, uniform chargers and adapters for them? And each time, this increases the mountain. Because each produces its charger. A mountain is growing and growing. But you can use instead of alternating all this garbage to leave postoyanku 2-3. And no confusion, no environmental pollution after disposal of all this fucking !!!