There comes a time, micro-hotels
Luxury bedding, free internet access, flat screen TV, DVD and the latest audio system, service of the highest class - the night in a hotel will cost less than $ 100!
How is it possible? Easily!
8 ph + text via Etoday
With the development of the idea of creating affordable accommodation facilities, hoteliers New York decided to create a micro-hotel. The idea they have borrowed from sailors and railwaymen equipped new hotels are no more cabins on a ship or a compartment on the train. Investors rightly believe that these hotels are in great demand today, and after the crisis
The trick, says Sean MacPherson, co-investor at The Jane, that a tiny number of 7 to 8 feet to be charming and unique, and not close the box. Rooms micro-hotel The Jane, which opens in New York this summer, there is no room for cabinets, but bags can be stored under or over a narrow bed. A large mirror and a window will help to prevent claustrophobia.
But despite the size of rooms, small hotels are positioning themselves as a luxury accommodation. Rooms at The Jane is a quality bedding, flat 32-inch TVs, DVD players and consoles for iPod and Wi-Fi.
How is it possible? Easily!
8 ph + text via Etoday

With the development of the idea of creating affordable accommodation facilities, hoteliers New York decided to create a micro-hotel. The idea they have borrowed from sailors and railwaymen equipped new hotels are no more cabins on a ship or a compartment on the train. Investors rightly believe that these hotels are in great demand today, and after the crisis

The trick, says Sean MacPherson, co-investor at The Jane, that a tiny number of 7 to 8 feet to be charming and unique, and not close the box. Rooms micro-hotel The Jane, which opens in New York this summer, there is no room for cabinets, but bags can be stored under or over a narrow bed. A large mirror and a window will help to prevent claustrophobia.

But despite the size of rooms, small hotels are positioning themselves as a luxury accommodation. Rooms at The Jane is a quality bedding, flat 32-inch TVs, DVD players and consoles for iPod and Wi-Fi.




