Obama Birth Certificate
California attorney others. Orly Taytts received from Kenya copy of the original birth certificate of Barack Hussein Obama. In the document, printed on a typewriter in the English language, clearly shows the place of birth - Mombasa.
A copy of the document displayed on the site Orly Taytts: www.obamanotqualified.com/obama-ken...icate-kenya.htm
Lawyer Taytts received this document under the protection of American soldiers who refuse to go to serve in Afghanistan under the command of a person, not proved their the right to occupy the post of Supreme Commander of the US Army.
Lawyer Orly Taytts was born in the former Soviet Union immigrated to Israel, where, marrying an American, immigrated to America. Today, attorney Orly Taytts legal battle led by the Americans, demanding that Obama provide documentary evidence of their right to occupy the post of President of the United States.
Orly Taytts claims that $ 450 could Obama easily get up to ten copies of their birth certificates. Instead, he spent more than 800 thousand dollars for the services of lawyers defending him from the numerous demands submit this simple document.
via maxur
A copy of the document displayed on the site Orly Taytts: www.obamanotqualified.com/obama-ken...icate-kenya.htm
Lawyer Taytts received this document under the protection of American soldiers who refuse to go to serve in Afghanistan under the command of a person, not proved their the right to occupy the post of Supreme Commander of the US Army.
Lawyer Orly Taytts was born in the former Soviet Union immigrated to Israel, where, marrying an American, immigrated to America. Today, attorney Orly Taytts legal battle led by the Americans, demanding that Obama provide documentary evidence of their right to occupy the post of President of the United States.
Orly Taytts claims that $ 450 could Obama easily get up to ten copies of their birth certificates. Instead, he spent more than 800 thousand dollars for the services of lawyers defending him from the numerous demands submit this simple document.
via maxur
