Test Carl Danker
The figure - a famous test, invented by Carl Danker in 1935 for experiments in the field of productive thinking. There are: a candle, a box of matches and a box of buttons, it is required to fix the candle to the wall so the wax does not drip onto the floor or wall. The test, as you understand, simple, but requires a creative approach. Solve the problem may all, it is only a matter of time. It turns out this and similar tests are used to examine the incentives to work. In the simplest case, there are two groups, one of which promised money voznagrazhdanie for prompt decision, and the other - do not promise anything.
Now you'll be privy to a terrible secret about which already knows the psychology of a half-century, but which for some reason does not pay attention capitalism: according to the experiments, the promise of monetary compensation does not improve the speed of thought, but worsen it. Conversely, groups that do not promise anything material, we find the solution more quickly. On the other hand, if to simplify the task of completely stupid and obvious, the group, which is something promised, perform the job better - is also an interesting fact.
It turns out that creativity is associated with reward. What is it then connected?
A link to the disclosure of all secrets will give later! :)
Now you'll be privy to a terrible secret about which already knows the psychology of a half-century, but which for some reason does not pay attention capitalism: according to the experiments, the promise of monetary compensation does not improve the speed of thought, but worsen it. Conversely, groups that do not promise anything material, we find the solution more quickly. On the other hand, if to simplify the task of completely stupid and obvious, the group, which is something promised, perform the job better - is also an interesting fact.
It turns out that creativity is associated with reward. What is it then connected?
A link to the disclosure of all secrets will give later! :)
