Cosmic enlightenment (50 photos)
The author writes, fima-psuchopadt:
Space Museum Tsiolkovsky (increasingly less important in Kaluga bears his name), except that the first and largest in the world, and his Wikipedia vereschit ofsayta, located in the coolest building futuristic style of the sixties. In this house one can admire the incredible amount of time, and if you know that it was built with shovels and girls in miniskirts, then even longer.
Today, there happened to be me, but the impressions of his visit to the most contradictory, so if you are reckless Soviet patriot, I believe that what is really in it. and in space we were all chiki-bunches and do not can touch her, you'd better not read.
Planetarium Museum delighted me, but about the museum will be a lot of pictures, surprise and bewilderment stinging questions. And this traffic ... Though the camera at me and shit. Besides, I'm not a correspondent of TV channel "Russia" and me for the love of the motherland are not paid - I write what I want. And I laugh at the fact of what I want!
You'll excuse me, I did not take pictures of a rocket from below, as do all who come to the museum - I just took it from the outside and leave it at that. Climb still can not ...
... And do not lie about the police - what's inside, the outside of the museum is full of cops and Cossacks.
Guarded missiles, and they - sharp!
Here is the building from the park (I like this very stilyak).
And so - the main entrance.
The ticket - 50 rubles, ticket for the photo shoot - 80 rubles, but the poverty of the museum, weakness and wretchedness of the interior striking. Nothing has changed since the sixties, a shame. Repair some is, but it's more a cosmetic ... The cashier selling tickets from behind the counter as a cloakroom attendant what. This is not the 21st century.
Upstairs huge relief, announcing that. that only the Bolsheviks were able to appreciate the advanced scientific thought. I am sure that if Tsiolkovsky appreciated in the West, the English title of his museum somewhere in New York City read to the contrary.
Though the beginning of the inspection, it was in another room, but was kept from having to look into the Space Technology Hall?
Room on the third floor explains 90% of the Tsiolkovsky, his ideas and Other Other Other. You forgive, but I will not retell - read original sources, show only what hooked.
Do not leave the thought: the beginning of the twentieth century, Kaluga - well, shit by shit town, to be honest, and that's riding on it and people raving airships and space. Respect and Respect, of course, for perseverance, but I imagine he took out of here.
Meteorites like: standing, looked and thought - these pieces came from some unknown reason and who knows what.
The hall itself and a hefty half-empty. In the far corner of the sitting woman with a crossword puzzle, which for the time that I walked around the room, did not raise any head or front paw to something in him to write.
Quite frankly, boring. If it was not obvious deviance Tsiolkovsky, it would be even melancholy. Man is not only drew airships, he even came up with how to make them a special steel sheet.
And he did it like this machine.
Sculpted models had lived with it ... In Kaluga, I remind you of the century. It is 50 years to do it. You look in his eyes. I have read somewhere that it was a family despot, but it is my experience as a supplement.
House posted their creations ...
Opinions differed about his illegal business diametrically pretty, I must say.
But he pushed.
Walked on the history of early, I walked to the newest. This room on top.
And above it all - Lenin as Halley's Comet. Once and for seventy years. What's makes this pig iron - a question. Or just in the tradition, as in most cases?
But the room was a surprise for me so much that I still can not calm down. Here, for example, a famous cosmic power. Well, not tin ?! But now, dog food looks attractive.
This fitness: jogging track.
This cottage cheese and all sorts of desserts. Thoroughness package delivers.
On dick five times to repeat?
Chocolate refractory iris "Icebreaker" ... Personally, I was in shock: how to survive if you are so fed? Only because of the "Volga" on arrival? No, these people are real heroes!
Left - Amateur zubokovyryatelnye, but that in Bayan Schmal in the right?
These cells were placed on re-entry two. I did not understand - how. And imagine that they felt down, just did not.
One of the instruments for the very scientific space test. Find 10 differences from the devices from the school laboratory.
Chair of the descent camera.
Please check out the shoes themselves and correct patsanskuyu lacing.
And also how to ensure "softness". Now on any attraction, in my opinion, greater comfort.
In case the landing goes according to plan, the astronauts provides a "survival kit." See shudder impossible, really.
Lunokhod I am there in the museum looked. I watched how it was done and wondered: is sent to the moon, and went drifted.
Device to restore the blood supply to the legs: looking at a member, but instead there is a tachometer.
Name one steeper "Futurama": Transcutaneous ultrasound flowmeter. Navorotische to measure the speed of blood flow without opening.
Great-grandfather microwave actually smiled.
I not really understand why to measure the temperature under the tongue in the ass no different nasalok? Or so the astronauts super-humans?
Overall: will Kaluga - visit the museum stands. The only thing, feel or see those "technology", thanks to which we were ahead of the rest and if declassify that - again, it's easy to accomplish, it was not possible.
Text and pictures © fima_psuchopadt
Space Museum Tsiolkovsky (increasingly less important in Kaluga bears his name), except that the first and largest in the world, and his Wikipedia vereschit ofsayta, located in the coolest building futuristic style of the sixties. In this house one can admire the incredible amount of time, and if you know that it was built with shovels and girls in miniskirts, then even longer.
Today, there happened to be me, but the impressions of his visit to the most contradictory, so if you are reckless Soviet patriot, I believe that what is really in it. and in space we were all chiki-bunches and do not can touch her, you'd better not read.
Planetarium Museum delighted me, but about the museum will be a lot of pictures, surprise and bewilderment stinging questions. And this traffic ... Though the camera at me and shit. Besides, I'm not a correspondent of TV channel "Russia" and me for the love of the motherland are not paid - I write what I want. And I laugh at the fact of what I want!

You'll excuse me, I did not take pictures of a rocket from below, as do all who come to the museum - I just took it from the outside and leave it at that. Climb still can not ...

... And do not lie about the police - what's inside, the outside of the museum is full of cops and Cossacks.

Guarded missiles, and they - sharp!


Here is the building from the park (I like this very stilyak).

And so - the main entrance.

The ticket - 50 rubles, ticket for the photo shoot - 80 rubles, but the poverty of the museum, weakness and wretchedness of the interior striking. Nothing has changed since the sixties, a shame. Repair some is, but it's more a cosmetic ... The cashier selling tickets from behind the counter as a cloakroom attendant what. This is not the 21st century.
Upstairs huge relief, announcing that. that only the Bolsheviks were able to appreciate the advanced scientific thought. I am sure that if Tsiolkovsky appreciated in the West, the English title of his museum somewhere in New York City read to the contrary.


Though the beginning of the inspection, it was in another room, but was kept from having to look into the Space Technology Hall?

Room on the third floor explains 90% of the Tsiolkovsky, his ideas and Other Other Other. You forgive, but I will not retell - read original sources, show only what hooked.

Do not leave the thought: the beginning of the twentieth century, Kaluga - well, shit by shit town, to be honest, and that's riding on it and people raving airships and space. Respect and Respect, of course, for perseverance, but I imagine he took out of here.

Meteorites like: standing, looked and thought - these pieces came from some unknown reason and who knows what.

The hall itself and a hefty half-empty. In the far corner of the sitting woman with a crossword puzzle, which for the time that I walked around the room, did not raise any head or front paw to something in him to write.



Quite frankly, boring. If it was not obvious deviance Tsiolkovsky, it would be even melancholy. Man is not only drew airships, he even came up with how to make them a special steel sheet.

And he did it like this machine.

Sculpted models had lived with it ... In Kaluga, I remind you of the century. It is 50 years to do it. You look in his eyes. I have read somewhere that it was a family despot, but it is my experience as a supplement.

House posted their creations ...

Opinions differed about his illegal business diametrically pretty, I must say.

But he pushed.


Walked on the history of early, I walked to the newest. This room on top.


And above it all - Lenin as Halley's Comet. Once and for seventy years. What's makes this pig iron - a question. Or just in the tradition, as in most cases?


But the room was a surprise for me so much that I still can not calm down. Here, for example, a famous cosmic power. Well, not tin ?! But now, dog food looks attractive.

This fitness: jogging track.

This cottage cheese and all sorts of desserts. Thoroughness package delivers.

On dick five times to repeat?

Chocolate refractory iris "Icebreaker" ... Personally, I was in shock: how to survive if you are so fed? Only because of the "Volga" on arrival? No, these people are real heroes!

Left - Amateur zubokovyryatelnye, but that in Bayan Schmal in the right?

These cells were placed on re-entry two. I did not understand - how. And imagine that they felt down, just did not.


One of the instruments for the very scientific space test. Find 10 differences from the devices from the school laboratory.


Chair of the descent camera.

Please check out the shoes themselves and correct patsanskuyu lacing.

And also how to ensure "softness". Now on any attraction, in my opinion, greater comfort.

In case the landing goes according to plan, the astronauts provides a "survival kit." See shudder impossible, really.



Lunokhod I am there in the museum looked. I watched how it was done and wondered: is sent to the moon, and went drifted.


Device to restore the blood supply to the legs: looking at a member, but instead there is a tachometer.


Name one steeper "Futurama": Transcutaneous ultrasound flowmeter. Navorotische to measure the speed of blood flow without opening.

Great-grandfather microwave actually smiled.

I not really understand why to measure the temperature under the tongue in the ass no different nasalok? Or so the astronauts super-humans?
Overall: will Kaluga - visit the museum stands. The only thing, feel or see those "technology", thanks to which we were ahead of the rest and if declassify that - again, it's easy to accomplish, it was not possible.
Text and pictures © fima_psuchopadt
