Wiman - ancient aircraft.
13 images.
Wiman - aircraft, the disclosures of which are found in ancient writings, such as in "Vimanika-sastra." These devices are able to move in the Earth's atmosphere and in space, and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimana were operated like using mantra (magic), and with the help of mechanical devices.
Vaitmar down on the mainland, which was named star travelers Daar - gift of the gods. aytmana - small flying chariot. Wightman bears the second type of ships - Vimana. If only
On Vaitmar were representatives of the peoples of the four allied Great Race Lands: Childbirth Aryans - hAriytsy, in other words daAriytsy; Births Slavs - Russ and Svyatorus. DaAriytsy acted as pilots with the exception of the piccolo. Vaitmar down on the mainland, who was named star travelers Daar - for free schёtkoobrazno Gods. HAriytsy were kosmonavigatsionnye work.
Vaitmar - Great Heavenly vehicles capable delayed in the womb of his 144 Wightman. All by itself Wiman - scout ship.
All Slavic-Aryan gods and goddesses have their Wightman and Vaitmar corresponding to their spiritual capacity. To put it in modern terms, skyship our Ancestors are biological robots, having a certain degree of awareness and the ability to carry them both in the worlds of Nav, Yav and glory, and from one world into another. In the different worlds they take different forms and have different properties required to perform its mission. For example, the people of Earth God Vyshen repeatedly flew to Wightman, having the shape of a huge eagle, and God Svarog (which Hindu Brahmins called Brahma) - on Wightman in the form of a beautiful swan.
And this is called "Wiman goddess" .Razitelno similarity: the cocoon of man - the pyramid - Wiman - pepelats.
Apparently, not for nothing that they say that the Vimana live, because it turns out that the energy made by a man. And if so, then the person should be able to fly without vimaana!
From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem unusual volume, we learn that a man named Asura Maya had Wieman about 6 meters in circumference, equipped with the four-strong wings. This poem - a whole treasure trove of information relating to the conflict between the gods, who resolved their differences using guns, apparently just as deadly as the ones that we can use. In addition to "bright missiles', the poem describes the use and other deadly weapons. "Dart of Indra" operate using the round "reflector". Enabling it gives a ray of light, which is being focused on the goal of a pleasure, immediately, "it devours its power." In one particular case, when the hero, Krishna, pursuing his enemy, Shalva, in the sky, did Saubha vimaanas Shalva invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately sets in motion a special weapon: 'I quickly put an arrow, which killed, searching for the sound ».
And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite significantly in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of any used against Vrish. The account says:
"Gurkha flying in his fast and powerful Vimana, threw three cities Vrishi and andhaka single projectile charged the full force of the universe. Incandescent column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, that turned to ashes the entire race and Vrishi andhaka. »
It is important to note that the record of this kind are not isolated. They are correlated with similar information of other ancient civilizations. The consequences of the effect of the iron contained lightning ominously recognizable ring. Obviously, those who had been killed by her were burnt so that their bodies were not recognizable. Survivors held out a little longer, and their hair and nails fell out.
Perhaps the most impressive and calling information that some of these ancient records supposedly mythical Wieman said, as they build. Instructions on its own sufficiently detailed. In Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara written:
"Strong and durable must make the body presentable, like a huge bird of light material. Inside, it is necessary to put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. With the power latent in the mercury which leads leading whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel across the sky over long distances. Movement of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically inclined to decline and move back and forth. With these machines human beings can rise into the air and heavenly entities can come down to earth. »
Hakafa (laws Babylonians) states unequivocally: "the privilege to control a flying machine is great. Knowledge about the flight - among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from "those at the top." We got it from them as a means of saving many lives. "
Even more fantastic information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Sifrale that contains over a hundred pages of technical details about the construction of a flying machine. It contains words which translate as graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable angled design.
Valiksy Aryans were called "Wightman" and those that are housed and transported several Wightman was called "Vaitmar."
It is believed that this figure shows the Indian Vaitmar:
Unfortunately, the Vimana, like most scientific discoveries, eventually used for military purposes. Atlanta used their flying machines, "vayliksi", a similar type of devices, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to the Indian texts. Atlanta, known as "asviny" in the Indian writings, were apparently even more advanced technologically than the Indians, and, of course, were more warlike temperament. Although it is not known of the existence of any ancient texts about Atlanta vayliksi, some information comes from the esoteric, occult sources describe their flying machines.
The rise of the Vimana in the air was carried out using the secret power of sound. The pilot held serious training before being allowed to control levers.
Vimaana Similar but not identical to them, they were generally vayliksi cigar and were able to maneuver the water as well as in the atmosphere or even in outer space. Other devices, like Wieman were as saucers, and apparently also able to dive. According Eklalu Kueshane, author of "Maximum border" vayliksi as he writes in 1966, it was first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapetsialny in the section with three hemispherical engine covers at the bottom. They use a mechanical antigravity Plants powered engine developing capacity of about 80,000 horsepower. "Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of the hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama, and was conducted with isaolzovaniem weapons destruction which could not provide the reader until the second half of the XX century.
Moreover, in Mohenjo-Daro, well-planned city grid, with running water, a superior one used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were littered with "black lumps of glass." It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots, melt with fervent heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom and Rama with atomic weapons the world has slid to the "Stone Age». ...
This is a fragment of the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text «Prajnaparamita Sutra», dating from the 10th century and housed in a Japanese museum. Vimana, which you see in the lower right corner of the remarkably similar to modern UFOs.
Angels flying in the sky, a fragment of the fresco "The Crucifixion" of the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Decani in Kosovo, Yugoslavia (mural created around 1350).
Has an ancient similar technologies ... or is it just fiction, it's up to you.
Wiman - aircraft, the disclosures of which are found in ancient writings, such as in "Vimanika-sastra." These devices are able to move in the Earth's atmosphere and in space, and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimana were operated like using mantra (magic), and with the help of mechanical devices.
Vaitmar down on the mainland, which was named star travelers Daar - gift of the gods. aytmana - small flying chariot. Wightman bears the second type of ships - Vimana. If only
On Vaitmar were representatives of the peoples of the four allied Great Race Lands: Childbirth Aryans - hAriytsy, in other words daAriytsy; Births Slavs - Russ and Svyatorus. DaAriytsy acted as pilots with the exception of the piccolo. Vaitmar down on the mainland, who was named star travelers Daar - for free schёtkoobrazno Gods. HAriytsy were kosmonavigatsionnye work.
Vaitmar - Great Heavenly vehicles capable delayed in the womb of his 144 Wightman. All by itself Wiman - scout ship.

All Slavic-Aryan gods and goddesses have their Wightman and Vaitmar corresponding to their spiritual capacity. To put it in modern terms, skyship our Ancestors are biological robots, having a certain degree of awareness and the ability to carry them both in the worlds of Nav, Yav and glory, and from one world into another. In the different worlds they take different forms and have different properties required to perform its mission. For example, the people of Earth God Vyshen repeatedly flew to Wightman, having the shape of a huge eagle, and God Svarog (which Hindu Brahmins called Brahma) - on Wightman in the form of a beautiful swan.

And this is called "Wiman goddess" .Razitelno similarity: the cocoon of man - the pyramid - Wiman - pepelats.
Apparently, not for nothing that they say that the Vimana live, because it turns out that the energy made by a man. And if so, then the person should be able to fly without vimaana!

From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem unusual volume, we learn that a man named Asura Maya had Wieman about 6 meters in circumference, equipped with the four-strong wings. This poem - a whole treasure trove of information relating to the conflict between the gods, who resolved their differences using guns, apparently just as deadly as the ones that we can use. In addition to "bright missiles', the poem describes the use and other deadly weapons. "Dart of Indra" operate using the round "reflector". Enabling it gives a ray of light, which is being focused on the goal of a pleasure, immediately, "it devours its power." In one particular case, when the hero, Krishna, pursuing his enemy, Shalva, in the sky, did Saubha vimaanas Shalva invisible. Undeterred, Krishna immediately sets in motion a special weapon: 'I quickly put an arrow, which killed, searching for the sound ».

And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite significantly in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of any used against Vrish. The account says:
"Gurkha flying in his fast and powerful Vimana, threw three cities Vrishi and andhaka single projectile charged the full force of the universe. Incandescent column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its splendor. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt, a gigantic messenger of death, that turned to ashes the entire race and Vrishi andhaka. »

It is important to note that the record of this kind are not isolated. They are correlated with similar information of other ancient civilizations. The consequences of the effect of the iron contained lightning ominously recognizable ring. Obviously, those who had been killed by her were burnt so that their bodies were not recognizable. Survivors held out a little longer, and their hair and nails fell out.

Perhaps the most impressive and calling information that some of these ancient records supposedly mythical Wieman said, as they build. Instructions on its own sufficiently detailed. In Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara written:
"Strong and durable must make the body presentable, like a huge bird of light material. Inside, it is necessary to put the mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus underneath. With the power latent in the mercury which leads leading whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel across the sky over long distances. Movement of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically inclined to decline and move back and forth. With these machines human beings can rise into the air and heavenly entities can come down to earth. »
Hakafa (laws Babylonians) states unequivocally: "the privilege to control a flying machine is great. Knowledge about the flight - among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from "those at the top." We got it from them as a means of saving many lives. "

Even more fantastic information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Sifrale that contains over a hundred pages of technical details about the construction of a flying machine. It contains words which translate as graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable angled design.
Valiksy Aryans were called "Wightman" and those that are housed and transported several Wightman was called "Vaitmar."
It is believed that this figure shows the Indian Vaitmar:

Unfortunately, the Vimana, like most scientific discoveries, eventually used for military purposes. Atlanta used their flying machines, "vayliksi", a similar type of devices, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to the Indian texts. Atlanta, known as "asviny" in the Indian writings, were apparently even more advanced technologically than the Indians, and, of course, were more warlike temperament. Although it is not known of the existence of any ancient texts about Atlanta vayliksi, some information comes from the esoteric, occult sources describe their flying machines.
The rise of the Vimana in the air was carried out using the secret power of sound. The pilot held serious training before being allowed to control levers.

Vimaana Similar but not identical to them, they were generally vayliksi cigar and were able to maneuver the water as well as in the atmosphere or even in outer space. Other devices, like Wieman were as saucers, and apparently also able to dive. According Eklalu Kueshane, author of "Maximum border" vayliksi as he writes in 1966, it was first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapetsialny in the section with three hemispherical engine covers at the bottom. They use a mechanical antigravity Plants powered engine developing capacity of about 80,000 horsepower. "Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of the hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama, and was conducted with isaolzovaniem weapons destruction which could not provide the reader until the second half of the XX century.

Moreover, in Mohenjo-Daro, well-planned city grid, with running water, a superior one used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were littered with "black lumps of glass." It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots, melt with fervent heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom and Rama with atomic weapons the world has slid to the "Stone Age». ...

This is a fragment of the Tibetan translation of the Sanskrit text «Prajnaparamita Sutra», dating from the 10th century and housed in a Japanese museum. Vimana, which you see in the lower right corner of the remarkably similar to modern UFOs.

Angels flying in the sky, a fragment of the fresco "The Crucifixion" of the Serbian Orthodox monastery of Visoki Decani in Kosovo, Yugoslavia (mural created around 1350).
Has an ancient similar technologies ... or is it just fiction, it's up to you.
