"Worker and Collective Farm" back into place
Today, the famous sculpture raised on a pedestal. The monument was restored more than five years, the return date postponed several times. The sculptural group "Worker and Collective Farm Girl" was created in 1937. The monument was decorated with the Soviet pavilion at the International Exhibition in Paris. Two years later, the sculpture installed in front of the north entrance to the Exhibition of Economic Achievements in Moscow. It was here she came back today.
11 ph via Ilya Varlamov
Exact time lifting one could not say last night there were rumors about 8am. The rumors were confirmed and 7-50 sculpture turned to the crowd side, and after 15 minutes, began to rise.
To lift the sculpture was commissioned in Finland special crane. There are only three in the world. He picked up the sculpture weighing two hundred tons.
Raised very slowly, about 30 minutes. All this time, journalists and onlookers running around the construction site interfering with the passage of trams. It is strange that not a single policeman.
In 2003, the monument was dismantled on 40 fragments. Then he set out to refurbish and return to the place in late 2005, however, due to problems with the financing of the sculpture remained disassembled.
On the pedestal end finishing work: modern restorers had to abandon the beautiful Gazgan marble, it is not expensive and frost. Besides fades. We decided to use granite - twelve different shades ordered in Italy, Kazakhstan, Turkey and China.
Inside the house the Museum of Vera Mukhina, exhibition halls and a conference room.
On-court press was not allowed, there crowded Moscow nobility in their coats and photographed lifting a bar of soap.
Sculpture reinforced frame - Replace the part of the compounds. Updated monument restorers promise, will be stronger than before. A pedestal - a replica of the historic first. On the four-meter stele at the entrance hung a figure athletes and workers of the former Soviet Union. In the center of the pedestal - a huge coat of arms - we found the original.
11 ph via Ilya Varlamov
Exact time lifting one could not say last night there were rumors about 8am. The rumors were confirmed and 7-50 sculpture turned to the crowd side, and after 15 minutes, began to rise.

To lift the sculpture was commissioned in Finland special crane. There are only three in the world. He picked up the sculpture weighing two hundred tons.

Raised very slowly, about 30 minutes. All this time, journalists and onlookers running around the construction site interfering with the passage of trams. It is strange that not a single policeman.

In 2003, the monument was dismantled on 40 fragments. Then he set out to refurbish and return to the place in late 2005, however, due to problems with the financing of the sculpture remained disassembled.


On the pedestal end finishing work: modern restorers had to abandon the beautiful Gazgan marble, it is not expensive and frost. Besides fades. We decided to use granite - twelve different shades ordered in Italy, Kazakhstan, Turkey and China.

Inside the house the Museum of Vera Mukhina, exhibition halls and a conference room.

On-court press was not allowed, there crowded Moscow nobility in their coats and photographed lifting a bar of soap.

Sculpture reinforced frame - Replace the part of the compounds. Updated monument restorers promise, will be stronger than before. A pedestal - a replica of the historic first. On the four-meter stele at the entrance hung a figure athletes and workers of the former Soviet Union. In the center of the pedestal - a huge coat of arms - we found the original.


