What the hell is lomography?
Lomography - this is one of the varieties of contemporary photography, in less than 20 years has turned from a technical acceptance in the original form of visual thinking. This is the kind of contemporary art, as well as an international movement that brings together creative photographers experimentalists enthusiastic analogue photography. Lomography may engage each. To seize the moment, not necessarily thinking how to build a frame, you do not even need a viewfinder. You can remove the 'from the hip, "" offhand "Catch a moment on the fly.
Lomographic International Community has more than 1 million people. Rows lomographers constantly replenished, as well as infectious lomography, tempting and attractive, as well as freedom.
Lomography, as a new creative movement in photography and, above all, art, appeared in 1991 in the capital of Austria - Vienna. What is this thing Lomography? Firstly, it is photographed using the Lomo Compact Automate (LCA) - the camera, which was made in St. Petersburg, the one that lies on the shelves of a huge number of Russians. By the way, maybe it is, and you have! Lomography - it is also a certain style and philosophy of photography. Lomography photographed quickly from the hip (of the tribe, from the shoulder from behind, at arm's length, etc., etc.) - they do it constantly and everywhere! Photographing, 'without aiming "Lomography possible to achieve both their vitality and documentary photographs.
Lomography began with a trick. Two Austrian students of the Vienna Academy of Arts Figl Matthias and Wolfgang Shtrantsinger vacationing in Prague, and Matthias just bought a $ 12 stock of photographic shop 'LOMO-compact'. Friends traveled all over Prague, shooting everything, not looking into the lens, as they say, 'offhand'. Then, after returning to Vienna, continued to play with the camera on the roof of the student dormitories. Printed photos of them and lay panels, friends were amazed at the result. These were the images' preserving memories. " Young people decided to organize an exhibition of Lomography - pictures taken with 'LOMO-compact'. Since the money is not there, enterprising students have registered themselves as an official organization and asked for support in the municipality of Vienna. So in Vienna in 1991 was born the International Lomographic obschestvo.Znakomstvo manufacturer 'LOMO-compact' now LOMO, held in 1994, when the exhibition was held in Moscow lomographers. By this time it is going to stop production due to falling demand for domestic camera. But after meeting with lomography production 'LOMO-compact "was renewed, and the Lomographic Society was granted the rights exclusive supplier' LOMO-compact 'in mire.Seychas Lomographic Society - is a powerful organization, whose ranks are constantly replenished. It opened in different countries about 70 embassies, which granted the right to use ideas, as well as the cameras themselves. And of course, lomography - a way of life and a particular view of the world. The Austrians came up with a funny word transcript LoMo - 'love and motion' - the love and the movement. It is this expression has become the motto of the Lomographic obschestva.Byt Lomography means to be an experimenter, always be attentive to the reality surrounding you, be curious and brave. Based on these principles, worldwide Lomographic Embassy help all who wish to shoot in the style lomo! There you can ask for help or advice, and get the latest news from other countries and from other Lomography take part in lomokonkursah, lomotusovkah and lomovecherinkah.Tselyu Lomography is the study and documentation of the Earth's surface by lomografirovaniya moments of her life.
Your lomography - it's your views, your feelings, your life ... But as well as for you lomography simple and ordinary, so new and unusual it is for other people! And when these are combined with the Lomography Lomography others and drawn together, you get a huge lomowall, which stretch for several kilometers maze exhibition ekspozitsiy.So time ceased to be limited to Lomography camera LOMO-compact. It was invented by a lot of fun devices that allows to take pictures of a very unusual due lomoeffektam. However, LOMO-compact is a true friend of the lomography.
Then - 22 foty by amateur lomographers. I choose to your taste, so that the entire depth of lomography is not represented here.
Materials taken from such informative sites like www.lomography.ru, www.lomography.com, club lomographers in contact www.vkontakte.ruclub231728
Enjoy! 2
Lomography - this is one of the varieties of contemporary photography, in less than 20 years has turned from a technical acceptance in the original form of visual thinking. This is the kind of contemporary art, as well as an international movement that brings together creative photographers experimentalists enthusiastic analogue photography. Lomography may engage each. To seize the moment, not necessarily thinking how to build a frame, you do not even need a viewfinder. You can remove the 'from the hip, "" offhand "Catch a moment on the fly.

Lomographic International Community has more than 1 million people. Rows lomographers constantly replenished, as well as infectious lomography, tempting and attractive, as well as freedom.
Lomography, as a new creative movement in photography and, above all, art, appeared in 1991 in the capital of Austria - Vienna. What is this thing Lomography? Firstly, it is photographed using the Lomo Compact Automate (LCA) - the camera, which was made in St. Petersburg, the one that lies on the shelves of a huge number of Russians. By the way, maybe it is, and you have! Lomography - it is also a certain style and philosophy of photography. Lomography photographed quickly from the hip (of the tribe, from the shoulder from behind, at arm's length, etc., etc.) - they do it constantly and everywhere! Photographing, 'without aiming "Lomography possible to achieve both their vitality and documentary photographs.
Lomography began with a trick. Two Austrian students of the Vienna Academy of Arts Figl Matthias and Wolfgang Shtrantsinger vacationing in Prague, and Matthias just bought a $ 12 stock of photographic shop 'LOMO-compact'. Friends traveled all over Prague, shooting everything, not looking into the lens, as they say, 'offhand'. Then, after returning to Vienna, continued to play with the camera on the roof of the student dormitories. Printed photos of them and lay panels, friends were amazed at the result. These were the images' preserving memories. " Young people decided to organize an exhibition of Lomography - pictures taken with 'LOMO-compact'. Since the money is not there, enterprising students have registered themselves as an official organization and asked for support in the municipality of Vienna. So in Vienna in 1991 was born the International Lomographic obschestvo.Znakomstvo manufacturer 'LOMO-compact' now LOMO, held in 1994, when the exhibition was held in Moscow lomographers. By this time it is going to stop production due to falling demand for domestic camera. But after meeting with lomography production 'LOMO-compact "was renewed, and the Lomographic Society was granted the rights exclusive supplier' LOMO-compact 'in mire.Seychas Lomographic Society - is a powerful organization, whose ranks are constantly replenished. It opened in different countries about 70 embassies, which granted the right to use ideas, as well as the cameras themselves. And of course, lomography - a way of life and a particular view of the world. The Austrians came up with a funny word transcript LoMo - 'love and motion' - the love and the movement. It is this expression has become the motto of the Lomographic obschestva.Byt Lomography means to be an experimenter, always be attentive to the reality surrounding you, be curious and brave. Based on these principles, worldwide Lomographic Embassy help all who wish to shoot in the style lomo! There you can ask for help or advice, and get the latest news from other countries and from other Lomography take part in lomokonkursah, lomotusovkah and lomovecherinkah.Tselyu Lomography is the study and documentation of the Earth's surface by lomografirovaniya moments of her life.
Your lomography - it's your views, your feelings, your life ... But as well as for you lomography simple and ordinary, so new and unusual it is for other people! And when these are combined with the Lomography Lomography others and drawn together, you get a huge lomowall, which stretch for several kilometers maze exhibition ekspozitsiy.So time ceased to be limited to Lomography camera LOMO-compact. It was invented by a lot of fun devices that allows to take pictures of a very unusual due lomoeffektam. However, LOMO-compact is a true friend of the lomography.
Then - 22 foty by amateur lomographers. I choose to your taste, so that the entire depth of lomography is not represented here.
Materials taken from such informative sites like www.lomography.ru, www.lomography.com, club lomographers in contact www.vkontakte.ruclub231728
Enjoy! 2




















