5 new aphrodisiac. Eat with caution!
US scientists have identified five natural sources of love forces are not very famous, but no less effective
Everyone knows that oysters, strawberries, cream and wine not only create a romantic mood, but physiologically adjust the body, so to speak, "Close Encounters." Referred to products with such loving property, aphrodisiac, and, as it turned out, the list of more than a well-known strawberry Oyster. US scientists have identified five other natural sources of love force if they have a little more, about the problems in bed, you can forget.
Author: Leo chubby
More Aztecs believed that the fruit can improve male sexual performance; although the reason for this was, of course, not scientific evidence, and the shape of avocado, recalls sorry, testicles.
However, a reliable proof of the properties of this fruit of love has found modern scientists.
Avocado is extremely rich in unsaturated fats, and they are not only permanently energized, but the treated blood vessels and the heart and improve blood flow. Taken together, all this has a positive effect on potency, because according to statistics is a problem with the cardiovascular system are often the cause of erectile dysfunction.
Many men are suspicious of any vegetables. Like, not all that meat - not food. However, asparagus for its nutritional quality can compete with any first dish.
Firstly, it is full of important vitamins - E, C, B1, B2, PP, and vitamin A. Plus, the plant is rich in iron, zinc, potassium, fiber and folic acid, all of which combine to make it almost a natural Viagra. All these elements are necessary for the body to maintain a normal libido and zinc so do uvelchivaet ability to love at times. Why is this, science is not precisely known, but many studies have shown that this is so.
And again, contained in asparagus asparagine dilates blood vessels, beneficial effects on the heart muscle and lowers blood pressure. And this, as we already know, helps to solve the problem of intimate male.
This grass - an infrequent guest at our tables, in fact, you can buy it in almost every supermarket.
And, in any case, chew foliage kilograms not necessary: each tiny leaf hidden as minerals and antioxidants which one portion with some salad enough to feel the effect.
According to American biologists, getting into the body, useful components arugula interfere with the absorption of toxins from food and the environment - and it is these toxins that adversely affect libido and reproductive system as a whole.
Since ancient times used as a "love potion." Rich in protein, sugar, acids, vitamins B1, B3, PP, C, and sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. And the content of potassium and iron with him at all can compete just nuts. In general, eat the fruit fresh or dried form and are advised not only to those who want to improve things love.
As for the latter, especially figs heals the cardiovascular and digestive system; and from the fortress and the "tranquility" of both, as is well known, it depends on the quality of sexual life, and even the duration of sexual intercourse.
As a representative of citrus, lime boasts remarkable reserves of vitamin C, antioxidants and folic acid - in general, all that is necessary for the health of the male reproductive organs.
If the taste of the fruit you do not like, to be able to successfully replace its lemon, tangerine and grapefruit, which, incidentally, perfectly combined with other known aphrodisiac - seafood. Add the juice of citrus fruits in the sea salad, arch the mixture almond nuts - and get a love cocktail tripled action.
Photo: Liveinternet.ru
Everyone knows that oysters, strawberries, cream and wine not only create a romantic mood, but physiologically adjust the body, so to speak, "Close Encounters." Referred to products with such loving property, aphrodisiac, and, as it turned out, the list of more than a well-known strawberry Oyster. US scientists have identified five other natural sources of love force if they have a little more, about the problems in bed, you can forget.
Author: Leo chubby

More Aztecs believed that the fruit can improve male sexual performance; although the reason for this was, of course, not scientific evidence, and the shape of avocado, recalls sorry, testicles.
However, a reliable proof of the properties of this fruit of love has found modern scientists.
Avocado is extremely rich in unsaturated fats, and they are not only permanently energized, but the treated blood vessels and the heart and improve blood flow. Taken together, all this has a positive effect on potency, because according to statistics is a problem with the cardiovascular system are often the cause of erectile dysfunction.

Many men are suspicious of any vegetables. Like, not all that meat - not food. However, asparagus for its nutritional quality can compete with any first dish.
Firstly, it is full of important vitamins - E, C, B1, B2, PP, and vitamin A. Plus, the plant is rich in iron, zinc, potassium, fiber and folic acid, all of which combine to make it almost a natural Viagra. All these elements are necessary for the body to maintain a normal libido and zinc so do uvelchivaet ability to love at times. Why is this, science is not precisely known, but many studies have shown that this is so.
And again, contained in asparagus asparagine dilates blood vessels, beneficial effects on the heart muscle and lowers blood pressure. And this, as we already know, helps to solve the problem of intimate male.

This grass - an infrequent guest at our tables, in fact, you can buy it in almost every supermarket.
And, in any case, chew foliage kilograms not necessary: each tiny leaf hidden as minerals and antioxidants which one portion with some salad enough to feel the effect.
According to American biologists, getting into the body, useful components arugula interfere with the absorption of toxins from food and the environment - and it is these toxins that adversely affect libido and reproductive system as a whole.

Since ancient times used as a "love potion." Rich in protein, sugar, acids, vitamins B1, B3, PP, C, and sodium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. And the content of potassium and iron with him at all can compete just nuts. In general, eat the fruit fresh or dried form and are advised not only to those who want to improve things love.
As for the latter, especially figs heals the cardiovascular and digestive system; and from the fortress and the "tranquility" of both, as is well known, it depends on the quality of sexual life, and even the duration of sexual intercourse.

As a representative of citrus, lime boasts remarkable reserves of vitamin C, antioxidants and folic acid - in general, all that is necessary for the health of the male reproductive organs.
If the taste of the fruit you do not like, to be able to successfully replace its lemon, tangerine and grapefruit, which, incidentally, perfectly combined with other known aphrodisiac - seafood. Add the juice of citrus fruits in the sea salad, arch the mixture almond nuts - and get a love cocktail tripled action.
Photo: Liveinternet.ru
