10 most sensual aphrodisiacs
Perhaps the most safe, useful and effective aphrodisiac food. The recipe for success is simple: during the next campaign for the products put in the basket one of several proposed products, and you will see it's worth it.
1. Oysters
They say that the famous lover Casanova every day, eat Breakfast on 50 oysters to prepare himself for the day's work. Oysters are the classic aphrodisiac, are rich in zinc, which stimulates the production of testosterone hormone. Moreover, oysters are a source of dopamine – the hormone of pleasure, including sexual. However, the healing powers of oysters depends on the method of cooking the best impact they will have in the form of cheese laced with fresh lemon.
2. Avocado
The ancient Aztecs no wonder they call avocado the "testicle tree", the tree of male power. This fruit noted the high content of folic acid, which helps metabolize protein and gives the body more energy. Not done in avocado without potassium and vitamin B6 – an aphrodisiac for men and women.
3. Almonds
Festive tables for European weddings are traditionally decorated with beautiful bags with almond dragees. As it turned out, and it is not casual. Almonds are considered an aphrodisiac in Ancient Greece: Greek couple took the blessing of using almonds to their Union was fruitful. But if an unmarried girl was keeping the almonds under her pillow, her image was supposed to appear in the thoughts of her future husband.
In Morocco, almonds are used to convey the bride good fortune on to future generations — to give to children after the wedding night the young. And in India, to give almonds to the opposite sex means that you make a very clear offer.
This nut has long been considered an excellent means to increase potency and fertility. It is rich in minerals such as zinc and selenium, and also vitamin E, which plays an important role in the formation libido. Add to this healthy fats, which improve the condition of the circulatory system, and omega-3 acids, strengthening and toning the nervous system. And besides, he's just delicious! Add the almonds can be almost anywhere — crumble into a salad or main dish to use as a snack with wine or decorate a dessert.
4. Garnet
Garnet is known as a natural aphrodisiac, the causative agent of the desires and "cool feelings". Not casually in one of the Greek myths of Proserpine Pluto has not left only because he begged her to share with him half a pomegranate. Since it is believed that the grenades always have to share with a loved one. Pomegranate high in potassium, a trace element essential for improving sexual function.
5. Pineapple
A genus of herbaceous tropical plants of the family Bromeliads. In Mediterranean countries, has a reputation as the most effective stimulator of the libido. A special effect will be if it is pepper or to drink with rum or honey. Also, along with the other vitamins, is composed of mineral salt and organic acid, with positive effects not only on men but also on women.
6. Celery
Celery stalks contain in its composition the male sex hormone Androsterone, which improves blood flow to genitals and enhances sexual activity of both men and women. To use this plant in food better in the raw, without heat treatment.
7. Chocolate
The composition of black chocolate (mostly bitter) is a theobromine – a substance similar to caffeine, and phenethylamine – a kind of a pleasure hormone, which can cause euphoria, a true love of the language.
8. Vanilla
A genus of perennial vines of the Orchid family, the fruits(pods) which are also called vanilla and is used as a spice; immature fruit of the Orchid. Stimulating properties of vanilla mainly act by posredstvom flavor and smell. To harness the vanilla powder into the far corner and do not take for important things real Bourbon vanilla – the result is you will be pleasantly surprised.
9. Honey and Mead
Honey has long been considered an aphrodisiac. In the end, he gave the name of the best wedding traditions is the honeymoon. More precisely, the honeymoon is named in honor of Mead, an ancient alcoholic beverage made from honey. It was believed that it increases the libido, especially for just married young people.
Also, it was believed that Mead gives wisdom and courage to those who drink. The Celts drank this drink from about 500 Godot century BC, and Saint Brigid made a miracle — turned water into Mead instead of wine. The Aztecs and the Maya also drank some sort of honey drink.
The popularity of honey for centuries, has a modern scientific explanation. It contains significant amounts of b vitamins, protein, and nitrogen oxides related to the health of the reproductive system. Mead also reduces shyness and helps the person to reject her in the first wedding night — alcoholic drink after all.
10. Strawberry
Looks nice, fragrant and wonderful taste berry. Simple contemplation of strawberries is already causing a sense of joy. The fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Also, strawberries are the most pleasant for our body substances – endorphins. The so-called "happy hormones" that improve your mood and heighten the senses. And strawberries, combined with champagne, which is considered the elixir of love, " not "bomb."
Source: /users/1077
1. Oysters
They say that the famous lover Casanova every day, eat Breakfast on 50 oysters to prepare himself for the day's work. Oysters are the classic aphrodisiac, are rich in zinc, which stimulates the production of testosterone hormone. Moreover, oysters are a source of dopamine – the hormone of pleasure, including sexual. However, the healing powers of oysters depends on the method of cooking the best impact they will have in the form of cheese laced with fresh lemon.
2. Avocado
The ancient Aztecs no wonder they call avocado the "testicle tree", the tree of male power. This fruit noted the high content of folic acid, which helps metabolize protein and gives the body more energy. Not done in avocado without potassium and vitamin B6 – an aphrodisiac for men and women.
3. Almonds
Festive tables for European weddings are traditionally decorated with beautiful bags with almond dragees. As it turned out, and it is not casual. Almonds are considered an aphrodisiac in Ancient Greece: Greek couple took the blessing of using almonds to their Union was fruitful. But if an unmarried girl was keeping the almonds under her pillow, her image was supposed to appear in the thoughts of her future husband.
In Morocco, almonds are used to convey the bride good fortune on to future generations — to give to children after the wedding night the young. And in India, to give almonds to the opposite sex means that you make a very clear offer.
This nut has long been considered an excellent means to increase potency and fertility. It is rich in minerals such as zinc and selenium, and also vitamin E, which plays an important role in the formation libido. Add to this healthy fats, which improve the condition of the circulatory system, and omega-3 acids, strengthening and toning the nervous system. And besides, he's just delicious! Add the almonds can be almost anywhere — crumble into a salad or main dish to use as a snack with wine or decorate a dessert.
4. Garnet
Garnet is known as a natural aphrodisiac, the causative agent of the desires and "cool feelings". Not casually in one of the Greek myths of Proserpine Pluto has not left only because he begged her to share with him half a pomegranate. Since it is believed that the grenades always have to share with a loved one. Pomegranate high in potassium, a trace element essential for improving sexual function.
5. Pineapple
A genus of herbaceous tropical plants of the family Bromeliads. In Mediterranean countries, has a reputation as the most effective stimulator of the libido. A special effect will be if it is pepper or to drink with rum or honey. Also, along with the other vitamins, is composed of mineral salt and organic acid, with positive effects not only on men but also on women.
6. Celery
Celery stalks contain in its composition the male sex hormone Androsterone, which improves blood flow to genitals and enhances sexual activity of both men and women. To use this plant in food better in the raw, without heat treatment.
7. Chocolate
The composition of black chocolate (mostly bitter) is a theobromine – a substance similar to caffeine, and phenethylamine – a kind of a pleasure hormone, which can cause euphoria, a true love of the language.
8. Vanilla
A genus of perennial vines of the Orchid family, the fruits(pods) which are also called vanilla and is used as a spice; immature fruit of the Orchid. Stimulating properties of vanilla mainly act by posredstvom flavor and smell. To harness the vanilla powder into the far corner and do not take for important things real Bourbon vanilla – the result is you will be pleasantly surprised.
9. Honey and Mead
Honey has long been considered an aphrodisiac. In the end, he gave the name of the best wedding traditions is the honeymoon. More precisely, the honeymoon is named in honor of Mead, an ancient alcoholic beverage made from honey. It was believed that it increases the libido, especially for just married young people.
Also, it was believed that Mead gives wisdom and courage to those who drink. The Celts drank this drink from about 500 Godot century BC, and Saint Brigid made a miracle — turned water into Mead instead of wine. The Aztecs and the Maya also drank some sort of honey drink.
The popularity of honey for centuries, has a modern scientific explanation. It contains significant amounts of b vitamins, protein, and nitrogen oxides related to the health of the reproductive system. Mead also reduces shyness and helps the person to reject her in the first wedding night — alcoholic drink after all.
10. Strawberry
Looks nice, fragrant and wonderful taste berry. Simple contemplation of strawberries is already causing a sense of joy. The fruit is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C. Also, strawberries are the most pleasant for our body substances – endorphins. The so-called "happy hormones" that improve your mood and heighten the senses. And strawberries, combined with champagne, which is considered the elixir of love, " not "bomb."
Source: /users/1077