Stone pyramid Uchalinsky taiga
These stone pyramids hidden away from civilization and human settlements, under the dense canopy of trees.
Musin pyramid discovered employee Uchalinsky child tourist club Ayrat Khisamutdinov. On the pyramid I came across by accident. 4 years of the discovery did not tell.
The most famous pyramids - four. Two "urazovskie" - one of them is destroyed by vandals. The second - about five kilometers, it has been preserved, only the tip of a little shabby time, but the stones are covered with thick moss. Its height - 2, 7 meters.
The same two - Musinsky pyramid (named after the nearest village) and Kyzyl-tashevskie - so-called Mountain. Both on the side of a fairly high mountains, wooded. These pyramids are at a distance of two kilometers from each other, wherein y has a base, a height of about 70 centimeters. Perhaps because of his pyramid it is preserved almost intact. All buildings are oriented to the cardinal. To establish their exact age is not possible.
Even through the masonry sprouted here and there trees. Indeed correct pyramidal form. Laying carefully. Rocks covered with lichen. The size of a small pyramid height - about 1, 5 m, the length of the base - about four. Before the Egyptian away. Far and age. Just can not say, but for thousands of years do not pull. Very simple in architecture - with enough time and effort, you can even build a single person.
Nevertheless, the pyramid is still very unusual. Confused, the place chosen for the construction of a very uncomfortable - slope. Very close to the top, and there's plenty of plane seats, and a review of wider. It would seem that they belong there. However, they like to hide, sacrificing for the sake of ease of erection. One pyramid is already beginning to break down, sliding down the hill. On top of the mountain, it was to the whole. All this is puzzling. Built in uncomfortable, hidden from the eyes of idle locations Musinsky pyramid does not quite correspond to the classic.
And heard horror stories about the death of those who tried to destroy or dismantle the pyramid. As objects of material culture, they could be of interest to archaeologists.
Director Uchalinsky child tourist club Rimma Galeeva than one year leads students on hikes to beautiful places Uchalinsky district - in the forest and the mountains. Several times they organized tours, expeditions to mysterious attractions.
- The boys were measured in pyramid power - wire two meters begins to actively spin. And then, you know, after a visit to the pyramids, I felt very devastated, as if all the strength had gone, - shares his impressions of it. - A pyramid - the one that urazovskaya known for a long time - it is still in the 80s, geologists found. But the others had to search.
They say that the mood of the pyramid is changing. Yes, for each person in their own way, they seemed to act. Some sad, someone pyramid cause indescribable joy, a burst of energy that just do not want to leave. And some people do not start up the pyramid.
Reference: Uchaly - a city in Russia, Bashkortostan republican subordination. The city is located in the eastern mountain range Uraltau, 350 kilometers from Ufa.
via wise-travel.ru
Musin pyramid discovered employee Uchalinsky child tourist club Ayrat Khisamutdinov. On the pyramid I came across by accident. 4 years of the discovery did not tell.
The most famous pyramids - four. Two "urazovskie" - one of them is destroyed by vandals. The second - about five kilometers, it has been preserved, only the tip of a little shabby time, but the stones are covered with thick moss. Its height - 2, 7 meters.
The same two - Musinsky pyramid (named after the nearest village) and Kyzyl-tashevskie - so-called Mountain. Both on the side of a fairly high mountains, wooded. These pyramids are at a distance of two kilometers from each other, wherein y has a base, a height of about 70 centimeters. Perhaps because of his pyramid it is preserved almost intact. All buildings are oriented to the cardinal. To establish their exact age is not possible.

Even through the masonry sprouted here and there trees. Indeed correct pyramidal form. Laying carefully. Rocks covered with lichen. The size of a small pyramid height - about 1, 5 m, the length of the base - about four. Before the Egyptian away. Far and age. Just can not say, but for thousands of years do not pull. Very simple in architecture - with enough time and effort, you can even build a single person.
Nevertheless, the pyramid is still very unusual. Confused, the place chosen for the construction of a very uncomfortable - slope. Very close to the top, and there's plenty of plane seats, and a review of wider. It would seem that they belong there. However, they like to hide, sacrificing for the sake of ease of erection. One pyramid is already beginning to break down, sliding down the hill. On top of the mountain, it was to the whole. All this is puzzling. Built in uncomfortable, hidden from the eyes of idle locations Musinsky pyramid does not quite correspond to the classic.

And heard horror stories about the death of those who tried to destroy or dismantle the pyramid. As objects of material culture, they could be of interest to archaeologists.
Director Uchalinsky child tourist club Rimma Galeeva than one year leads students on hikes to beautiful places Uchalinsky district - in the forest and the mountains. Several times they organized tours, expeditions to mysterious attractions.
- The boys were measured in pyramid power - wire two meters begins to actively spin. And then, you know, after a visit to the pyramids, I felt very devastated, as if all the strength had gone, - shares his impressions of it. - A pyramid - the one that urazovskaya known for a long time - it is still in the 80s, geologists found. But the others had to search.
They say that the mood of the pyramid is changing. Yes, for each person in their own way, they seemed to act. Some sad, someone pyramid cause indescribable joy, a burst of energy that just do not want to leave. And some people do not start up the pyramid.
Reference: Uchaly - a city in Russia, Bashkortostan republican subordination. The city is located in the eastern mountain range Uraltau, 350 kilometers from Ufa.
via wise-travel.ru
