Found a new type of leech with big teeth

A new species of leeches Tyrannobdella rex - are the real monsters. They attach themselves to the mucous membranes of humans and animals and can "drink" the blood of a few weeks.
Tyrannobdella rex in Latin means "lord of the leeches." The new species discovered three years ago Dr. Renzo Aruku-Brown, who worked at that time in a small clinic in the province of Chanchamayo (Peru). To the doctor received the girl complained of a headache in the frontal region. No cold symptoms, the patient was not. But, carefully examining her, the doctor Aruku Brown found the girl's nose animal - leech unknown species. ©

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Three years it took a rocket scientist to figure out how to systematically group include a leech, and calculate her relatives with the help of the analysis of nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. To do this, scientists had to go for samples of these leeches in Peru, Africa and the Middle East.

According to the researchers, a business card Tyrannobdella rex - one single jaw, where there are eight teeth. "The height of the teeth of an average 0, 13 mm. It is not known to have any other species of leeches had the same jaw with such large teeth, - says Anna Phillips, a member of New York University and lead author of the study. - Dimensions of representatives of this type can be up to five centimeters, and the thickness - of one centimeter. They have a muscular body with a lot of brown and gray spots, randomly located. So far, the only known habitat - upper reaches of the Amazon ».

The most unpleasant leeches Tyrannobdella rex - the ability to hit the mucous membranes. In contrast to many other species of leeches which prisasyvayas to sacrifice, performed in this state for several hours, Tyrannobdella rex may be mucosal over several days or even weeks. This causes great suffering to the victim - primarily felt sharp teeth, reports Infox.
