Central Museum of the Russian Air Force
There in the near suburbs ("below" - if it is not down, and breadth), only 24 km from Moscow to Gorky direction of such a small town. Almost garrison, when viewed from a legal point of view. No need to open Google is now frantically card or Yandex-mapy, I'll say its name. It is in English morning with gop-emphasis - Monin on!
Well, if by nashenski, in Russian, it is easier and more intuitive - Monino.
Broad and not very wide man in the street this location may be known for three main features:
1. Population as a luxury house in a good production of Don Story - only 18.7 thousand.
2. Zip Code - 141170 and 141171.
3. Here is the Central Air Force Museum.
Actually, the photo report from there and put on public display blogger dee-troy
55 photos
Get in Monino can be in two different ways - by train + by foot or by car on Gorky Highway. 24 km from Moscow straight. How snaps on the odometer, there is a crossroads, and a little diagonally bus stop with a huge and quite logical labeled "Monino turn".
After quite a bit of bumps, as if here it is - a destination with shlakbaumom at the entrance and near the soldier. How would nevertheless garrisoned. Mode. Entrance - free, but only with a pass to enter.
Entrance to the museum is symbolic 70 rubles per person. If there is a keen desire to uncovering any kind of relieving techniques, you will have to pay an additional $ 100 more. Total - 170. Give the grandmother at the entrance tickets, pass in and immediately understand that the museum was filled with authors of advertising slogan "Shock - it's our way": once the entrance is on gazonchik big huge enormous niipichesky Mi-12 (B-12 ).
There he is in the single copy and the instance lives here in Monino.
To understand the scale of the tragedy the scope of the blades and all its dimensions - here in the shadow of its propellers are located Dryers - in itself rather big fighters, but compared to this monster - dwarfs
Around the Mi-12 can be a long walk, and dance to drive - and even longer. But we decided not to stop there and moved further in the exposition. To bombers.
This Tu-4, an absolute copy (up to cupholders and ashtrays) American Boeing B-29s. It is produced from 1947 to 1952. It was with him at the Semipalatinsk test site of the Soviet aircraft dropped the first atomic bomb.
And this - the Tu-16. 1. Jet. 2. Far. 3. bomber bomber. Missiles that's interspersed with a number of bombs. Match, buy, cheap. Produced from 53 to 63 years old, it was in service in many countries, in addition to the Soviet Union.
Modification. He got up on arms in 1961, was intended as a vehicle for the guided missile K-10. There she is, under the wing hanging.
About Tu-22, too, can say that this - the bomber. But it would be ugly not to mention the fact that he is also a supersonic. It was intended precisely to replace the said TU-16.
Suddenly IL-10m
Initially, the IL-10 - a deep restyling of the legendary IL-2 attack aircraft of the WWII. Mass production 5 years, since '45. And in the 51 th year, the year after the termination was decided to continue production and he already saw the light with the letter "M" - modernized. Total released 146 pieces of these.
Again bombers - Tu-22M
Tu-22M differs from the Tu-22, so that in addition to the word "jet", "Supersonic", "future" and "Bomber" in its definition as there is "a scout with variable geometry wing." In flight, it becomes more swept.
Here is the iron pipe with small wings span of 35 meters was supposed to fly at a maximum speed 1950 km / h!
Three Em - Another strategic bomber. Here he wingspan - it is necessary to: 53, 14 meters. Our razmerchik. That it was a record flight duration - 19 hours and 30 minutes.
One of the most amusing (if with such an angle to shoot) exhibits - T-4
I think like a white mouse from the "Leopold the Cat." Remarkable that during the flight his nose up as the civilian Tu-144 and thus completely closed glass cabin. I managed solely to instruments. Death claustrophobic, in a word.
But this is not the bomber. This loitering interceptor Tu-128. Equipped with 4 missiles air-to-air. It was produced 188 pieces, now withdrawn from service.
A very interesting amphibious - with the motor above the cab. What is it - is unclear, because to go to it it was not possible - the passage was closed for the ribbon.
ANT translates to English as "ant", but in my opinion, he's more like a duck
This experimental helicopter is interesting in that it has two engines are located on the blade terminals.
The series did not go, and it's probably a good thing.
The dream of childhood - Turbolet
He really exists!
B-1 sex in the USSR was not. But BI - were.
Gondola stratospheric "Volga". Like all of the Volga was done for centuries.
Next we went to the field with the helicopters. But I do not really like them, therefore special attention not sharpened. It is currently chamomile iron and let it stand.
Following it was the turn of civil helicopters and transport. Monsters, of course. Especially this one.
And smaller items.
Near the end - a legend. Tu-144. My childhood was modelka team. He was proud of her terribly.
Well, after the 144th went to stand with the experimental and non-standard designs.
That's how it is. Nice to have gone though a sad look on this power, frozen forever.
His head spun all the time, "Oh, what kind of country @ # about whether the ...»
Well, if by nashenski, in Russian, it is easier and more intuitive - Monino.
Broad and not very wide man in the street this location may be known for three main features:
1. Population as a luxury house in a good production of Don Story - only 18.7 thousand.
2. Zip Code - 141170 and 141171.
3. Here is the Central Air Force Museum.
Actually, the photo report from there and put on public display blogger dee-troy
55 photos

Get in Monino can be in two different ways - by train + by foot or by car on Gorky Highway. 24 km from Moscow straight. How snaps on the odometer, there is a crossroads, and a little diagonally bus stop with a huge and quite logical labeled "Monino turn".
After quite a bit of bumps, as if here it is - a destination with shlakbaumom at the entrance and near the soldier. How would nevertheless garrisoned. Mode. Entrance - free, but only with a pass to enter.
Entrance to the museum is symbolic 70 rubles per person. If there is a keen desire to uncovering any kind of relieving techniques, you will have to pay an additional $ 100 more. Total - 170. Give the grandmother at the entrance tickets, pass in and immediately understand that the museum was filled with authors of advertising slogan "Shock - it's our way": once the entrance is on gazonchik big huge enormous niipichesky Mi-12 (B-12 ).


There he is in the single copy and the instance lives here in Monino.

To understand the scale of the tragedy the scope of the blades and all its dimensions - here in the shadow of its propellers are located Dryers - in itself rather big fighters, but compared to this monster - dwarfs




Around the Mi-12 can be a long walk, and dance to drive - and even longer. But we decided not to stop there and moved further in the exposition. To bombers.

This Tu-4, an absolute copy (up to cupholders and ashtrays) American Boeing B-29s. It is produced from 1947 to 1952. It was with him at the Semipalatinsk test site of the Soviet aircraft dropped the first atomic bomb.


And this - the Tu-16. 1. Jet. 2. Far. 3. bomber bomber. Missiles that's interspersed with a number of bombs. Match, buy, cheap. Produced from 53 to 63 years old, it was in service in many countries, in addition to the Soviet Union.


Modification. He got up on arms in 1961, was intended as a vehicle for the guided missile K-10. There she is, under the wing hanging.


About Tu-22, too, can say that this - the bomber. But it would be ugly not to mention the fact that he is also a supersonic. It was intended precisely to replace the said TU-16.

Suddenly IL-10m

Initially, the IL-10 - a deep restyling of the legendary IL-2 attack aircraft of the WWII. Mass production 5 years, since '45. And in the 51 th year, the year after the termination was decided to continue production and he already saw the light with the letter "M" - modernized. Total released 146 pieces of these.

Again bombers - Tu-22M

Tu-22M differs from the Tu-22, so that in addition to the word "jet", "Supersonic", "future" and "Bomber" in its definition as there is "a scout with variable geometry wing." In flight, it becomes more swept.


Here is the iron pipe with small wings span of 35 meters was supposed to fly at a maximum speed 1950 km / h!


Three Em - Another strategic bomber. Here he wingspan - it is necessary to: 53, 14 meters. Our razmerchik. That it was a record flight duration - 19 hours and 30 minutes.

One of the most amusing (if with such an angle to shoot) exhibits - T-4

I think like a white mouse from the "Leopold the Cat." Remarkable that during the flight his nose up as the civilian Tu-144 and thus completely closed glass cabin. I managed solely to instruments. Death claustrophobic, in a word.


But this is not the bomber. This loitering interceptor Tu-128. Equipped with 4 missiles air-to-air. It was produced 188 pieces, now withdrawn from service.

A very interesting amphibious - with the motor above the cab. What is it - is unclear, because to go to it it was not possible - the passage was closed for the ribbon.


ANT translates to English as "ant", but in my opinion, he's more like a duck


This experimental helicopter is interesting in that it has two engines are located on the blade terminals.

The series did not go, and it's probably a good thing.

The dream of childhood - Turbolet

He really exists!

B-1 sex in the USSR was not. But BI - were.

Gondola stratospheric "Volga". Like all of the Volga was done for centuries.

Next we went to the field with the helicopters. But I do not really like them, therefore special attention not sharpened. It is currently chamomile iron and let it stand.





Following it was the turn of civil helicopters and transport. Monsters, of course. Especially this one.


And smaller items.





Near the end - a legend. Tu-144. My childhood was modelka team. He was proud of her terribly.

Well, after the 144th went to stand with the experimental and non-standard designs.





That's how it is. Nice to have gone though a sad look on this power, frozen forever.
His head spun all the time, "Oh, what kind of country @ # about whether the ...»
