The concept of the bus who is not afraid of traffic jams
As you are such a future Chinese cities - monstrously huge buses, which are free for passing cars? The concept of the bus from the company «Shenzhen Hashi Future Parking Equipment Co» promises a 20-30% reduction in traffic jams. All vehicles with a height not exceeding 2 m can go literally under the feet of the passengers of the 4-4, 5-meter bus. Buses will "eat" electricity and solar energy, to carry up to 1200-1400 passengers and reach speeds up to 60 km / h - and thus does not hinder the movement. In addition, the construction of bus giant, as well as a 40-kilometer road for it will cost to China of $ 70 million. The first sample superavtobusa planned in the near future to release a "field research" in Beijing.
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via chinahush
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via chinahush