What it means to be a doctor of science?
Original translation vanya_ronin via ibigdan
Each fall, I explain a new group of students that want to become doctors of science, what it is. It's hard to explain it in simple words, so I use the image.
12 pictures
Imagine a circle, which contains all human knowledge:
When you finish primary school, you know quite a bit:
By the end of high school for more than:
With a bachelor's degree you have a specialty:
Master also deepen your specialization:
Reading and studying the latest research brings you to the edge of human knowledge:
And once you're at the boundary of where to focus your interest:
You run into the border for several years:
And once the boundary is shifted:
Here you and PhD:
Each fall, I explain a new group of students that want to become doctors of science, what it is. It's hard to explain it in simple words, so I use the image.
12 pictures
Imagine a circle, which contains all human knowledge:
When you finish primary school, you know quite a bit:
By the end of high school for more than:
With a bachelor's degree you have a specialty:
Master also deepen your specialization:
Reading and studying the latest research brings you to the edge of human knowledge:
And once you're at the boundary of where to focus your interest:
You run into the border for several years:
And once the boundary is shifted:
Here you and PhD: