Met heaven and earth
On one street Berdsk Toyota, driven by a 42-ades driver crashed into a helicopter that transported on military base in the towing vehicle!
3 Letters and photos via Lifenews
- Polk hauled three helicopters of Berdsk in Pashino car "Ural", - he told Life News propaganda department of the traffic police inspector Berdsk Inga Ryskova. - To overtake the column driver of foreign cars lost control and crashed into his left side in a wing of the aircraft.
Despite the fact that the column of military vehicles accompanied by the inspectors of traffic police, the driver took a chance to break the rules and go for overtaking. As a result, it was damaged and the car, and military vehicles.
- The degree of guilt of the participants are now set accident under investigation. On the administrative committee will decide who and who will compensate the material damage - added Inna Ryskova.
Fortunately, as a result of an unusual accident no one was hurt.
3 Letters and photos via Lifenews
- Polk hauled three helicopters of Berdsk in Pashino car "Ural", - he told Life News propaganda department of the traffic police inspector Berdsk Inga Ryskova. - To overtake the column driver of foreign cars lost control and crashed into his left side in a wing of the aircraft.
Despite the fact that the column of military vehicles accompanied by the inspectors of traffic police, the driver took a chance to break the rules and go for overtaking. As a result, it was damaged and the car, and military vehicles.
- The degree of guilt of the participants are now set accident under investigation. On the administrative committee will decide who and who will compensate the material damage - added Inna Ryskova.
Fortunately, as a result of an unusual accident no one was hurt.