Underground travel
And so in the metro we have already visited, the clouds crawled on tap, it's time to an underground river.
Thus, the "Underground water pipes and mednyeKamennye»
50 photos
1.Vsё began as always on DR V. Tsoi simply (without zaney thought but Chiemsee in a backpack) gathered to drink beer in a little park near the monument to the Moscow one famous generals.
2. We went to the cafe so casually for a beer, we let you hatch dёrnem
3.Well and where we got it ??? !!!
4. Oban yes ETOGES underground river Neglinnaya !!! in the 18th century, the harvested under the ground so as not to interfere with
5.Dazhe historic brick then plastered !!!
6. How beautiful! Immediately you feel seeker for at least the library of Ivan the Terrible!
7.Himza or boots were not at all, but that does not stop these researchers (ie the good beer with !!!)
8. In the way !!!
9.Vot and so trees in the center of Moscow among asphalt germinating in nutrient moisture through the thickness of the earth.
10. A Torons were all sorts of mysterious otvetleniya.
12.Ochen strange!
but the trash is the maximum water level, there is something to think about!
13. Even as it seemed at saving stairs hatch on the surface ...
14. Strange structure brought by the rapid flow of water.
15.Zolotoy sand ???
16.Mestny "museum" of various metallic trash brought by water flow. What is there just no! from manhole covers to horseshoes, locks and other metallic objects before last century, and quite modern.
17.A this is the modern part of the mainstream. Square tunnel.
18. "Yes, two KAMAZ disperse !!!» & quot;
19.A here narrower but Kalina drive to kick the floor! The benefit behind a waterfall, a decrease of five meters. And these five meters is necessary to crawl on the valve pins sticking out of the wall, for flow knocked down instantly.
When I stayed there all by himself with no light. Reached in the darkness before the waterfall and could not get out the top under a stream of water ... if not remember the location of all strokes and hatches, probably my least body in the morning to catch would Kremlin embankment ... found a familiar door and got a surprisingly early drivers almost intersection. the good times the sixth hour of Sunday morning was ...
20. Somebody will cry skeptical sewer !!!
Not without it but podzemlёy lot cleaner this key look at vodichku!
22.Tropa Gilyarovskogo. The well-known researcher of Moscow Vlad Giljarovsky 18th century, in his book Moscow and Muscovites devoted an entire chapter to the river Neglinnaya, after the tour there. Here on this trotuarchikam when he was walking ...
23.Nebolshoy break.
27.No we have the same DR V. Tsoi !!! then guitar with !!! popёm his pese and well and their diggerskih!
29. But the spirit of seeking adventure on your ass does not allow to relax for a minute, because then at least a hundred times, and there was, but there appear neisledovannoe something new!
30. Next the adventures !!!
31. And at the other end of the tube ... it
the benefit that the room and not in the narrow tube !!!
32.Odin the only way out to the surface and on the construction site.
33.Vodichka creates decent resistance, even when moving downstream
34.Po way meets the local Rock wall painting may say
38.Nu here actually brings me to the final point of our walk. This meter tube blank, which passes under the Alexandrovsky Garden and ending with bars on the embankment of the river Moskva. But the street has started raining, and so no one has any desire to go half a kilometer without a chance to hatch on the road.
39.Naskalnaya painting so to speak "on the stencil»
40.Shlyuz to divide meter pipe in the direction of the embankment. There is also another dostoprimechatelnoyst - "pole of death».
Hardly to stand strong flow.
41.A here is the "pillar of the death»
every ten minutes with him sharashit sickly stream of water and a spray that take out the eight meter potolka.ne God forbid under it to get !!!
42.Nu and photos on your memory.
43.A is our junior researcher! © Kohl
44.Samy cheerful person!
45.Samy wet man without boots and Chiemsee
46.A is not reached some of the individual who came periodically to fish from the stream. Whether swimming like whether the land is not held ...
47.Nu and your humble servant, as you can see it's not downhearted!
Posted in [mergetime] 1285707342 [/ mergetime]
Source: http: //
Thus, the "Underground water pipes and mednyeKamennye»
50 photos
1.Vsё began as always on DR V. Tsoi simply (without zaney thought but Chiemsee in a backpack) gathered to drink beer in a little park near the monument to the Moscow one famous generals.

2. We went to the cafe so casually for a beer, we let you hatch dёrnem

3.Well and where we got it ??? !!!

4. Oban yes ETOGES underground river Neglinnaya !!! in the 18th century, the harvested under the ground so as not to interfere with

5.Dazhe historic brick then plastered !!!

6. How beautiful! Immediately you feel seeker for at least the library of Ivan the Terrible!

7.Himza or boots were not at all, but that does not stop these researchers (ie the good beer with !!!)

8. In the way !!!

9.Vot and so trees in the center of Moscow among asphalt germinating in nutrient moisture through the thickness of the earth.

10. A Torons were all sorts of mysterious otvetleniya.


12.Ochen strange!
but the trash is the maximum water level, there is something to think about!

13. Even as it seemed at saving stairs hatch on the surface ...

14. Strange structure brought by the rapid flow of water.

15.Zolotoy sand ???

16.Mestny "museum" of various metallic trash brought by water flow. What is there just no! from manhole covers to horseshoes, locks and other metallic objects before last century, and quite modern.

17.A this is the modern part of the mainstream. Square tunnel.

18. "Yes, two KAMAZ disperse !!!» & quot;

19.A here narrower but Kalina drive to kick the floor! The benefit behind a waterfall, a decrease of five meters. And these five meters is necessary to crawl on the valve pins sticking out of the wall, for flow knocked down instantly.
When I stayed there all by himself with no light. Reached in the darkness before the waterfall and could not get out the top under a stream of water ... if not remember the location of all strokes and hatches, probably my least body in the morning to catch would Kremlin embankment ... found a familiar door and got a surprisingly early drivers almost intersection. the good times the sixth hour of Sunday morning was ...

20. Somebody will cry skeptical sewer !!!
Not without it but podzemlёy lot cleaner this key look at vodichku!


22.Tropa Gilyarovskogo. The well-known researcher of Moscow Vlad Giljarovsky 18th century, in his book Moscow and Muscovites devoted an entire chapter to the river Neglinnaya, after the tour there. Here on this trotuarchikam when he was walking ...

23.Nebolshoy break.




27.No we have the same DR V. Tsoi !!! then guitar with !!! popёm his pese and well and their diggerskih!


29. But the spirit of seeking adventure on your ass does not allow to relax for a minute, because then at least a hundred times, and there was, but there appear neisledovannoe something new!

30. Next the adventures !!!

31. And at the other end of the tube ... it
the benefit that the room and not in the narrow tube !!!

32.Odin the only way out to the surface and on the construction site.

33.Vodichka creates decent resistance, even when moving downstream

34.Po way meets the local Rock wall painting may say




38.Nu here actually brings me to the final point of our walk. This meter tube blank, which passes under the Alexandrovsky Garden and ending with bars on the embankment of the river Moskva. But the street has started raining, and so no one has any desire to go half a kilometer without a chance to hatch on the road.

39.Naskalnaya painting so to speak "on the stencil»

40.Shlyuz to divide meter pipe in the direction of the embankment. There is also another dostoprimechatelnoyst - "pole of death».
Hardly to stand strong flow.

41.A here is the "pillar of the death»
every ten minutes with him sharashit sickly stream of water and a spray that take out the eight meter potolka.ne God forbid under it to get !!!

42.Nu and photos on your memory.

43.A is our junior researcher! © Kohl

44.Samy cheerful person!

45.Samy wet man without boots and Chiemsee

46.A is not reached some of the individual who came periodically to fish from the stream. Whether swimming like whether the land is not held ...

47.Nu and your humble servant, as you can see it's not downhearted!
Posted in [mergetime] 1285707342 [/ mergetime]
Source: http: //