Urban creativity
Awesome way to decorate ugly, protruding parts hometown - trash, columns, tanks ... - giving them the appearance of a mini-city!
via nosok
Short creative contest №3
Art print advertising
Yaroslav Orlov: "The Creative girls harder"
The University of Leeds promise to create robots that will be able to maintain and restore urban infrastructure
The economic miracle of Singapore style
"Smart cities improve the environment inside, saving the planet's climate
Two days instinct
To learn how to actually working commercial vehicles in the Russian Federation (7 pics + 2 video)
Small cars
In China, building an eco-city
China is building an eco-city that combines the charms of urban and rural life
City electric Micromax
Beach town with an amazing Park, which saved the environment Jersey city
Two days in BBDO
Lyudmila Bausheva: "Advertising - is the most innocuous means of influence on the brain"
The annual "Tomato Festival"
Transportation inconsistency
Rossіyskaya Iperіya on tsvetnih otkrytkah
Google has received permission to build the futuristic building of the new headquarters
Fashion is free. The best street style ideas this season. Down with the standards!
How to equip the kitchen at the cottage
Google has received permission to build the futuristic building of the new headquarters
The skyscraper which will clear the air
Big dog in a city apartment - tips for care
HISTORY AntiPopov ... 210 years ago was born in Kiev Governor Ivan Fundukley
Short creative contest №3
Art print advertising
Yaroslav Orlov: "The Creative girls harder"
The University of Leeds promise to create robots that will be able to maintain and restore urban infrastructure
The economic miracle of Singapore style
"Smart cities improve the environment inside, saving the planet's climate
Two days instinct
To learn how to actually working commercial vehicles in the Russian Federation (7 pics + 2 video)
Small cars
In China, building an eco-city
China is building an eco-city that combines the charms of urban and rural life
City electric Micromax
Beach town with an amazing Park, which saved the environment Jersey city
Two days in BBDO
Lyudmila Bausheva: "Advertising - is the most innocuous means of influence on the brain"
The annual "Tomato Festival"
Transportation inconsistency
Rossіyskaya Iperіya on tsvetnih otkrytkah
Google has received permission to build the futuristic building of the new headquarters
Fashion is free. The best street style ideas this season. Down with the standards!
How to equip the kitchen at the cottage
Google has received permission to build the futuristic building of the new headquarters
The skyscraper which will clear the air
Big dog in a city apartment - tips for care
HISTORY AntiPopov ... 210 years ago was born in Kiev Governor Ivan Fundukley
Soviet speed records
34 cars collided on Highway I-25