Hello, world!
The real Christmas present for visitors to the zoo in St. Louis was "the publication of" baby tree kangaroo named Nokopo Matshi that the first time since his birth mother looked out of the bag.
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Nokopo was born six months ago in the Children's Zoo Emerson in St. Louis and was barely the size of beans. All subsequent months, the baby spent in the mother's pouch, which gained weight and grew to the size of a small cat. Its unusual name the cub was in honor of the village in Papua New Guinea, is home to wood kangaroo (or wallaby).
The cub was too shy and rarely shown to people, but the most patient visitors can see Nokopo, periodically emerging from the bag in the mother's attempts to explore the world around us. At the age of about ten months, he will leave his refuge, but will continue to be fed their mother's milk until at least sixteen months.
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Nokopo was born six months ago in the Children's Zoo Emerson in St. Louis and was barely the size of beans. All subsequent months, the baby spent in the mother's pouch, which gained weight and grew to the size of a small cat. Its unusual name the cub was in honor of the village in Papua New Guinea, is home to wood kangaroo (or wallaby).

The cub was too shy and rarely shown to people, but the most patient visitors can see Nokopo, periodically emerging from the bag in the mother's attempts to explore the world around us. At the age of about ten months, he will leave his refuge, but will continue to be fed their mother's milk until at least sixteen months.
