Who is paying for the story Sukharev Square?

Every house, every street in Moscow has its own life, its own history. But, spending time in different places, we rarely think about what kind of energy it has. Selects or vice versa, gives strength? Every Muscovite at least once visited the Sukharev Square. Beautiful, nice place, and yet, this area keeps a series of puzzles with a long history ... Suharevskaya area. The beginning. Shrouded in mysticism whole story Sukharev Square. Name area gave Lawrence Sukharev, Colonel Strelets troops guarding in the XVII century Sretenskii gate. During the 1689 rebellion Sukharev Regiment remained loyal to Peter I, for what remains of the regiment survived the battle were generously rewarded king. But on the colonel Sukharev is not mentioned a word. Historians attribute this to the fact that the Sukharev helped run Peter I, and therefore knew where the king hide. Witnesses and disliked in the XVII century, but because it is believed that the skull gallant colonel was immured within the walls of the Sukharev Tower, demolished in 1934. [Next]

In 1702, the premises of the tower took a close friend and associate of Peter I James Bruce. Until now, historians do not have accurate information about what exactly experiments were Jacob Vilimovich indoor tower. All records were lost in a strange way after his death. It is in the Sukharev Tower Bruce initially kept his home "kuntskameru", which was very proud. When posthumous inventory of his office there were found objects, which bailiffs could tell only this: "oblong object resembling a human head, hollow inside size of an apple." Jacob Vilimovich fond of chemistry and black magic. In his laboratory he conducted secret experiments, for which the people earned him the nickname "Warlock". Poor people from the neighborhood were afraid of Bruce, according to eyewitnesses of those times, he often invited to his lonely residents of the street, just orphanage children and drunks, which then no one else has ever seen. Note that today, 34 known cases of missing people in the area Sukharev area only for the past year 2010. Before his death, James Bruce cursed tower.

And in the end, one of the most mysterious companies of our time, Masonic Lodge, Russia has chosen its "base" building, still located at the Sukharev Square. Officially, in 1822 Freemasonry in our country has been closed. But building on the Sukharev Square, surrounded by Masonic signs, it is not clear the common man, still stands today, radiating danger and strength. Suharevskaya area. Our time. Suharevskaya area for centuries had been saving a negative coming from the people it occupies. Could this explain all the catastrophic situation that Muscovites are facing in the XXI century? Constant accidents, fires, attacks, killings ... Area like attracts trouble. Here are just a few examples of the mortal danger Sukharev area: 1) fire.

Several years ago, Moscow shocked with a series of terrible fires. Suharevskaya area, of course, was noted in the category of such incidents. Only a miracle in a terrible fire, do not hurt people, because the house was evicted a couple of days before the tragedy. In fire fighting involved 30 fire brigades. According to the Moscow Department of Fire Safety of small and large fires in the vicinity of the area happens to 30 per month. Is it too much for such a small piece of land? Links to the accident: www.grani.ru/Events/m.122080.html; www.newsmsk.com/article/19May2008/fire_perehod.html www.utro.ru/news/2009/12/31/863197.shtml < a href = "http://www.mrm.ru/users/mrm/z_4940/"> www.mrm.ru/users/mrm/z_4940/ . 2) accidents. As is known, Moscow, ranked first in the world in the number of road accidents. Interestingly, what percentage of them falls on the Sukharev area? In one such accident seriously injured, Colonel-General Alexei Sedov FSB. Together with him the area endangered his wife, the driver, and the driver of the second car accident party. Here, a little before reaching the square, in an accident killed member of the "gang" Star Idol-4 Ratmir Shishkov. And just two hours after his death, a young man's daughter. Accident "on the verge" of the Institute Sklifosovsky not uncommon. Unfortunately, the number of people whose lives have been killed in the accident area Sukharev Square, is growing every day. It is possible that the magnetic atmosphere in this place is programmed also affect people's behavior. A striking example of this is the recent accident involving 20 cars all in the same place, at the Sukharev Square. The young man behind the wheel of his SUV, he argues, in a completely sober mind, crippled about 20 cars, then narrowly escaped lynching of their respective owners. Mother of the man claims that his son was always calm, non-controversial person. And he himself, talking about the situation is lost, says: "I do not know what came over me." Indeed, cursed place. Links to the accident: www.gzt.ru/topnews/accidents/265518.html ; www.dni.ru/incidents/2010/12/15/204481.html; www.moscow-live.ru/2008/03/04/dtp-na-prospekte-mira-pogib-odin.html; www.utro.ru/articles/2006/10/25/595578.shtml; www.klerk.ru/boss/news/115285/ .

What can you say about the constantly flashing in the press articles about the next collapse soil accident with a fracture or head injury, theft or robbery. According to the statistics on accidents Sukharev area at the time of writing the new Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Also, it is necessary once more to remember about the missing people. 34 cases per year, and that's just the official figures. 3) attempts. And finally, just yesterday in runet has information about another assassination attempt in the area. At this time the victim area nearly became a specialist PR department of the company "Beeline" Wanda Kowalczyk. Unknown fired several shots at the girl and her companion, Michael Stroiteleva. Attacker managed to get only once, the bullet went through to take off her shoulder. Vande miraculously managed to escape. The details of this incident is now being investigated by employees metropolitan police department, it is not known who and what attacked the young people. Details of the event can be seen on the website www.strangecoma.com/ What is this? Matches or black revenge Sukharev Square? For that innocent people suffer? Answers to these questions will give no encyclopedia ... Just next time, arrived at the Sukharevka, remember that the dangers confront us at every turn, and being in a place with such an abnormally negative energy.