History of a House 2
20 ph + text.
selection please do not break down. The end will outline.
The post is a continuation of the theme "History of a House»
So ...
Earth's northern hemisphere. The territory of modern Baltic Sea.
Paleogene period. Note. 40 million years ago.
As a result of warming the resin of some species of trees, flowing down from the trunk into the water froze, and it has carried out over the sea.
This period is the point of origin of the new semi-precious stone.
It can be seen even on the crown of the pharaoh Tutanhomona.
Eto- amber.
Kaliningrad region. The village Yantarnyy.Nashi days.
On the territory of the Kaliningrad region is a deposit of 90% of the world reserves of amber.
There are two variants of its production.
1.Priobresti ready, amber mined in open pits with the help of special equipment and personnel Amber Plant.
2.Nalovit himself. True it is possible, as a rule, in the cold season and after a heavy storm.
Amber does not lie on the beach, waiting for when he picked up. He appears a spot in a pile of seaweed in the submerged state, away from the coast.
Posted in [mergetime] 1296481920 [/ mergetime]
Especially a lot of amber found in time to the so-called amber storms. In the fall of 1862 after a night of storm waves washed ashore nearly 2 tons of amber, and in the night of 22 to 23 December 1878 during a severe storm on the bank turned a number of amber, which locals gather for a few years. Undoubtedly, "Amber Storm" raged here before. Scientists estimate that the waves washed away from the bottom and carried to shore up 36-38 tons of amber each year.
The price of raw amber is growing exponentially on the size of the pieces.
For example, like this, the raw stone is worth $ 3,600.
But the special value is amber with inclusions. Ie in that it has got inside in the formation. 90% are insects. This mosquitoes and biting flies happened to the animals we can only know from books on paleontology.
Some species no longer exists
Now imagine how big the stone should be and how much it might cost, if out of it just to make one complete rectangular plate.
And these plates decorate an entire wall ....
And then you will understand what is a unique addition to what I am getting slowly ...
Schloss Charlottenburg. East Prussia. 1701
The result of several years of work masters G.Turau E. Schacht, tungsten and Shlyuger.
"The eighth wonder of the world". The Amber Room.
I will not describe the history of the room, but I will describe herself.
Amber piece, occupying three walls, was arranged in three tiers. The central (middle) tier made up of eight large vertical panels. Four of them have established the composition of colored stones, executed in the 1750s in Florence Florentine mosaic designs D. Zocchi and depicts an allegory of the five senses: sight, taste, hearing, touch and smell. In between are high mirrored pilasters. Rectangular amber panels were placed in the lower tier of the room. In the northeast corner of a small amber table set on elegantly curved legs.
On the eve of war, the Amber Room was composed of twelve panels, four of which were decorated with magnificent carved frames and mosaic images of colored stones, the twelve panels, twenty-four mirrored pilasters in gilt frame, three double doors, wall, attached to a bronze pilasters and made of gilded carved tree on drawings by Rastrelli. All this grandeur of the palace occupied 100 square meters.
Stunning finest work of jewelers. One wrong move and chisel almost finished jewelry made of stone, which is 40 million years old, it was possible to start up on beads.
Experts estimate the cost of a room in the $ 155 million
but I think there would be and who would pay for her billion.
office worthy of kings
There exists many versions about the whereabouts of the Amber Room.
In Argentina, Poland, Berlin, compartments flooded in the war ship "Wilhelm Gustloff" ... But I would still stay at a very plausible.
Royal Castle. Konigsberg. 1732
Wine Cellar "Blutgericht." His awful name "Bloody court" - he owes that was located in the basement of the Royal Castle, where in the seventeenth century was a prison. Chambers which, in turn, were called unequivocally: "Large cap", "Pepper Room", "The Spanish Needle" (Option "Spanish boots"), "martyr" ... And right above the basement housed the court.
Login to have been through an extension appeared in 1613 under the tournament gallery Royal Castle. In addition to storage in the cellars are famous all over Europe with the five Great Hall of wine barrels and wooden model sailing ship, as it were, under the soaring arches of the ceiling. Next - "Camera of the martyrs".
In "Chamber of martyrs" carried a special course of martyrdom, the walls of which were painted faces grinning mischievously. A little further on is the Knight's dining hall, where the ceiling is highly circled seven owls with unbearably forever frozen yellow eyes.
It is known that a variety of moves and branches of this cellar was a lot.
And last boxes of dismantled facilities have seen it here.
a document from the archives:
"Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of Kaliningrad.
"When working on the device of pile foundations at home tips four piles up to 11 meters under attack copra gone to the full depth without resistance. On the surface there are not more than 40 cm.
Based on the foregoing, it must be assumed that in this place there is an underground passage or hopper. It is possible that there may be the Amber Room or other valuables. »
an excerpt from the testimony of another colleague of Professor Dr.-kind g.Klumbisa (Berlin):
"Near the cellar of the palace is an old inclined shaft. It has not been used for several centuries. The mine is closed, on the surface there are no signs of its existence. But the doctor knew about the existence of a kind of an old well. The mine in the ground - the best cover valuable items during the war and their long-term storage.
Transportation could be carried out quickly and imperceptibly small forces. It is based on this my assumption that cultural values are in the mine & quot ;.
In 1945, a commission was established with broad powers under the leadership of General Bryusov. Archival research showed a detailed diary that Bruce at that time. Because it was found out the following.
"By the work of the commission was held former curator Koenigsberg museums Dr. Alfred Rohde, who had to be evacuated from the city during its liberation by Soviet troops.
It is a falsification of the mysterious Dr. Rode. When the Commission Briusov tried to organize excavations in the south wing of the castle, Rhodes managed to dissuade Soviet researchers. The arguments were as follows: in the south wing to the British air raid was a hospital that is littered with the debris of stones after being hit by bombs, nothing but corpses in the rubble is not found. »
However, after examining only the first tier of the dungeon, the commission Briusov managed to collect more than 1,000 museum pieces of silver, bronze, porcelain, earthenware, crystal, etc., as well as the paintings and furniture from dvortsov- museums suburbs of Leningrad, stolen by the Nazis during the war. Not whether it leads to the idea that the lower tiers of dungeons can store more valuable exhibits?
Perhaps the Amber Room there is not. But something definitely kept
. After a legend in our time do not just born. And about Koenigsberg these legends very much! But this is "food" for the following topics.
Thank you.
selection please do not break down. The end will outline.
The post is a continuation of the theme "History of a House»
So ...
Earth's northern hemisphere. The territory of modern Baltic Sea.
Paleogene period. Note. 40 million years ago.
As a result of warming the resin of some species of trees, flowing down from the trunk into the water froze, and it has carried out over the sea.
This period is the point of origin of the new semi-precious stone.
It can be seen even on the crown of the pharaoh Tutanhomona.
Eto- amber.

Kaliningrad region. The village Yantarnyy.Nashi days.
On the territory of the Kaliningrad region is a deposit of 90% of the world reserves of amber.
There are two variants of its production.
1.Priobresti ready, amber mined in open pits with the help of special equipment and personnel Amber Plant.
2.Nalovit himself. True it is possible, as a rule, in the cold season and after a heavy storm.
Amber does not lie on the beach, waiting for when he picked up. He appears a spot in a pile of seaweed in the submerged state, away from the coast.
Posted in [mergetime] 1296481920 [/ mergetime]
Especially a lot of amber found in time to the so-called amber storms. In the fall of 1862 after a night of storm waves washed ashore nearly 2 tons of amber, and in the night of 22 to 23 December 1878 during a severe storm on the bank turned a number of amber, which locals gather for a few years. Undoubtedly, "Amber Storm" raged here before. Scientists estimate that the waves washed away from the bottom and carried to shore up 36-38 tons of amber each year.

The price of raw amber is growing exponentially on the size of the pieces.
For example, like this, the raw stone is worth $ 3,600.

But the special value is amber with inclusions. Ie in that it has got inside in the formation. 90% are insects. This mosquitoes and biting flies happened to the animals we can only know from books on paleontology.

Some species no longer exists

Now imagine how big the stone should be and how much it might cost, if out of it just to make one complete rectangular plate.
And these plates decorate an entire wall ....
And then you will understand what is a unique addition to what I am getting slowly ...

Schloss Charlottenburg. East Prussia. 1701
The result of several years of work masters G.Turau E. Schacht, tungsten and Shlyuger.
"The eighth wonder of the world". The Amber Room.

I will not describe the history of the room, but I will describe herself.
Amber piece, occupying three walls, was arranged in three tiers. The central (middle) tier made up of eight large vertical panels. Four of them have established the composition of colored stones, executed in the 1750s in Florence Florentine mosaic designs D. Zocchi and depicts an allegory of the five senses: sight, taste, hearing, touch and smell. In between are high mirrored pilasters. Rectangular amber panels were placed in the lower tier of the room. In the northeast corner of a small amber table set on elegantly curved legs.

On the eve of war, the Amber Room was composed of twelve panels, four of which were decorated with magnificent carved frames and mosaic images of colored stones, the twelve panels, twenty-four mirrored pilasters in gilt frame, three double doors, wall, attached to a bronze pilasters and made of gilded carved tree on drawings by Rastrelli. All this grandeur of the palace occupied 100 square meters.

Stunning finest work of jewelers. One wrong move and chisel almost finished jewelry made of stone, which is 40 million years old, it was possible to start up on beads.

Experts estimate the cost of a room in the $ 155 million

but I think there would be and who would pay for her billion.

office worthy of kings

There exists many versions about the whereabouts of the Amber Room.
In Argentina, Poland, Berlin, compartments flooded in the war ship "Wilhelm Gustloff" ... But I would still stay at a very plausible.

Royal Castle. Konigsberg. 1732
Wine Cellar "Blutgericht." His awful name "Bloody court" - he owes that was located in the basement of the Royal Castle, where in the seventeenth century was a prison. Chambers which, in turn, were called unequivocally: "Large cap", "Pepper Room", "The Spanish Needle" (Option "Spanish boots"), "martyr" ... And right above the basement housed the court.
Login to have been through an extension appeared in 1613 under the tournament gallery Royal Castle. In addition to storage in the cellars are famous all over Europe with the five Great Hall of wine barrels and wooden model sailing ship, as it were, under the soaring arches of the ceiling. Next - "Camera of the martyrs".
In "Chamber of martyrs" carried a special course of martyrdom, the walls of which were painted faces grinning mischievously. A little further on is the Knight's dining hall, where the ceiling is highly circled seven owls with unbearably forever frozen yellow eyes.

It is known that a variety of moves and branches of this cellar was a lot.
And last boxes of dismantled facilities have seen it here.
a document from the archives:
"Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee of Kaliningrad.
"When working on the device of pile foundations at home tips four piles up to 11 meters under attack copra gone to the full depth without resistance. On the surface there are not more than 40 cm.
Based on the foregoing, it must be assumed that in this place there is an underground passage or hopper. It is possible that there may be the Amber Room or other valuables. »
an excerpt from the testimony of another colleague of Professor Dr.-kind g.Klumbisa (Berlin):
"Near the cellar of the palace is an old inclined shaft. It has not been used for several centuries. The mine is closed, on the surface there are no signs of its existence. But the doctor knew about the existence of a kind of an old well. The mine in the ground - the best cover valuable items during the war and their long-term storage.
Transportation could be carried out quickly and imperceptibly small forces. It is based on this my assumption that cultural values are in the mine & quot ;.

In 1945, a commission was established with broad powers under the leadership of General Bryusov. Archival research showed a detailed diary that Bruce at that time. Because it was found out the following.
"By the work of the commission was held former curator Koenigsberg museums Dr. Alfred Rohde, who had to be evacuated from the city during its liberation by Soviet troops.
It is a falsification of the mysterious Dr. Rode. When the Commission Briusov tried to organize excavations in the south wing of the castle, Rhodes managed to dissuade Soviet researchers. The arguments were as follows: in the south wing to the British air raid was a hospital that is littered with the debris of stones after being hit by bombs, nothing but corpses in the rubble is not found. »
However, after examining only the first tier of the dungeon, the commission Briusov managed to collect more than 1,000 museum pieces of silver, bronze, porcelain, earthenware, crystal, etc., as well as the paintings and furniture from dvortsov- museums suburbs of Leningrad, stolen by the Nazis during the war. Not whether it leads to the idea that the lower tiers of dungeons can store more valuable exhibits?

Perhaps the Amber Room there is not. But something definitely kept

. After a legend in our time do not just born. And about Koenigsberg these legends very much! But this is "food" for the following topics.
Thank you.
