Funny numbers mashiny

a small selection of funny numbers. It will be a lot of photos, you can break podboku. Found in the vastness of the web. Many of the rooms from Germany, will try to explain what's funny.
1. Coca Cola

2. everything is clear, gay Hungary

3. Well, everything is clear

4. driving mom

5. Voditlyu to the bathroom (Pipi in German pee)

6 Maus = mouse, Katz = cat

7. Here, too, I think everything is clear

8. Bla bla

Cat in German also g * but

donkey shorter

fool shorter


Posted in [mergetime] 1308839472 [/ mergetime]
who else has exhibited

driving Fritz

driver's preferences are clear without words

or so


The inscription reads, is a loser

Halt, Stop

Aua, hurt


lacking only here in the middle, and so on would have been pida, no i tak vsjo jasno

Another fool

