Siberian crocodile
Toothy reptiles swam in the lake among tourists on catamarans and inflatable mattresses that shit bricks
Crocodile brought to the pond photographer - for the sake of earnings. For a picture with resting reptile gave 200 rubles.
On the favorite vacation spot of inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk and Khakassia in Lake Shira for photos with exotic animals queued.
At lunchtime photographer Nick briefly distracted from their pet, and the crocodile, is hot in the sun, I could not resist the temptation, and dived into the water.
2 Photo © Life News
- We sailed on a catamaran. Thought is the log. Steel push stick and that the crocodile. We almost went mad with fear! Panic began on the whole lake. All of the water povyskakivali - told resting on Lake Anna Lunev.
Terrified people are called to rescue the lake, which caught the reptile.
Crocodile proved innocent: he was fed up and simply drifted on the waves.
Rescuers handed over the fugitive owner and warned him that such does not happen again.
Crocodile brought to the pond photographer - for the sake of earnings. For a picture with resting reptile gave 200 rubles.
On the favorite vacation spot of inhabitants of Krasnoyarsk and Khakassia in Lake Shira for photos with exotic animals queued.
At lunchtime photographer Nick briefly distracted from their pet, and the crocodile, is hot in the sun, I could not resist the temptation, and dived into the water.
2 Photo © Life News
- We sailed on a catamaran. Thought is the log. Steel push stick and that the crocodile. We almost went mad with fear! Panic began on the whole lake. All of the water povyskakivali - told resting on Lake Anna Lunev.
Terrified people are called to rescue the lake, which caught the reptile.
Crocodile proved innocent: he was fed up and simply drifted on the waves.
Rescuers handed over the fugitive owner and warned him that such does not happen again.
For the price that offers us a liter of petrol "Statoil", in Venezuela can be charged ... more than 130 liters!
Meeting the sunrise over the lake