We roll up the asphalt
September 2 Ulyanovsk residents watched the absurd picture of one of the central streets of the city: a sapper with the metal detector went by road and searched ... sewers. First appearance of the sapper alarmed many citizens who have decided that the specialist is looking for a bomb. But the reality was much more unusual: Sapper searched manholes drainage system. During the recent renovation of the road on the street. Kirov manholes rolled under several layers of asphalt - and now you can find them only with the help of a metal detector. According to road workers, the situation is complicated by the fact that there is no exact plan Ulyanovsk location manholes on the street. Kirov, so it is possible that the road workers have to be removed from under the asphalt and acting, and old hatches.
a year ago, one street road workers initially caused the marks on the walkway - and then removed from this site rolled asphalt and a new, already without markup

a year ago, one street road workers initially caused the marks on the walkway - and then removed from this site rolled asphalt and a new, already without markup
