Conscientious objectors
One case of a hundred, a child psychologist, abnormal development.
From a cycle there are people, there is such a profession.
-Hello, Sveshka you with the "refuseniks" still working? I advise you Litvininy.
-Hello, I work, but only on weekends. You explain how we will work together with you, are you ready?
-Of Course, when with us can drive?
-In This Saturday, dictate address.
"Refuseniks" is my term that has turned itself. Our state children with abnormal development are not needed. They are literally discarded and educators and medical institutions, when parents put such a diagnosis. First, parents are trying to find help in a state run medical centers, well, those who have money, there with them "play" and confirm the diagnosis the doctor, well, what to say to your child's overall mental underdevelopment (and sometimes and say do not hesitate to -debil, oligophrenic, imbecile), then we are powerless. In general, our country, and a terrible, soulless machine , whose main objective, to extort money from citizens, suck the juices from them, even when it does not protect.
Matrix in reality. Children with this diagnosis does not need a bloody car, they will not be profitable, since in most cases they are disabled and can not pay lousy bunch of taxes that this machine comes up. The only thing that the state offers is to pass such children in special institutions, sounds very scary. We have a school for these children, but sometimes, they further aggravate the situation. Children - idiots are not trained and with parental consent in institutions (orphanages for deeply mentally retarded), and on reaching the age of 18 in special boarding pass for the chronically ill.
Hello, it's me. Come on, you can change clothes in the room. Razuvaev, treated with antiseptic hand. I change clothes, the medical suit, which is embroidered with bunnies, squirrels, and other, little animals. I have two of these one-on diagnostics, bright, and the second shift working, but not as bright magic, there sewn pockets, and front and Zadie, pieces of fabric, small toys on a string sewn. Tested in battle, so to speak, when there are attacks, aggression, and other times when you need to switch rebyatenka such pribludy to help robe - Oh, and you scream and Bunny ran out into the pocket ... and so on ...
Sometimes it happens that children can vomit on me, or there deflikatsiya, Cocoa ... anything can happen, just in such situations, my child and change into another. Because sometimes in the process has been underway for some the changes, and you can not stop. The main thing at this point, the parents are not got in, I warn them about it, but for some reason, they shame their climb and sometimes negate the work. Oh, why are you at Aunt ... a bad boy, so the children and so hard to trust other people, and they think differently. Weak memory, at an early stage can it to practice certain techniques and draw, but it is necessary to have time.
Weakness of memory is not only the difficulties of obtaining and maintaining information, but also in its reproduction. As a result of misunderstanding the logic of events play is unsystematic, chaotic. And so, at some point, when the child is already some stores, things and learn their lesson and then through an accident, and all mothers cry compassionate work breaks. The child is frightened and begins anew.
Meet with your child, Arthur, 3 years. Despite adhering to me nationalist stigma on Yap, I work with all the kids, different nationalities. Children are not to blame, that we shared on what grounds -So, they are children. Just the knowledge of national peculiarities of education is a necessary condition, the psychologist, that we teach and be sure to poryadke- ethnic psychology.
Communicate in the way, I'm the baby and his mother. Or rather, I was just a child perceives. I'm greeted him, he hid behind the sofa, and began to cry. I tell his mother until Arturchik crying, ran to his toys, and emptied his bag of toys, there are not only toys but also other items. Not to worry, I treat with antiseptic.
I fill your form to receive a copy of a medical card, advance indication to that effect.
Arthur, crawls out from under the sofa, sits down next to a pile of toys and engaged in business, looking, studying.
Thus, I fill out another form, the psychological atmosphere of the family. I ask, not that of the social aspects that are necessary. Since the child and family is a unified system. There were cases when, it is a normal child, bought Delayed mental development. The term "developmental delay" refers to syndromes time lag of the psyche as a whole or its individual functions (motor, sensory, speech, emotional and volitional), slow the pace of coded in the genotype properties of organisms. As a result of temporary factors and mild (early deprivation, poor care, and so on. D.), The delay tempo can be reversible.
However, his mother began to sound the alarm, only after receiving an official paper from the doctor. A factor was this syndrome, my stepfather, who tihorya, to contribute, I will not describe, but there is usually a plant or lowered.
We're almost all discussed in my chair flying, I deftly dodge yet nemnozhno date and I would have been assured. Arthur begins to beat me with their rechonkami, and in the eyes of such nenavesti. But, I roll, shredded, his hands in his pockets and click on pisschalku, toy, produces a nasty sound, switch the child's attention, and he immediately stopped.
He confused little eyes widened:
- I said to him, I came to you for a visit, I'm not offended, wanted to show you, Bear, you probably do not want to see him?
Ho ... chu (talking on syllables)
-medvezhonok come to you yourself, if you will draw him the track, the track will draw?
-bu ... I eat.
Sat at the table of his children, and give him a pencil, he kept cool and can not understand. I take a pencil and show how it is ... Eyes shone, snot-drooling in different directions, including me. I insert a pencil in his little hand, and together we're on a leaf. He was happy, but I promised. I got out with his magic toy bear costume.
I give him a teddy bear. He considers it, and I said to him:
- He can stay with you, if you will draw him the path home, and tomorrow I'm home I spend it well.
Well, that's all, contacts have been established, will work tomorrow. I collect toys to give homework mother. Fill with her note-book where I write down how to perform the task.
And the work continues. The technique is used, and our experts, but mostly to fit the situation. The main task, if a child with mental retardation, the development push that a little bit delayed, help the child to adapt to this world.
If other cases, mental retardation, debilizm and border states, there are other challenges. The main thing is patience in the faith in these kids and love them. In my practice, 9 children of normal physiological and psychological development, due to misdiagnosis acquired such syndromes have been overlooked by parents who believed the diagnosis, and gave up, thereby removing all responsibility, and nearly ruined and their lives, and kids. 11 Down syndrome children have acquired after vaccination, 8 children with deviant behavior, have been victims of caring mothers and advertising of dietary supplements, in that year, there were 3 children -6-7 years with a diagnosis of autism, which is why it manifested itself against the normal flu vaccine.
Photos will not spread, because I'm a professional, and to maintain the secrecy of the family and the child.
Now, you can hear about all sorts of children's schools, Montessori, Scarlet Sails, and the rest are full of posters, but no advertising help with other children who also need professionals.
Reading the comments Yapovtsev, thought patterns and this mania to offend the person and hung his label, has led me to write this post.
In every profession, as well as in the nation, has its freaks, not specialists. IMHO, 100%
World Human !!!
From a cycle there are people, there is such a profession.
-Hello, Sveshka you with the "refuseniks" still working? I advise you Litvininy.
-Hello, I work, but only on weekends. You explain how we will work together with you, are you ready?
-Of Course, when with us can drive?
-In This Saturday, dictate address.
"Refuseniks" is my term that has turned itself. Our state children with abnormal development are not needed. They are literally discarded and educators and medical institutions, when parents put such a diagnosis. First, parents are trying to find help in a state run medical centers, well, those who have money, there with them "play" and confirm the diagnosis the doctor, well, what to say to your child's overall mental underdevelopment (and sometimes and say do not hesitate to -debil, oligophrenic, imbecile), then we are powerless. In general, our country, and a terrible, soulless machine , whose main objective, to extort money from citizens, suck the juices from them, even when it does not protect.
Matrix in reality. Children with this diagnosis does not need a bloody car, they will not be profitable, since in most cases they are disabled and can not pay lousy bunch of taxes that this machine comes up. The only thing that the state offers is to pass such children in special institutions, sounds very scary. We have a school for these children, but sometimes, they further aggravate the situation. Children - idiots are not trained and with parental consent in institutions (orphanages for deeply mentally retarded), and on reaching the age of 18 in special boarding pass for the chronically ill.
Hello, it's me. Come on, you can change clothes in the room. Razuvaev, treated with antiseptic hand. I change clothes, the medical suit, which is embroidered with bunnies, squirrels, and other, little animals. I have two of these one-on diagnostics, bright, and the second shift working, but not as bright magic, there sewn pockets, and front and Zadie, pieces of fabric, small toys on a string sewn. Tested in battle, so to speak, when there are attacks, aggression, and other times when you need to switch rebyatenka such pribludy to help robe - Oh, and you scream and Bunny ran out into the pocket ... and so on ...
Sometimes it happens that children can vomit on me, or there deflikatsiya, Cocoa ... anything can happen, just in such situations, my child and change into another. Because sometimes in the process has been underway for some the changes, and you can not stop. The main thing at this point, the parents are not got in, I warn them about it, but for some reason, they shame their climb and sometimes negate the work. Oh, why are you at Aunt ... a bad boy, so the children and so hard to trust other people, and they think differently. Weak memory, at an early stage can it to practice certain techniques and draw, but it is necessary to have time.
Weakness of memory is not only the difficulties of obtaining and maintaining information, but also in its reproduction. As a result of misunderstanding the logic of events play is unsystematic, chaotic. And so, at some point, when the child is already some stores, things and learn their lesson and then through an accident, and all mothers cry compassionate work breaks. The child is frightened and begins anew.
Meet with your child, Arthur, 3 years. Despite adhering to me nationalist stigma on Yap, I work with all the kids, different nationalities. Children are not to blame, that we shared on what grounds -So, they are children. Just the knowledge of national peculiarities of education is a necessary condition, the psychologist, that we teach and be sure to poryadke- ethnic psychology.
Communicate in the way, I'm the baby and his mother. Or rather, I was just a child perceives. I'm greeted him, he hid behind the sofa, and began to cry. I tell his mother until Arturchik crying, ran to his toys, and emptied his bag of toys, there are not only toys but also other items. Not to worry, I treat with antiseptic.
I fill your form to receive a copy of a medical card, advance indication to that effect.
Arthur, crawls out from under the sofa, sits down next to a pile of toys and engaged in business, looking, studying.
Thus, I fill out another form, the psychological atmosphere of the family. I ask, not that of the social aspects that are necessary. Since the child and family is a unified system. There were cases when, it is a normal child, bought Delayed mental development. The term "developmental delay" refers to syndromes time lag of the psyche as a whole or its individual functions (motor, sensory, speech, emotional and volitional), slow the pace of coded in the genotype properties of organisms. As a result of temporary factors and mild (early deprivation, poor care, and so on. D.), The delay tempo can be reversible.
However, his mother began to sound the alarm, only after receiving an official paper from the doctor. A factor was this syndrome, my stepfather, who tihorya, to contribute, I will not describe, but there is usually a plant or lowered.
We're almost all discussed in my chair flying, I deftly dodge yet nemnozhno date and I would have been assured. Arthur begins to beat me with their rechonkami, and in the eyes of such nenavesti. But, I roll, shredded, his hands in his pockets and click on pisschalku, toy, produces a nasty sound, switch the child's attention, and he immediately stopped.
He confused little eyes widened:
- I said to him, I came to you for a visit, I'm not offended, wanted to show you, Bear, you probably do not want to see him?
Ho ... chu (talking on syllables)
-medvezhonok come to you yourself, if you will draw him the track, the track will draw?
-bu ... I eat.
Sat at the table of his children, and give him a pencil, he kept cool and can not understand. I take a pencil and show how it is ... Eyes shone, snot-drooling in different directions, including me. I insert a pencil in his little hand, and together we're on a leaf. He was happy, but I promised. I got out with his magic toy bear costume.
I give him a teddy bear. He considers it, and I said to him:
- He can stay with you, if you will draw him the path home, and tomorrow I'm home I spend it well.
Well, that's all, contacts have been established, will work tomorrow. I collect toys to give homework mother. Fill with her note-book where I write down how to perform the task.

And the work continues. The technique is used, and our experts, but mostly to fit the situation. The main task, if a child with mental retardation, the development push that a little bit delayed, help the child to adapt to this world.
If other cases, mental retardation, debilizm and border states, there are other challenges. The main thing is patience in the faith in these kids and love them. In my practice, 9 children of normal physiological and psychological development, due to misdiagnosis acquired such syndromes have been overlooked by parents who believed the diagnosis, and gave up, thereby removing all responsibility, and nearly ruined and their lives, and kids. 11 Down syndrome children have acquired after vaccination, 8 children with deviant behavior, have been victims of caring mothers and advertising of dietary supplements, in that year, there were 3 children -6-7 years with a diagnosis of autism, which is why it manifested itself against the normal flu vaccine.
Photos will not spread, because I'm a professional, and to maintain the secrecy of the family and the child.
Now, you can hear about all sorts of children's schools, Montessori, Scarlet Sails, and the rest are full of posters, but no advertising help with other children who also need professionals.
Reading the comments Yapovtsev, thought patterns and this mania to offend the person and hung his label, has led me to write this post.
In every profession, as well as in the nation, has its freaks, not specialists. IMHO, 100%
World Human !!!