Construction dinghy "Crab".
About 30 photos + text.
Questions, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.
Instead of an epigraph, a phrase that sounds the first of many books on yahtennomusamostroyu:
"Do you want to divorce his wife begin to build a boat.»
My passion for boats began probably as early as the first grade. I, like many children, loved to draw drafts on primitive boats, painted in various colors, equipped with all kinds of weapons, we had his sea - on paper. Then, having become a little older, long winter evenings carved his first ship. When spring came, he rigged a sail, keel, rudder and a long fishing line for the first time let the channel. As time passed, there were other things to do and passion somehow faded.
In the summer of 2002 after a 2-year college I went to work on a construction site in Taman. Already do not remember exactly when it happened, whether at the beginning, or the end of the working week with a friend, we went to the beach. On the surface of the water, I saw a small boat that ran under sail, struck me as kind of the Gulf, "the port of Caucasus" in the far grayish haze and the small boat. Probably, since then and I started my "disease"!
In the fall I went to study in Krasnodar. Since the computer was not, and in an internet cafe will not sit long, and meaning if there is no place to read the downloaded information, go to the library to look for books. But to be honest, I did not succeed has brought probably had a better look. In the spring, I became the proud owner of a new computer all weekend in his spare time "read online"! Bit by bit collecting information. One of the most important things that influenced me was reading the diary of F. Konyukhov its autonomous circumnavigation without calling at ports on the yacht "Karaana." It was also a lot of sites about samostroyschikah. Sites at the time were still on pure Html and does not take up much space. So I just completely downloaded from the Internet to their computer and have no connection studied. All described and explained in accessible language with plenty of photos. The idea of self-built inspired me, and I decided to build a boat, as described so simple (naive!). The choice stopped on the dinghy "Robinson" than he was justified, I do not remember.
Began walking to Calvary, they said, rested his head against the wall! We needed a material that had to be something to handle it, etc. etc. Houses stood circular saw, but hardly suitable - a long standing in the water. It took a couple of weeks to restore it. Not having the skills to work with wood on the circular saw, a long time fiddling with the processing of the first boards. There was a lot of marriage dissatisfaction that does not work, the desire to throw, and the dream was still stronger and the construction progressed slowly.
And here are the first frames are ready! And since the frames are ready, and the boat would soon be built, further descent to the water, the water means - need protection from decay, respectively - impregnation varnish! How ingenious to build a logical chain, and because there was nobody to tell - "Go smoke ABC", in the sense of "Teach materiel, student"! Linseed oil is well absorbed, but dried up, and for some reason, almost a month - for me it is still a mystery. The summer passed, and began studying "read the Internet" on weekends. The more information I get the more clearly understood that complicated project chosen at the stage of construction of the frames has been stopped.
As time went on because of various independent of the circumstances I constantly postponed the start of construction, I continued to study the information. After much thought, and the Board decided to opt for a boat, "crab", probably because many recommend it for beginners shipbuilders as a simpler and more affordable option. The method of construction is called "sew and glue", ie sheets are glued and stitched wire tseklotkanyu. By the conviction that no sailors, in a way built yachts up to 15 meters. Finally bought the first sheets of waterproof plywood are cut, sewn wire, the boat began to take its shape.
1. Cut the bottom of the boat and see one of the sides.
2. The board, which consists of two halves, sewn with copper wire and move apart at a certain angle braces to correct the boat took shape.
3. Most of this phase of construction photos, unfortunately remained. Here we see that the boat had already taken shape, but there are spacers, not to lose shape. Between the side and bottom superimposed fillet roughly rounding. Firstly, closing protruding wire, secondly, it provides additional strength. Just superimposed strips of fiberglass soedinayuschie respectively side and bottom, again for strength.
4 and 5. Glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin and become transparent.
6. Few walked away from the project and decided to make a bow locker closing. The first board with the nose place where the tower will stand. Perpendicular to the strips, which will be based plywood, other photos will be seen.
7. That is just the kind of the stern.
8. Fiberglass laid on the bottom of the view from the stern.
9. The same kind of nose.
10. Glass fiber impregnated with epoxy also become transparent. Here I made a mistake or omitted epoxy was defective, felts not diluted, but even after a week resin did not, and had to be removed and re-stick.
11. The same.
12. Some pictures of construction is also not found. Here the boat is in the garage. Glass-stick at the bottom, fixed Hold-down for protection when beaching, seen as the clamps pressed against fender.
13. Starboard epoxy hardened, and start shkurit.
14. View from the nose, which has a transom shape, as it is written, "for better germination rate on the wave," I have not come across
15. Igor, faithful assistant to the event.
Winter came to work with epoxy garage became impossible. Spring began his worries, again gave the boat a little time in the summer had a lot of work. Construction has been slow and uncertain, flattered themselves with the hope that in the autumn evenings will continue to build, but as always it was just complacency and procrastination time. In the autumn it became cool again in the winter of work no ... Still, the time came when the head something clicked, and the work moved forward by leaps and bounds!
16. A number of photos missing. Start painting the bottom of the primer had to put two layers because not enough fiberglass, and plywood is strongly absorbed the paint.
17. Painted Boat view from the stern.
18. View from the nose. Visible support bars for plywood hole for the mast at the bottom Steps (focus) for her also.
19. fixed "Deck" can be seen, where there will be lyuchek for access.
20. Fully painted little podshlifovali and washed.
21. You can set sail on the water! Fixed tiller, drop keels, included by established and ducks.
22. Try on the flag.
23. Inspection of the bottom of the presence of shoals.
24. Type in the nose.
25. And the construction is over! To be honest, was not myself. There is no need to rush to the garage, do not shave, cut, putty, skin, paint! As well? There was a feeling that took something very close, like a small child some the most important toy! But in the end, on the contrary! Do not "taken", and received a toy!
Now we were running tests. For various reasons, the first output postponed. I tried every day to go to the river - waiting for the water to rise and will "correct the wind" (upstream). And here came the day X! Once again, I left to explore and has been satisfied - the water rose, the wind was not subsided east. Sailing home, checking everything is in place.
Sail (dinghy from the "Optimist") ordered on the local shveynoyfabrike, made of tent fabric.
26. Launching a bottle of champagne is not broken, but poured
27. The armed and customizable.
28. In the way the adventures !!! We see how little space for two, all because of the lockers in the nose, took a lot of space. For one at the time to train.
29. In addition to reading books about sailing, was the only experience sailing - 4th July passed from VDTS "Eaglet" - Tuapse - VDTS "Eaglet" Vitaly Yelagin yacht micro "Stribog", but that's another story.
30. Photo very little because on the phone, but still went! Boom-sheet in one hand and the tiller in the other, and in the boat, but two, settled three other well-known companion of any rowboat "Row b ...", "Used To ...?", "There used .. .! "The local fishermen with interest and perhaps a laugh from afar people could not see, looking at the two eccentrics trying to catch the wind. The worst assumptions do not materialize, and we were dashing sailing against the current, accelerating as much (scary thought!) To 2 knots! Overwhelms the experience, I think it is not necessary to describe.
The only thing that has not been done - to deploy a boat and go to a close-hauled (at an angle of 45 degrees against the wind) as soon as dinghy became the wind, and therefore the flow, he stopped, and only with the help of oars managed somehow manage and so little typing course, leading to the wind, and start all over again. This problem left on homework.
Posted in [mergetime] 1330237395 [/ mergetime]
Sori for the quality of all the pictures on phones and at different times and on different phones.
That's all I wanted to say.
Questions, comments and constructive criticism are welcome.
Instead of an epigraph, a phrase that sounds the first of many books on yahtennomusamostroyu:
"Do you want to divorce his wife begin to build a boat.»
My passion for boats began probably as early as the first grade. I, like many children, loved to draw drafts on primitive boats, painted in various colors, equipped with all kinds of weapons, we had his sea - on paper. Then, having become a little older, long winter evenings carved his first ship. When spring came, he rigged a sail, keel, rudder and a long fishing line for the first time let the channel. As time passed, there were other things to do and passion somehow faded.

In the summer of 2002 after a 2-year college I went to work on a construction site in Taman. Already do not remember exactly when it happened, whether at the beginning, or the end of the working week with a friend, we went to the beach. On the surface of the water, I saw a small boat that ran under sail, struck me as kind of the Gulf, "the port of Caucasus" in the far grayish haze and the small boat. Probably, since then and I started my "disease"!
In the fall I went to study in Krasnodar. Since the computer was not, and in an internet cafe will not sit long, and meaning if there is no place to read the downloaded information, go to the library to look for books. But to be honest, I did not succeed has brought probably had a better look. In the spring, I became the proud owner of a new computer all weekend in his spare time "read online"! Bit by bit collecting information. One of the most important things that influenced me was reading the diary of F. Konyukhov its autonomous circumnavigation without calling at ports on the yacht "Karaana." It was also a lot of sites about samostroyschikah. Sites at the time were still on pure Html and does not take up much space. So I just completely downloaded from the Internet to their computer and have no connection studied. All described and explained in accessible language with plenty of photos. The idea of self-built inspired me, and I decided to build a boat, as described so simple (naive!). The choice stopped on the dinghy "Robinson" than he was justified, I do not remember.

Began walking to Calvary, they said, rested his head against the wall! We needed a material that had to be something to handle it, etc. etc. Houses stood circular saw, but hardly suitable - a long standing in the water. It took a couple of weeks to restore it. Not having the skills to work with wood on the circular saw, a long time fiddling with the processing of the first boards. There was a lot of marriage dissatisfaction that does not work, the desire to throw, and the dream was still stronger and the construction progressed slowly.
And here are the first frames are ready! And since the frames are ready, and the boat would soon be built, further descent to the water, the water means - need protection from decay, respectively - impregnation varnish! How ingenious to build a logical chain, and because there was nobody to tell - "Go smoke ABC", in the sense of "Teach materiel, student"! Linseed oil is well absorbed, but dried up, and for some reason, almost a month - for me it is still a mystery. The summer passed, and began studying "read the Internet" on weekends. The more information I get the more clearly understood that complicated project chosen at the stage of construction of the frames has been stopped.
As time went on because of various independent of the circumstances I constantly postponed the start of construction, I continued to study the information. After much thought, and the Board decided to opt for a boat, "crab", probably because many recommend it for beginners shipbuilders as a simpler and more affordable option. The method of construction is called "sew and glue", ie sheets are glued and stitched wire tseklotkanyu. By the conviction that no sailors, in a way built yachts up to 15 meters. Finally bought the first sheets of waterproof plywood are cut, sewn wire, the boat began to take its shape.
1. Cut the bottom of the boat and see one of the sides.

2. The board, which consists of two halves, sewn with copper wire and move apart at a certain angle braces to correct the boat took shape.

3. Most of this phase of construction photos, unfortunately remained. Here we see that the boat had already taken shape, but there are spacers, not to lose shape. Between the side and bottom superimposed fillet roughly rounding. Firstly, closing protruding wire, secondly, it provides additional strength. Just superimposed strips of fiberglass soedinayuschie respectively side and bottom, again for strength.

4 and 5. Glass fiber impregnated with epoxy resin and become transparent.


6. Few walked away from the project and decided to make a bow locker closing. The first board with the nose place where the tower will stand. Perpendicular to the strips, which will be based plywood, other photos will be seen.

7. That is just the kind of the stern.

8. Fiberglass laid on the bottom of the view from the stern.

9. The same kind of nose.

10. Glass fiber impregnated with epoxy also become transparent. Here I made a mistake or omitted epoxy was defective, felts not diluted, but even after a week resin did not, and had to be removed and re-stick.

11. The same.

12. Some pictures of construction is also not found. Here the boat is in the garage. Glass-stick at the bottom, fixed Hold-down for protection when beaching, seen as the clamps pressed against fender.

13. Starboard epoxy hardened, and start shkurit.

14. View from the nose, which has a transom shape, as it is written, "for better germination rate on the wave," I have not come across

15. Igor, faithful assistant to the event.

Winter came to work with epoxy garage became impossible. Spring began his worries, again gave the boat a little time in the summer had a lot of work. Construction has been slow and uncertain, flattered themselves with the hope that in the autumn evenings will continue to build, but as always it was just complacency and procrastination time. In the autumn it became cool again in the winter of work no ... Still, the time came when the head something clicked, and the work moved forward by leaps and bounds!
16. A number of photos missing. Start painting the bottom of the primer had to put two layers because not enough fiberglass, and plywood is strongly absorbed the paint.

17. Painted Boat view from the stern.

18. View from the nose. Visible support bars for plywood hole for the mast at the bottom Steps (focus) for her also.

19. fixed "Deck" can be seen, where there will be lyuchek for access.

20. Fully painted little podshlifovali and washed.

21. You can set sail on the water! Fixed tiller, drop keels, included by established and ducks.

22. Try on the flag.

23. Inspection of the bottom of the presence of shoals.

24. Type in the nose.

25. And the construction is over! To be honest, was not myself. There is no need to rush to the garage, do not shave, cut, putty, skin, paint! As well? There was a feeling that took something very close, like a small child some the most important toy! But in the end, on the contrary! Do not "taken", and received a toy!
Now we were running tests. For various reasons, the first output postponed. I tried every day to go to the river - waiting for the water to rise and will "correct the wind" (upstream). And here came the day X! Once again, I left to explore and has been satisfied - the water rose, the wind was not subsided east. Sailing home, checking everything is in place.
Sail (dinghy from the "Optimist") ordered on the local shveynoyfabrike, made of tent fabric.

26. Launching a bottle of champagne is not broken, but poured

27. The armed and customizable.

28. In the way the adventures !!! We see how little space for two, all because of the lockers in the nose, took a lot of space. For one at the time to train.

29. In addition to reading books about sailing, was the only experience sailing - 4th July passed from VDTS "Eaglet" - Tuapse - VDTS "Eaglet" Vitaly Yelagin yacht micro "Stribog", but that's another story.

30. Photo very little because on the phone, but still went! Boom-sheet in one hand and the tiller in the other, and in the boat, but two, settled three other well-known companion of any rowboat "Row b ...", "Used To ...?", "There used .. .! "The local fishermen with interest and perhaps a laugh from afar people could not see, looking at the two eccentrics trying to catch the wind. The worst assumptions do not materialize, and we were dashing sailing against the current, accelerating as much (scary thought!) To 2 knots! Overwhelms the experience, I think it is not necessary to describe.
The only thing that has not been done - to deploy a boat and go to a close-hauled (at an angle of 45 degrees against the wind) as soon as dinghy became the wind, and therefore the flow, he stopped, and only with the help of oars managed somehow manage and so little typing course, leading to the wind, and start all over again. This problem left on homework.
Posted in [mergetime] 1330237395 [/ mergetime]
Sori for the quality of all the pictures on phones and at different times and on different phones.
That's all I wanted to say.
