5 facts about infinity
Few informative letters about infinity under the cut
All people know the number and use to describe something incomprehensibly vast. However, the infinity - not such a simple concept as it seems at first glance.
1. According to the rules of infinity, there are an infinite number of both the even and odd numbers. However, the odd numbers will be exactly half of the total numbers.
2. infinity plus one equals infinity, if you take away one - an endless folding of two infinity get infinite, infinity, divided by two equals infinity, if you subtract infinity from infinity, then the result is not entirely clear, but the infinity divided by infinity, likely equals unity.
3. The scientists found that in the known universe of subatomic particles exist in 1080 - this is the part that was investigated. Many scientists believe that the universe is infinite, and scientists who are skeptical about the infinity of the universe, in this matter nevertheless admit such a possibility.
4. If the universe is infinite, from a mathematical point of view, it turns out that somewhere there is a replica of the planet, since it is likely that the atoms "double" occupy the same position as on the planet. The chances that such an option exists, negligible, but in the infinite universe is not only possible, but must necessarily occur and, at least, an infinite number of times, with the proviso that the universe is still infinitely infinite.
5. However, not everyone is convinced that the universe is infinite. Israeli mathematician, Professor Doron Zelberger, convinced that the numbers can not increase indefinitely, and there is a huge number, that if you add one to it, you get zero. However, the number and value lie far beyond human understanding, and it is likely that number will never be found and proved. This conviction is the main principle of mathematical philosophy, known as the "Ultrabeskonechnost».
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All people know the number and use to describe something incomprehensibly vast. However, the infinity - not such a simple concept as it seems at first glance.
1. According to the rules of infinity, there are an infinite number of both the even and odd numbers. However, the odd numbers will be exactly half of the total numbers.
2. infinity plus one equals infinity, if you take away one - an endless folding of two infinity get infinite, infinity, divided by two equals infinity, if you subtract infinity from infinity, then the result is not entirely clear, but the infinity divided by infinity, likely equals unity.
3. The scientists found that in the known universe of subatomic particles exist in 1080 - this is the part that was investigated. Many scientists believe that the universe is infinite, and scientists who are skeptical about the infinity of the universe, in this matter nevertheless admit such a possibility.
4. If the universe is infinite, from a mathematical point of view, it turns out that somewhere there is a replica of the planet, since it is likely that the atoms "double" occupy the same position as on the planet. The chances that such an option exists, negligible, but in the infinite universe is not only possible, but must necessarily occur and, at least, an infinite number of times, with the proviso that the universe is still infinitely infinite.
5. However, not everyone is convinced that the universe is infinite. Israeli mathematician, Professor Doron Zelberger, convinced that the numbers can not increase indefinitely, and there is a huge number, that if you add one to it, you get zero. However, the number and value lie far beyond human understanding, and it is likely that number will never be found and proved. This conviction is the main principle of mathematical philosophy, known as the "Ultrabeskonechnost».
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